Use Bugbear in a sentence

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See also: Bugbear Bug Bugle Bugaboo Bubbly Rugby Bubble Bubonic Bubba

1. Bugbear sounds like some kind of grotesque hybrid creature from fable or folklore, and that very well may be what the word's creator was trying to evoke.

Bugbear, Be

2. Bugbear Here he is referring to one of his two great Bugbears, the other being representational acting

Bugbear, Bugbears, Being

3. From the Cambridge English Corpus It avoids the tired and over-worked villainization of the aristocracy - but only to replace it with the alternative Bugbear

But, Bugbear

4. Bugbears are hairy goblinoids born for battle and mayhem

Bugbears, Born, Battle

5. They survive by raiding and hunting, but are fond of setting ambushes and fleeing when outmatched. Bugbears are born for battle and mayhem.

By, But, Bugbears, Born, Battle

6. Virus name: Bugbear (also known as Tanatos or Bugbear.B).


7. Bugbear, by Chloe Moriondo is a song about herself, graduation, and the worry of what’s to come of her future in the adult world that comes shortly after graduation.

Bugbear, By

8. I have crafted a Barbarian Bugbear that uses a halberd weapon, and will take Polearm Mastery as a feat

Barbarian, Bugbear

9. Bugbears have the Long-Limbed trait:


10. Bugbear is currently working on 'Wreckfest' for PS4, XBOX One and PC


11. Since its inception in the year 2000 Bugbear Entertainment has been focused solely on driving games.

Bugbear, Been

12. A Bugbear is a medium humanoid, rising to the the same height as a human, though preferring to hunt and stalk with a stoop that make it look considerably shorter and more bestial

Bugbear, Bestial

13. Traits Brute: A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the Bugbear hits with it (included in the attack)

Brute, Bugbear

14. Surprise Attack: If the Bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack


15. Noun a thing that causes obsessive fear or anxiety (in English folklore) a goblin said to eat naughty children and thought to be in the form of a bear Word Origin for Bugbear

Be, Bear, Bugbear

16. What does Bugbear mean? A cause of fear, anxiety, or irritation


17. (noun) Overcrowding is often a Bugbear for train commuters.


18. A difficult or persistent problem: "One of the major Bugbears of traditional AI is the difficulty of programming computers to recognize that different but similar objects are instances of the same type of thing" (Jack Copeland)

Bugbears, But

19. Bugbears are between 6 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 250 and 350 pounds

Bugbears, Between

20. 28 synonyms of Bugbear from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 63 related words, definitions, and antonyms


21. Bugbear: something or someone that causes fear or dread especially without reason


22. A Bugbear is a mythical monster that appears in English folklore and was said to be related to the goblin, however, as the name suggests this evil spirit took the form of a bear and was used as a type of bogeyman to discourage children from bad behavior

Bugbear, Be, Bear, Bogeyman, Bad, Behavior

23. Although the Bugbear of legend is somewhat rare today its legacy continues in the word, which has become a broad term for the bogeyman in

Bugbear, Become, Broad, Bogeyman

24. Reaper Miniatures Bugbear Warrior (2 Pieces) #02818 Dark Heaven Unpainted Metal


25. Bugbear is a computer virus that spread in early October, 2002, infecting thousands of home and business computers

Bugbear, Business

26. Bugbears are giant, hairy cousins of goblins who frequent the same areas as their smaller relatives


27. Bugbears are large and very muscular, standing 7' tall


28. Though vaguely humanoid in appearance, Bugbears seem to contain the blood of some large carnivore

Bugbears, Blood

29. Bugbear definition: Something or someone that is your Bugbear worries or upsets you


30. The Bugbear is the largest of the goblinoid races, a lumbering brute that stands at least a head taller than most humans

Bugbear, Brute

31. They are loners, preferring to live and kill on their own rather than form tribes of their own kind, yet it isn’t uncommon to find small bands of Bugbears working together, or dwelling in goblin or hobgoblin tribes where

Bands, Bugbears

32. A Bugbear's racial Hit Dice also provide a +2 base attack bonus and saving throw of Fort +1, Ref +3, and Will +1

Bugbear, Base, Bonus

33. Bugbears with class levels add their class attack bonus and save bonuses to their racial attack bonuses and saves

Bugbears, Bonus, Bonuses

34. Humanoid Skills: A Bugbear's humanoid Hit Dice grant him skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) x6.


35. 1 Overview 2 Physical Description 3 Psychology 4 Culture 5 Notable Goblins 5.1 Notable Bugbear Individuals 5.2 Notable Bugbear Tribes A Bugbear is a tall and hulking humanoid distantly related to, but larger and stronger than, goblins and hobgoblins

Bugbear, But

36. Like many goblinoids, Bugbears speak the Goblin language


37. The Crossword Solver found 22 answers to the Bugbear crossword clue


38. Bugbear is a 2002 virus that has been responsible for thousands of cases of virus hacking that involve exploiting Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express to install a keylogger on personal and business computers

Bugbear, Been, Business

39. Bugbear is also known as Tanatos.


40. Bugbear names - Dungeons & Dragons


41. This name generator will give you 10 names that will generally fit the Bugbears in the Dungeons & Dragons universe


42. Bugbears are terrifying, humanoid monsters with only three main pastimes: sleeping, eating and bullying other creatures into taking care of everything else they might need.

