Use Cadaver in a sentence

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See also: Cadaver Cadaverous Cadaveric Cadaverine Cadaverousness Cadence Cadastral Cadastre Cada

1. Cadaver definition is - a dead body; especially : one intended for dissection


2. How to use Cadaver in a sentence.


3. A Cadaver is a dead body, especially a dead human body. The word Cadaver is sometimes used interchangeably with the word corpse, but Cadaver is especially used in a scientific context to refer to …

Cadaver, Corpse, Context

4. A Cadaver settles over the three months after embalming, dehydrating to a normal size


5.Cadaver” is a suggestive fable about struggling to be hopeful despite, well, everything. It's also a little too monotonous and uninvolving to be of great solace right now


6. Thankfully, “Cadaver” does have an effectively chilly ambience, which helps a little whenever writer/director Jarand Herdal’s scenario is as obvious as Mathias.

Cadaver, Chilly

7. Cadaver is the latest film to be added to Netflix's extensive collection of horror flicks, and it will keep viewers on the edge of their seats

Cadaver, Collection

8. Cadaver a Norwegian Netflix horror film set in a (sigh) post-apocalyptic hellscape where survival isn’t just a thing, it’s the only thing — and then that thing gets more difficult because


9. The story in Cadaver is too predictable, you’ll guess pretty quickly what will happen, but there is a creepy atmosphere that works well

Cadaver, Creepy

10. Cadaver Bag, Cadaver Bag Leakage-Proof 210D Waterproof Windproof Body Storage Bag Corpse Bag Funeral Supplies For Home Hospital (Black) 9 Resilia Body Bags for Cadavers - Emergency Storage and Removal, Adult Size Economical Heavy Black Opaque LLDPE Bag with 12” Twist tie, 38 inch x 102 inches, 6 Mil, 1 Bag 1

Cadaver, Corpse, Cadavers

11. It took me a while to adjust to experimenting on a Cadaver when I was at Med School


12. Cadaver supports file upload, download, on-screen display, namespace operations (move and copy), collection creation and deletion, and locking operations

Cadaver, Copy, Collection, Creation

13. A user familiar with these tools should be quite comfortable with Cadaver.

Comfortable, Cadaver

14. Cadaver studies on human specimens has shown that blood supply derives from the radial artery or its superficial palmar branch entering the scaphoid at the palmar, lateral aspect of the tubercle and from an intercarpal arch of the radial artery, which enters the scaphoid along its dorsal ridge


15. Release date 'Cadaver' is set to premiere on Netflix on October 22, 2020


16. Cadaver: [ kah-dav´er ] a dead body; generally applied to one preserved for anatomical study


17. Cadaver synonyms, Cadaver pronunciation, Cadaver translation, English dictionary definition of Cadaver


18. A Cadaver wakes up to say a last goodbye to his wife, but discovers a truth in death that he didn't know in life.


19. A Cadaver is a dead human body used in scientific or medical research. If you are dead, you are a corpse, but if Dr

Cadaver, Corpse

20. Cadaver definition, a dead body, especially a human body to be dissected; corpse

Cadaver, Corpse

21. 8 synonyms of Cadaver from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 6 related words, definitions, and antonyms


22. This is the commercialized form of bone morphogenic protein that comes from processing Cadaver bone from multiple donors

Commercialized, Comes, Cadaver

23. A more recent form of Cadaver-donated tissue is stem


24. The low, almost feminine, voice sharply accentuates the Cadaver-like face and figure. PRISON MEMOIRS OF AN ANARCHIST ALEXANDER BERKMAN Then when his fingers came in contact with the viscera of a Cadaver, that of a little child, he cried out …

Cadaver, Came, Contact, Child, Cried

25. Cadaver is a death metal band from Råde and Fredrikstad, Norway.The band had a brief venture in the early 1990s before splitting in 1993


26. Cadaver would eventually re-emerge as Cadaver Inc


27. For their final album, they fell back to using their original band name Cadaver and ended their activities in 2004, with their final live show in 2005.


28. Definition of Cadaver in the dictionary


29. What does Cadaver mean? Information and translations of Cadaver in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions

Cadaver, Comprehensive

30. Dapper Cadaver is a specialty prop shop offering the finest death-related props, haunted house props, scientific props, escape room props, themed decor and oddities


31. One used by medical students for study (Definition of Cadaver from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Cadaver, Cambridge, Content

32. New album EDDER & BILE out now via Nuclear Blast Records: Cadaver


33. (formal)Cadaver n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.




