Use Brevity in a sentence

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See also: Brevity Breve Breviary Brevet Brevis Breviloquent Breveted Brevemente Brev

1. Kids Definition of Brevity : the condition of being short or brief The concert's Brevity disappointed fans.

Brevity, Being, Brief

2. The quality of expressing much in few words; terseness: Ironically, it is long-winded Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet who famously says that Brevity is the soul of wit.


3. Teaching with Brevity January 15, 2021 Apprentice writers, students, and teachers can use our Brevity Archives and index to examine various craft elements and subject areas, and to locate models for essay types and craft techniques.


4. Noun 1. shortness, transience, impermanence, ephemerality, briefness, transitoriness The bonus of this homely soup is the Brevity of its cooking time

Briefness, Bonus, Brevity

5. Conciseness, economy, crispness, concision, terseness, succinctness, curtness, pithiness The Brevity of the letter concerned me.


6. Today's Comic from Brevity Read Now


7. Comics Read Brevity from the Beginning

Brevity, Beginning

8. Brevity's personalized jewelry is 100% unique, just like you


9. Brevity multi-service tactics, techniques, and procedures for multi-service Brevity codes atp 1-02.1 mcrp 3-30b.1 nttp 6-02.1 afttp 3-2.5 may 2020 distribution statement a: aprovedp forblic pu


10. Brevity publishes well-known and emerging writers working in the extremely brief (750 words or fewer) essay form. We have featured work from two Pulitzer prize finalists, numerous NEA fellows, Pushcart winners, Best American authors, and writers from …

Brevity, Brief, Best

11. Lengthiness 2 the quality or state of being marked by or using only few words to convey much meaning if Brevity is the soul of wit, then that speech wasn't at all witty

Being, By, Brevity

12. Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Multi-Service Brevity Codes


13. Description: This publication defines and standardizes air-to-air, air-to-surface, surface-to-air, and surface-to-surface Brevity code words in multi-Service operations.


14. Brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes.


15. Brevity codes in this publication in US Marine Corps training and doctrinal publications as directed by the Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC)

Brevity, By

16. The Navy will incorporate these Brevity codes in US Navy doctrinal and training publications as directed by the

Brevity, By

17. The definition of Brevity is defined as the quality of being brief. An example of Brevity is a point made quickly and clearly.

Brevity, Being, Brief

18. At Brevity our mission is to develop leading software tools for community care organisations at the right price, to make your job easier, your client’s lives better, and your business more efficient

Brevity, Better, Business

19. View the comic strip for Brevity by cartoonist Dan Thompson created March 20, 2021 available on

Brevity, By

20. / ˈbrev.ə.t̬i / using only a few words or lasting only a short time: His essays are models of clarity and Brevity

Brev, Brevity

21. Brevity is, in almost everything, a virtue.


22. The quality of expressing something in very few words; briefness Examples of Brevity in a sentence I hope the minister exercises Brevity in his sermon today

Briefness, Brevity

23. 🔊 Because she does not understand what the word “Brevity” means, my mother has never had a short phone conversation

Because, Brevity

24. The noun Brevity means shortness or conciseness


25. If you give a report on agriculture in the northern hemisphere in 3 minutes, you have done it with incredible Brevity


26. Brevity comes from brevis, which means "brief" in Latin.

Brevity, Brevis, Brief

27. Brevity is a thorough introduction to the form, offering a variety of strategies for composition, as well as a wide-ranging, international anthology linked to each chapter's focus


28. Explore Brevity Quotes by authors including Marcus Tullius Cicero, William Shakespeare, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge at BrainyQuote

Brevity, By, Brainyquote

29. "Brevity is a great charm of eloquence." - Marcus Tullius Cicero


30. Find 17 ways to say Brevity, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


31. Brevity saves time by having this all done in one simple and seamless process

Brevity, By

32. Introducing alldigital Brevity Ultimately he could only commemorate his brave boy's passing with the simple words inscribed on cenotaphs the world over and which I submit are a moving epitaph not only to valour but also to Brevity : "Known Unto God".

