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1. Breakdowns are also similar in that they lead to a loss of the ability to function normally


2. Different types include Breakdowns caused by depression or an anxiety disorder, a breakdown that causes psychotic symptoms, or work-related burnout

Breakdowns, By, Breakdown, Burnout

3. Nervous Breakdowns may also differ in the types of situations that cause the stress and whether they


4. As the primary distributor of casting Breakdowns it is used by CSA Casting Directors throughout North America.

Breakdowns, By

5. Baldy's Breakdowns: How Joe Judge used Giants' rushing game to beat Seahawks NFL Network's Brian Baldinger breaks down the New York Giants' hard-nosed running attack boosted the team to a win in

Baldy, Breakdowns, Beat, Brian, Baldinger, Breaks, Boosted

6. If your region requires tax Breakdowns, registration numbers, and invoices or purchase receipts, you'll find them in your Order history.


7. Breakdowns is a collected volume of underground comic strips by American cartoonist Art Spiegelman.The book is made up of strips dating to before Spiegelman started planning his graphic novel Maus, but includes the strip "Maus" which presaged the graphic novel, and "Prisoner on the Hell Planet" which is reproduced in Maus.The original edition of 1977 is subtitled From Maus to Now; the expanded

Breakdowns, By, Book, Before, But

8. Presenting Breakdowns in pop-ups


9. Here are two examples that convey Breakdowns by race/ethnicity of the overall attributes being mapped: home ownership using a simple

Breakdowns, By, Being

10. Here’s what our new map Breakdowns will include: 40 waypoints to key structure you can transfer to your fish finder


11. Nervous Breakdowns may be treatable by lifestyle modifications such as practicing regular relaxation or learning breathing techniques to practice when you feel stress coming on

Breakdowns, Be, By, Breathing

12. In some cases, however, especially when nervous Breakdowns are related to an anxiety disorder, medication may be required to treat your nervous breakdown.

Breakdowns, Be, Breakdown

13. ‘Some mechanical Breakdowns could be avoided if drivers properly inspected the buses before they begin their routes, as required by federal law, Scanlon said.’ ‘This lack of foresight caused numerous mechanical Breakdowns.’ ‘As a side note, beware of mechanical Breakdowns

Breakdowns, Be, Buses, Before, Begin, By, Beware

14. The second part presents a facsimile of Breakdowns, the long-sought after collection of the artist's comics of the 1970s, the book that triggers these memories

Breakdowns, Book

15. Breakdowns established the mode of formally sophisticated comics that transformed the medium, and includes the prototype of Maus , cubist experiments, an essay on humor, and the


16. Our "Bible Breakdowns" were designed with this goal in mind

Bible, Breakdowns

17. Instead of reading a passage "blind", our Bible Breakdowns give the reader a subject-by-subject overview of each book

Blind, Bible, Breakdowns, By, Book

18. Take a deep dive into Breakdowns with our course User Experience: The Beginner’s Guide

Breakdowns, Beginner

19. Leveraged Breakdowns is a fantastic program and is the ultimate preparation vehicle for Real Estate Private Equity


20. Breakdowns, along with metrics and filters, determine what data is shown in your reports.Breakdowns help you slice your report data by certain attributes, such as …

Breakdowns, By

21. Synonyms for Breakdowns in Free Thesaurus


22. Breakdowns In this section, you will find all of the Breakdowns for current Comet diaphragm and high pressure plunger pumps


23. Experiencing big rig Breakdowns

Big, Breakdowns

24. According to the Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC), tires are the cause of 53.5 percent of roadside Breakdowns


25. Breakdowns is really the star of the collection though as we see Captain Gold and Gomez dealing with their feelings head-on, even coming into direct conflict with each other at one point


26. Breakdowns are sometimes found in metal and punk songs, as they can be used to eschew traditional verse–chorus–verse songwriting

Breakdowns, Be

27. When played live, Breakdowns are usually responded to by the audience with high-intensity moshing (slam dancing)

Breakdowns, By

28. Better script Breakdowns for better productions

Better, Breakdowns

29. 1 day ago · Fantasy Basketball: Week 14 Starts & Sits, teams to target and position Breakdowns What you need to know to set your lineups for Week 14

Basketball, Breakdowns

30. 1 day ago · EDD Computers GO Down Again, Following Numerous Breakdowns and Fraud Claims - March 22, 2021; CA Dept



BREAKDOWNS [ˈbrākˌdoun]


  • a mechanical failure.
Synonyms: malfunction . failure . crash .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of breaking down?

break down. 1. (intr) to cease to function; become ineffective: communications had broken down. 2. to yield or cause to yield, esp to strong emotion or tears: she broke down in anguish. 10. 11. an analysis or classification of something into its component parts: he prepared a breakdown of the report.

What does breakdown mean?

Definition of 'breakdown'. breakdown. The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.

What is another word for breaking down?

break down(verb) cause to fall or collapse. Synonyms: go, conk out, give way, collapse, crush, dissect, analyse, break, take apart, die, lose it, snap, crumble, decompose, break up, give out, tumble, analyze, fail, crumple, go bad.

What is breaking down?

Break down is a phrasal verb. It has various meanings, the two most common of which are to cease functioning and to disassemble. For example, Always break down your corrugated boxes before putting them in the recycling bin.