See also: Brahman Brahmanism Brahmana Brahmanda Brahmanic Brahmanical Brahmin Brah Braham Brahmacharya Brahms Brahe Brahim Brahmaputra Brahma
1. The Brahman breed’s development is an unparalleled success story
Brahman, Breed
2. With improved growth and performance, Brahman cattle increase profitability and enhance herd performance.
3. Brahman, in the Upanishads (Indian sacred writings), the supreme existence or absolute reality
4. Brahman, also spelled Brahmin, Sanskrit Brāhmaṇa (“Possessor of Brahma”), highest ranking of the four varna s, or social classes, in Hindu India.
Brahman, Brahmin, Br, Brahma
5. Brahman the Absolute God of Hindus, is a very mysterious Being
Brahman, Being
6. Brahman is a Sanskrit word that refers to the highest universal principle, also called the ultimate or absolute reality
7. Alternate Spellings: Brahman, Brahmana Examples: "Some people believe that the Buddha himself, Siddharta Gautama, was a member of a Brahmin family
Brahman, Brahmana, Believe, Buddha, Brahmin
8. The ABBA Bull Development & Marketing Program is designed to provide Brahman breeders with the opportunity to develop bulls, collect economically relevant data and market commercially oriented bulls in a cooperative effort
Bull, Brahman, Breeders, Bulls
9. Consignors/Nominees must be members of the American Brahman …
Be, Brahman
10. In Hinduism, Brahman refers to the supreme cosmic power, ontological ground of being, and the source, goal and purpose of all spiritual knowledge
Brahman, Being
11. Non-Hindus often translate Brahman as "God," but this is inaccurate
Brahman, But
12. According to Hinduism, Brahman is said to be ineffable and higher than any description of God in personal form.
Brahman, Be
13. Brahman is the oldest known persona of Joshua Hamilton, better known as Lil Darkie
Brahman, Better
14. The Brahman alias is a reference to the Hindu term of the same name.
15. Originally active from 2016, the Brahman
16. The Brahman breed (also known as Brahma) originated from Bos indicuscattle from India, the "sacred cattle of India".
Brahman, Breed, Brahma, Bos
17. Brahman, as understood by the scriptures of Hinduism, as well as by the 'acharyas' of the Vedanta school, is a very specific conception of the Absolute
Brahman, By
18. Thus to even call this conception of Brahman "God" is, in a sense, somewhat imprecise.
19. For Hindus, Brahman is the Ultimate Reality, the supreme God
20. The term also refers to the ‘divine consciousness.’ Brahman can be shown in many forms including deities - presentations of the divine.
Brahman, Be
21. The Brahman breed originated from Bos indicus cattle originally brought from India.Through centuries of exposure to inadequate food supplies, insect pests, parasites, diseases and the weather extremes of tropical India, the native cattle …
Brahman, Breed, Bos, Brought
22. Brahman is the Indestructible and Supreme Spirit
23. The individual soul is a part of Brahman
24. Brahman Capital is a New York based investment manager focused on identifying exceptional CEOs who are uniquely shareholder driven.
Brahman, Based
25. Brahman definition is - a Hindu of the highest caste traditionally assigned to the priesthood
26. How to use Brahman in a sentence.
27. Brahman is a Vedic Sanskrit word, and it is conceptualized in Hinduism, states Paul Deussen, as the “creative principle which lies realized in the whole world”
28. