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See also: Bridled Bridge Bridle Bride Bridegroom Bridging Bridesmaid Bridal Bridgehead Bridleway

1. Bridled synonyms, Bridled pronunciation, Bridled translation, English dictionary definition of Bridled


2. A horse’s headgear; to take offense: She Bridled at the implication that she didn’t have the right to wear white.


3. Find 26 ways to say Bridled, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


4. Felipe Bridled him in a moment and then sprang across the acequia with the lariat in his hand.: Even the allwisest Stagyrite was bitted, Bridled and mounted by a light of love

Bridled, Bitted, By

5. Cuculain felt for his head in the dark, and bitted and Bridled him ere he was aware.: The destrier was newly saddled and Bridled, and showed proudly in his rich gay trappings.: With such hints for divagation, let us

Bitted, Bridled

6. This allows for patients of all ages to be safely Bridled with the AMT device

Be, Bridled

7. Patients of all ages to be safely Bridled with the AMT device

Be, Bridled

8. Bridled Shadehound is a level 60 NPC that can be found in The Maw

Bridled, Be

9. Bridled Tern is found in warm tropical waters worldwide


10. 11 synonyms and near synonyms of Bridled from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 19 antonyms and near antonyms


11. Bridled Honeyeater is found in rainforest in the higher elevations of the Wet Tropics in northern Queensland.


12. The Bridled tern (Onychoprion anaethetus) is a seabird of the family Laridae.It is a bird of the tropical oceans

Bridled, Bird

13. View the Bridled Canvas at


14. The Australian Parks Service purchased and protected the land, securing the future of the Bridled nailtail wallaby, whose numbers are still rising today


15. CAUGHT ON THE HOP; pets corner In the middle section, they placed a type of coral reef fish called a Bridled monocle bream.

Bridled, Bream

16. Summon (Bridled Shadehound) Radius: 2.5 yards: Flags: Aura is hidden; Cast time is hidden; Cannot be dodged, parried or blocked; Can be used while dead; Can be used while mounted; Can be used while sitting; Unaffected by invulnerability; Cannot be reflected; Does not break stealth; All spell effects are harmful; Generates no threat; Does not

Bridled, Be, Blocked, By, Break

17. What does Bridled mean? Simple past tense and past participle of bridle

Bridled, Bridle

18. In lower canyons of the Arizona mountains, the Bridled Titmouse is often one of the most common birds at all seasons, with small flocks moving about and chattering in the oaks as they search the branches for insects

Bridled, Birds, Branches

19. Bridled Noodles ( Pennsylvania Dutch ) 10 photos of Bridled Noodles ( Pennsylvania Dutch ) By Cassie * @1lovetocook1x 1

Bridled, By

20. I’ve been experimenting with flatfalls after I saw @Let em eat 74 design of a Bridled flat fall and I’ve got one that I think will work extremely well

Been, Bridled

21. Definition of Bridled in the dictionary


22. What does Bridled mean? Information and translations of Bridled in the most comprehensive …


23. PRE/ United States, Bridled Passion Farm, Bridled Passion Andalusians, Andalusian Breeder, Andalusian Breeder in Texas, P.R.E

Bridled, Breeder

24. Mary’s City, MD; and this pipe bowl made from Virginia clay features the face of a Bridled horse.

Bowl, Bridled

25. Synonyms for Bridled in Free Thesaurus


26. A small titmouse with a dashing swirl of black and white on its face, the Bridled Titmouse is a specialty of the middle-elevation forests of the southwestern U.S

Black, Bridled

27. Like other titmice species, Bridled Titmice are often at the center of foraging flocks that can include chickadees, kinglets, warblers, vireos, tanagers, and nuthatches.


28. Yes, always, and always Bridled for bigger fish

Bridled, Bigger

29. She Bridled at the suggestion that she should go


30. A small titmouse with a dashing swirl of black and white on its face, the Bridled Titmouse is a specialty of the middle-elevation forests of the southwestern U.S

Black, Bridled

31. Like other titmice species, Bridled Titmice are often at the center of foraging flocks that can include chickadees, kinglets, warblers, vireos, tanagers, and nuthatches.


32. ‘Anna Bridled at the implication that she couldn't look after herself.’ ‘How she had Bridled at his unsavory opinion of her.’ ‘Almost alone among them, Morrissey Bridled at the credit he got.’ ‘Mexico's tequila makers Bridled at its touting of Tequiza's tequila base, claiming it was misleading.’

Bridled, Base

33. The Bridled nail-tail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata), also known as the Bridled nail-tailed wallaby, Bridled nailtail wallaby, Bridled wallaby, merrin, and flashjack, is a vulnerable species of macropod.It is a small wallaby found in three isolated areas in Queensland, Australia, and whose population is declining.The total population of the species is currently estimated to be less than 500

Bridled, Be

34. The Bridled Tongue gives you a wonderful insight into the everyday life of a late 16th century household and workings of a manor house


35. The Bridled Tongue - Kindle edition by Meyrick, Catherine

Bridled, By

36. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Bridled Tongue.

Bookmarks, Bridled

37. Bridled White-eye Zosterops conspicillata conspicillata Status Endangered Listed August 27, 1984 Family Zosteropidae Description Bird with light green upper parts with yellowish-white chin and throat with dark-brown wing and ta Source for information on Bridled White-eye: Beacham's Guide to the Endangered Species of North America dictionary.

Bridled, Bird, Brown, Beacham

38. Re-Bridled designs and sells equestrian inspired totes, fashion purses and bags that are sewn using recycled equestrian materials.

Bridled, Bags

39. Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus Scientific name definitions


40. Bridled White-eyes have been observed foraging in 23 species of tree (Table 2) on Saipan, primarily by gleaning insects from leaves and branches in the outer canopy of limestone and Leucaena leucocephala forests (Craig 1989, 1996)

Bridled, Been, By, Branches

41. Rota Bridled white-eye nests were commonly suspended between branchlets and leaf petioles and were composed of rootlets, woven grass or Pandanus spp

Bridled, Between, Branchlets

42. Very little is known about the past distribution and abundance of Bridled white-eyes on Rota.


43. Bridled Passion Farm is a premiere breeder of Pure Spanish Andalusian horses of Spain

Bridled, Breeder

44. Re-Bridled designs and sells equestrian inspired totes, fashion purses and bags that are sewn using recycled equestrian materials.

Bridled, Bags


BRIDLED [ˈbrīdl]

  • › What is a bridle
  • › What does bridle mean
  • › Bit and bridle definition

Frequently Asked Questions

What does bridled mean?

bridled; bridling ˈbrīd-​liŋ , ˈbrī-​dᵊl-​iŋ . Definition of bridle (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to put a harness with which a horse is governed on the head of : to put a bridle (see bridle entry 1 sense 1) on bridle a horse.

What is the definition of bridle?

Definition of bridle. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : the headgear with which a horse is governed and which carries a bit (see bit entry 1 sense 2a) and reins.

What does BRI DLE mean?


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