Bugbears, Bullying

43. Bugbear (5e Race) Bugbear (5e Race Variant) 5e Other


44. Bugbears (Foundation Lands Supplement) 5e SRD


45. Bugbear; 4e Creatures 4e Classes 4e Races and Race Variants 4e Other


46. Bugbear Lineage (4e Feat) 3.5e Creatures


47. SRD:Bugbears (Half-Bugbears ; 3.5e Classes 3.5e Other: 3.5e SRD


48. Bugbear; Bugbear Zombie; Bugbears

Bugbear, Bugbears

49. A cause of fear, anxiety, or irritation: Overcrowding is often a Bugbear for train commuters


50. A difficult or persistent problem: "One of the major Bugbears of traditional AI is the difficulty of programming computers to recognize that different but similar objects are instances of the same type of thing" (Jack

Bugbears, But

51. Bugbears reach adulthood at age 16 and live up to 80 years


52. Bugbears endure a harsh existence that demands each of them to remain self-sufficient, even at the expense of their fellows


53. Bugbears are between 6 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 250 and 350 pounds

Bugbears, Between

54. Feb 12, 2021 - A Bugbear is depicted as a massive humanoid distantly related to goblins and hobgoblins


55. Named for the Bugbear of legend, the Bugbears of Dungeons & Dragons are goblinoid creatures, larger and stronger than hobgoblins

Bugbear, Bugbears

56. Gary Gygax adapted the Bugbear, and introduced the creature to the game in the 1975 Greyhawk supplement; the creature has since appeared in every subsequent


57. Bugbears are the monsters lurking in the closet and hiding under the bed

Bugbears, Bed

58. Preying on remote farmsteads, Bugbears reveal their presence with thumps in the night or creaks of boards to build lurking dread and arouse

Bugbears, Boards, Build

59. Edit source History Talk (0) Race: Bugbear


60. A Bugbear cannot mantain a grapple with a target 10 feet away


61. The Long-Limbed trait of the Bugbear in Volo's Guide to Monsters states (VGM, 119):


62. Hello everyone at Bugbear Entertainment, thank you so much for the update and I hope everyone is staying safe from COVID


63. You people at Bugbear are rocking and I feel so grateful to be part of this amazing community.

Bugbear, Be

64. The Bugbear is the largest of the goblinoid races, a lumbering brute that stands at least a head taller than most humans

Bugbear, Brute

65. They are loners, preferring to live and kill on their own rather than form tribes of their own kind, yet it isn’t uncommon to find small bands of Bugbears working together, or dwelling in goblin or hobgoblin tribes where they function as elite guards or executioners.

Bands, Bugbears

66. Find 23 ways to say Bugbear, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


67. Bugbear 5e is a very short tempered creature and can easily fly into rages


68. They are prone to fight at the slightest of provocations however certain Bugbears are adamant to overcome the issue due to the rewards earned from the virtue.


69. The few stable Bugbear societies tend to fall into two broad categories: Bugbear ghettos and cabals

Bugbear, Broad

70. In Bugbear ghettos, a number of the creatures live under the rules (and watchful eyes) of a more stable governance


71. Killer Teddy Bear Bugbear is the first Dire Shadow mini-boss enemy the Phantom Thieves must defeat in Persona 5 Strikers (or Persona 5 Scramble).The mini-boss is encountered at Shibuya’s Jail, a Metaverse version of Shibuya, Tokyo.

Bear, Bugbear, Boss

72. Bugbear, please add at least one map without an eight, that's all I ask



BUGBEAR [ˈbəɡˌber]

  • › Why are bugbears called bugbears
  • › Bugbear in a sentence
  • › What is a bugbear

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the word bugbear mean in English?

Did You Know? Bugbear sounds like some kind of grotesque hybrid creature from fable or folklore, and that very well may be what the word's creator was trying to evoke.

What are bugbears in AI?

bug·bear 1 A cause of fear, anxiety, or irritation: Overcrowding is often a bugbear for train commuters. 2 A difficult or persistent problem: "One of the major bugbears of traditional AI is the difficulty of programming... 3 A fearsome imaginary creature, especially one evoked to frighten children. More ...

What is a bugbear sculpture?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Bugbear sculpture in Thieles Garten [de], Bremerhaven (2006) A bugbear is a legendary creature or type of hobgoblin comparable to the bogeyman (or bugaboo or babau or cucuy), and other creatures of folklore, all of which were historically used in some cultures to frighten disobedient children.

What does bugbear sound like?

Example Sentences Learn More about bugbear Did You Know? Bugbear sounds like some kind of grotesque hybrid creature from fable or folklore, and that very well may be what the word's creator was trying to evoke.

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