See also: Caliper Calipering Caliber Calliper Calibration Caliph Calibrate Calisthenics Caliphate Calico Calibre Calibrated Calidad Caliginous California Cali Caliente Caligula
1. What does the word Calipered mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word Calipered in our free online dictionary!
2. Yes, Calipered is a Scrabble word!and is worth 14 points in Scrabble, and 17 points in Words with Friends
3. Above are the results of unscrambling Calipered
4. We found a total of 398 words by unscrambling the letters in Calipered.
5. Howell: The Calipered technique accurately sets the femoral component coincident to the patient’s pre-arthritic joint lines by recording the measurement and adjusting the thickness (when necessary) of bone resections and following a series of verification checks (see Figure 2, above).
Calipered, Component, Coincident, Checks
6. Session 2 - Scientific Support and Clinical Outcomes of Calipered Kinematic Alignment
Clinical, Calipered
7. Session 3 - Today's Approach to Calipered Kinematic Alignment: Surgical Technique.
8. I also got Calipered and my BF was 11%
9. These results validate Calipered KA TKA as a surgical technique which closely restores the distal and posterior femoral joint lines to those planned and achieves concomitant high patient-reported outcome scores
Calipered, Closely, Concomitant
10. Thus, surgeons can use the Calipered KA TKA technique with confidence that the surgical alignment goal will be satisfied with
Can, Calipered, Confidence
11. Calipered - find the meaning and all words formed with Calipered, anagrams with Calipered and much more
12. The word Calipered uses 9 letters: a, c, d, e, e, i, l, p, r
13. Calipered is playable in: Words With Friends 17
14. Calipered measurements of the thicknesses of the femoral and tibial bone resections restore the native joint lines with high reproducibility when they are adjusted within ±0.5 mm of the femoral and tibial components after compensating for cartilage and bone wear and the 1 mm kerf from the saw cut [20–22].
Calipered, Components, Compensating, Cartilage, Cut
15. Calipered 14 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Calipered 14 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Calipered 17 is a valid word in WWF
Calipered, Canada, Csw, Countries
16. Definitions for the word, Calipered
17. Outcomes in Patients with a Calipered Kinematically Aligned TKA That Already Had a Contralateral Mechanically Aligned TKA
Calipered, Contralateral
18. Simply swapping the master cylinder to a smaller bored piston made the brakes come to life on a single Calipered …
Cylinder, Come, Calipered
19. Calipered kinematically aligned GMK Sphere TKA
20. Unrestricted Calipered kinematic alignment (KA) is an individualized approach that strives to restore the patient’s prearthritic joints lines, limb, and Q angle or ‘phenotype’ without releasing healthy ligaments, including the posterior cruciate ligament [ 9 ].
Calipered, Cruciate
21. James Trauger, one of our Joint Specialists, was recently featured in a 4-part series called Total Knee Arthroplasty: Calipered Kinematic Alignment, sponsored by the International Congress for Joint Reconstruction
Called, Calipered, Congress
22. Trauger discusses the differences between Calipered Kinematic Alignment vs
23. Unrestricted Calipered kinematic alignment (KA) is an individualized approach that strives to restore the patient's prearthritic joints lines, limb, and Q angle or 'phenotype' without releasing
24. Calipered kinematic alignment effectively treats patients with severe pre-operative varus and valgus deformities (Figure 10 and Figures F–G, available in the online version of this article).
25. Produced to the most exacting tolerances and standards, every ball in these sets is, on top of the multiple regular controls, individually Calipered to insure maximum consistency from ball to ball in order to constitute a homogeneous matched set for true excellence at play.
Controls, Calipered, Consistency, Constitute
26. Calipered kinematically aligned TKA restores the patient’s pre-arthritic joint lines without releasing healthy ligaments, which results in fast recovery, high outcome scores, long-term implant survival, and a low risk of complications.
Calipered, Complications
27. The Calipered KA requires mastering 10 sequential caliper measurements that set the femoral and tibial components coincident with the native femoral and tibial joint lines
Calipered, Caliper, Components, Coincident
28. On-line surgical videos and an animated surgical technique are free educational resources for learning and practicing the Calipered KA technique , .
29. PSI-KA, Calipered KA only removed the residual cartil-age on the severely worn side
Calipered, Cartil
30. Rib Spacing (top & bottom), in (mm) Calipered 0.4 (10) Typical Central Rib Spacing, in (mm) Calipered 0.5 (12.5) Typical Unsupported Aperture Area, in 2 (mm ) Calipered 0.3 (195) Max Thickness, mil (mm) ASTM D 5199 280 (7.1) ±10% Geotextile(2) Strength AASHTO M 288 Exceeds Class 2 UV Resistance (500 hrs), % ASTM D 4355 70 MARV
Calipered, Central, Class
31. Calipered kinematic alignment sets the femoral component coincident to the distal articular surface of the native femur
Calipered, Component, Coincident
32. 7 hours ago · Hiding not-so-subtly behind said wheels are bigger-disced, red-Calipered Brembo brakes