Brevity, Brave, Boy, But

33. [uncountable] (formal) the quality of using few words when speaking or writing synonym conciseness The report is a masterpiece of Brevity


34. Charles Dickens was not known for his Brevity.


35. Origin of Brevity is the Soul of Wit


36. It appears in his play, Hamlet, in the second act, where Polonius says, “Since Brevity is the soul of wit / And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief…” However, doubt about the creation of this phrase lurks among literary circles.

Brevity, Be, Brief

37. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Brevity quotes, Brevity sayings, and Brevity proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Below, Brevity

38. A Brevity code is a code which provides no security but which has as its sole purpose the shortening of messages rather than the concealment of their content (Joint Publication 1-02)

Brevity, But

39. ‘The Brevity of the short film format, sadly, undermines the good intentions of the filmmakers.’ ‘Conversely, the shorter numbers are often stifling in their Brevity.’ ‘Indeed, the only thing particularly remarkable about the story is it relative Brevity.’


40. Definition of Brevity in the dictionary


41. What does Brevity mean? Information and translations of Brevity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions


42. Brevity is the quality of being brief in duration.

Brevity, Being, Brief

43. ‘The Brevity of the short film format, sadly, undermines the good intentions of the filmmakers.’ ‘Conversely, the shorter numbers are often stifling in their Brevity.’ ‘Indeed, the only thing particularly remarkable about the story is it relative Brevity.’


44. See 3 authoritative translations of Brevity in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.


45. Brevity is the Soul of Wit Meaning


46. Wit can refer both to wisdom and to wittiness.Brevity is another form of the word brief, which means short and succinct.

Both, Brevity, Brief

47. To say that Brevity is the soul of wit is to say that keeping something succinct sounds wiser, wittier, and even funnier than a long, drawn-out statement.


48. Brevity partners with and supports local artists or communities so we can practice what we preach and be a part of building beautiful culture together

Brevity, Be, Building, Beautiful

49. Verbs for Brevity include brief, briefed, briefing and briefs

Brevity, Brief, Briefed, Briefing, Briefs

50. Brevity and Conciseness "'Brevity' is often used indifferently with 'conciseness'; but when any difference is implied, then properly speaking, 'Brevity' refers to the matter, 'conciseness' to the style

Brevity, But

51. In fact, when Brevity of style is spoken of, it may be considered synonymous with 'conciseness.' Strictly speaking, however, 'Brevity' merely

Brevity, Be

52. Access to built-in Brevity system customisation tools Fully-managed solution hosted by Brevity, with 99.95% up time guarantee Peace of mind of knowing your data is secure, accessible, and reliable

Built, Brevity, By

53. Brevity (countable and uncountable, plural brevities) (uncountable) The quality of being brief in duration

Brevity, Brevities, Being, Brief

54. I can highly recommend Brevity to anybody who is looking for a true partner when it comes to Software development.


55. • Its Brevity, awkward composition and lukewarm style of its writing stemmed from the Committee's revisions


56. • Most surprising is that such force gets evoked in such Brevity of prose


57. • Fans were disappointed by the Brevity of the concert

By, Brevity

58. • I trust that the reader will therefore forgive the Brevity


59. Brevity partners with brands to simplify communication through design-focused digital marketing that generates measurable results.

Brevity, Brands

60. She is managing editor of Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction and a podcast host for the New Books Network's Literature channel, where she interviews authors about their debut books of nonfiction

Brevity, Books

61. Brevity by In The Nursery, released 31 January 2020 1

Brevity, By

62. Foul & Feral (Brevity mix) 5


63. Capture & Control (Brevity mix) 6


64. Kryptka (Brevity mix) A special selection of In The Nursery tracks remixed by the band - truncated and re-arrranged for maximum effect.

Brevity, By, Band

65. What Does Brevity Is the Soul of Wit Mean? This expression can be used in two different ways

Brevity, Be

66. To uncover its meanings, let’s first look to the definitions of the words Brevity, soul, and wit.


67. Brevity means short in duration.It’s another way of saying brief or concise, and it’s very often used, as it is here, to indicate succinct expression.

Brevity, Brief

68. Brevity definition: The Brevity of something is the fact that it is short or lasts for only a short time



BREVITY [ˈbrevədē]

  • › Brevity of the situation
  • › Brevity used in a sentence

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