See also: Bucolic Buchon Bushplane Buchou Butcher Buche Buchanan Bucharest Buckshot Bush Buch Bucho
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8. By David Buchp inn Brussels HfJANCU^yc A MOTLE grouY op abouf 5t 0 diplomats an armd officersy , with severa dozel supporn t staff fro thm 1e 2 EC member states and th e Europea Comn - mission, wil todal y assembl ien Zagreb fo thr stare ot thf e European Community' first s venture in internationa peacel - keeping
By, Buchp, Brussels
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BUCHP [bən(t)SH]
Bunch Name Meaning English: nickname for a hunchback, from Middle English bunche 'hump', 'swelling' (of unknown origin). Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press Similar surnames: Bench, Buch, Bunce, Lynch, Winch, Beach, Branch, Burich, Munck, Burch
Definition of bunch. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : protuberance, swelling. 2a : a number of things of the same kind a bunch of grapes. b : group sense 2a a bunch of friends. c : a considerable amount : lot a bunch of money.
Typically, it would be more than four - two is a couple, three and four are called a few, so more than that is often called a bunch. Answer has 19 votes. Here's an example...LOL!
It is totally dependent upon the buncher and how many items he/she/it thinks should be bunched into the bunch. Answer has 39 votes. Currently voted the best answer. Typically, it would be more than four - two is a couple, three and four are called a few, so more than that is often called a bunch.