35. United Tissue Network (UTN) is an AATB accredited, non-transplant anatomical tissue bank providing Cadaver specimens to approved medical professionals dedicated to the advancement of medical technology, training and education.


36. Mary McMahon Date: February 03, 2021 A Cadaver may be used for organ harvesting or scientific research.


37. The term “Cadaver” is usually used in a medical context to refer to a human body which is being utilized for medical purposes, or the body of an animal which has died while under medical care.

Cadaver, Context, Care

38. Spoilers for 'Cadaver' In Netflix's Norwegian horror film 'Cadaver', the world is brought to a standstill following a nuclear disaster


39. Galician: ·corpse, Cadaver··Cadaver, corpse Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Corpse, Cadaver

40. Mary McMahon Date: February 26, 2021 A Cadaver dog is trained to find human remains.


41. A Cadaver dog or human remains dog is a special type of police dog which has been trained to search for Cadavers and human remains

Cadaver, Cadavers

42. With the use of a Cadaver dog, rescue crews can identify dead bodies in wreckage for future removal, and Cadaver dogs can also be used by crime units to find …

Cadaver, Crews, Can, Crime

43. Cadaver - the dead body of a human being; "the Cadaver was intended for dissection"; "the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse"; "the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river"; "honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay"

Cadaver, Corpse, Confessed, Comes, Clay

44. Cadaver (kuh-dah-vuhr) A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g


45. Cadaver (n.) "a dead body, a corpse," late 14c., from Latin Cadaver "dead body (of men or animals)," probably from a perfective participle of cadere "to fall, sink, settle down, decline, perish," from PIE root *kad-"to fall." Compare Greek ptoma "dead body," literally "a fall" (see ptomaine); poetic English the fallen "those who have died in battle."

Cadaver, Corpse, Cadere, Compare

46. Cadaver: A dead human body that may be used by physicians and other scientists to study anatomy, identify disease sites, determine causes of death, and provide tissue to repair a defect in a living human being

Cadaver, Causes

47. Students in medical schools study and dissect Cadavers as part of their education


48. Others who study Cadavers include archaeologists and artists


49. The Cadaver Laboratory and Anatomical Specimens


50. Cadaver Gals is a weekly podcast hosted by three friends, who discuss all the bizarre ways people have died throughout history to cope with their own mortality! Cadaver Gal‪s‬ iHeartRadio Comedy 2.6 • 236 Ratings; Cadaver Gals is a weekly podcast hosted by three friends, who discuss all the bizarre ways people have died throughout history

Cadaver, Cope, Comedy

51. A Cadaver laboratory is a laboratory that uses frozen Cadavers for hands-on training, education, and development of new surgical techniques

Cadaver, Cadavers

52. Cadaver laboratories provide a real life like experience where medical professionals and students, alike, can advance their understanding of human anatomy and physiology in addition to enhancing their

Cadaver, Can

53. • (video game) Cadaver is an isometric action-adventure game by the Bitmap Brothers • A dead human body that may be used by physicians and other scientists to study anatomy • A corpse, also called a Cadaver in medical literary and legal usage or when intended for dissection

Cadaver, Corpse, Called


CADAVER [kəˈdavər]

  • › What is a human cadaver
  • › Human cadavers for sale
  • › Human cadavers for medical research

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a cadaver considered to be a person or a thing?

Cadaverous is used to describe a person who looks as if they were dead, such as someone who looks especially thin, pale, or bony. Cadaverous is an adjective form of cadaver -a dead body, especially a dead human body. The word cadaver is sometimes used interchangeably with the word corpse, but cadaver is especially used in a scientific context to refer to a body that is the subject of scientific study or medical use, such as one that will be dissected.

What is the meaning of cadaver?

A cadaver is a dead body. The term “cadaver” is usually used in a medical context to refer to a human body which is being utilized for medical purposes, or the body of an animal which has died while under medical care. Many cultures have a variety of beliefs surrounding the respectful handling and disposal of the dead,...

What are human cadavers?

A cadaver is a dead human body that is used by medical students, physicians and other scientists to study anatomy, identify disease sites, determine causes of death, and provide tissue to repair a defect in a living human being. Students in medical school study and dissect cadavers as a part of their education.

What does cadaver mean in Latin?

The first records of the word cadaver come from the 1300s. It comes from the Latin cadāver, meaning "corpse," from the Latin verb cadere, meaning "to perish." One adjective form of cadaver is cadaverous, but it's not used in a technical way.

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