Use Braked in a sentence

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1. Braked In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives

Braked, Be

2. At the same time, a special device Braked the piston and the …


3. 4 synonyms of Braked from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 26 related words, definitions, and antonyms


4. Braked: to cause to move or proceed at a less rapid pace


5. Braked Sentence Examples He Braked and pulled the car to the side of the road


6. As we Braked to a stop, an ambulance pulled forward, its lights ablaze


7. Dustin Braked hard and swung his leg over the …


8. Definition of Braked in the dictionary


9. What does Braked mean? Information and translations of Braked in the most comprehensive …


10. Braked Towing Capacity: When you see brake capacity listed, it is referring to the maximum weight that a vehicle will be able to tow when the trailer being towed is equipped with its own braking

Braked, Brake, Be, Being, Braking

11. This law, however, did not serve in practice to secure so general a use of power brakes on freight trains as was thought desirable, and another act was passed in 1903 to give the Interstate Commerce Commission authority to prescribe what should be the minimum number of power-Braked

Brakes, Be, Braked

12. The only thing that can keep the rotor from stopping with the first alignment is the rotational inertia of the load connected to the motor shaft.However, since the braking action of the stator is present at all times, the motor is Braked quickly and smoothly to a standstill.

Braking, Braked

13. "To break" (as in "your face") expresses past tense as "broke" and "to brake" (as in "to avoid that SUV") is "Braked."

Break, Broke, Brake, Braked

14. Performed correctly, Braked turns provide the quickest heading change with the least altitude lost


15. A Braked turn may be the best choice when a quick heading change is needed

Braked, Be, Best

16. Past tense of brake is Braked. Broke is the past tense of break.

Brake, Braked, Broke, Break

17. See 4 authoritative translations of Braked in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.


18. As verbs the difference between breaked and Braked is that breaked is (nonstandard) (break) while Braked is (brake).

Between, Breaked, Braked, Break, Brake

19. Air-Braked goods wagons were introduced steadily from the mid-1960s (starting with the HAA-type hoppers for the new 'merry-go-round' trains) and the Mark 2a coaching stock with air brakes was built from 1967

Braked, Brakes, Built

20. Braked towing capacity refers to the maximum amount a vehicle is able to tow when the trailer that is in tow possesses its own individual braking system

Braked, Braking

21. Braked towing capacity is the towing capacity of a vehicle if the trailer being towed has its own braking system, typically connected to the vehicle's braking system via the trailer cable

Braked, Being, Braking

22. Braked towing capacity is typically significantly greater than unBraked towing capacity.


23. Synonyms for Braked in Free Thesaurus


24. The tread Braked spectrum is up to 9 dB (re 1 μm) higher than the corresponding spectrum for the disc Braked wheelset in the frequency range 200–2000 Hz


25. This corresponds to around a three times higher root mean square value of the roughness profile for the tread Braked wheel compared to the disc Braked


26. Six males [mean (SD): age 25.0 (6.0) years, height 179.0 (8.2) cm, mass 70.01 (7.42) kg, VO2max 4.63 (0.53) l.min-1, body fat 12.7 (2.3)%] performed three counterbalanced treatments of 30, 60 and 90 s of maximal cycling on an air-Braked ergometer.

Body, Braked

27. Tiger Woods Crash Probe: No Evidence He Ever Braked Celebrity News Giada De Laurentiis Talks Gut Health and How You Can ‘Eat Better, Feel Better’ with Her New Cookbook

Braked, Better

28. Armitage’s Braked A-Frames are the ideal way to hitch your car to the back of a motorhome

Braked, Back

29. She Braked suddenly to avoid a cat


30. The train Braked to a shuddering halt


31. Brake something He Braked the car and pulled in to the side of the road.

Brake, Braked

32. Selma Braked the car on a hill lined with town houses.


33. Hirepool has a variety of different trailers in our range and many of them are Braked, Braked trailers require a few extra steps so we’ve provided a foolproo


34. Before Denver's playoff train Braked hard in New England, the team's magical 2011-2012 could be broken into two chapters: Pre-Tebow, and Tebow

Before, Braked, Be, Broken

35. Momemts later the "pilgrim" Braked on the road only about 100 yards away


36. The 20' 4R Strato Safe Stand with Braked Wheels from Avenger is 5-section chrome-plated steel light stand that can reach 20' when fully extended, and can hold a maximum of 154.3 lb


37. The stand is made from chrome steel, and has three pneumatic Braked wheels to keep it in place when in use


38. Braked axles - Strong quality for every application


39. With a variety of the permissible axle loads (up to 8.5 t) and different wheel brakes designed for individual applications, BPW offers an extensive range of Braked axles with solid axle beams

Brakes, Bpw, Braked, Beams

40. 9 Steps to Hook Up a Braked Trailer


41. A simple, inexpensive calibrating method for mechanically Braked cycle ergometers was developed and tried out on a new type of ergocycle


42. Upgrading the Braked towing capacity is a sizable investment and it is a consideration made by many to upgrade the Aggregate Trailer Mass (ATM) to 4000kg also - in fact this is more of a recommendation rather then something to be considered.

Braked, By, Be

43. Looking for Braked? Find out information about Braked


44. Friction Brakes Friction brakes, the most common kind, operate on the principle Explanation of Braked

Brakes, Braked

45. A Braked double-axle multi-transporter by EDUARD is the ideal jack-of-all-trades

Braked, By

46. Braked Trailer Suspension Units


47. Our Braked trailer suspension units range from 550kg to 1500kg


48. Braked Pulley PRODUCT CODE : B-LB1002ADR (Available with any length of rope of your choice).


49. The 8.5' Avenger Wind Up Stand 26 with Braked Wheels is a heavy duty, chrome-plated steel stand with braking wheels and a single cranking, locking riser

Braked, Braking

50. Task 9-Braked Roi/ Conditions: Review the provisions of§ 25.493 of the FAR and JAR concerning the Braked roll condition and finalize a harmonized Notice uf Proposed Rulemaking


51. 1 day ago · Last Updated: 22nd March, 2021 16:30 IST Tiger Woods Update: Golfer Might NOT Have Braked At All After Losing Control During Crash Tiger Woods update: Golf legend reportedly did not brake at all while his vehicle veered out of the road during a horrific car crash in Los Angeles last month.

Braked, Brake


BRAKED [brāk]


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of brakes?

A device for slowing or stopping motion, as of a vehicle, especially by contact friction. 2. Something that slows or stops action. To reduce the speed of with or as if with a brake. 1. To operate or apply a brake. 2. To be slowed or stopped by or as if by the operation of a brake.

What does braked mean?

n., v. braked, brak•ing. n. 1. a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usu. by means of friction. 2. brakes, the drums, shoes, tubes, levers, etc., making up such a device on a vehicle. 3. anything that has a slowing or stopping effect.

What does the word brake mean?

brake 1. n., v. braked, brak•ing. n. 1. a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usu. by means of friction. 2. brakes, the drums, shoes, tubes, levers, etc., making up such a device on a vehicle.

What does braking mean?

(breɪk) n., v. braked, brak•ing. n. 1. a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usu. by means of friction. 2. brakes, the drums, shoes, tubes, levers, etc., making up such a device on a vehicle.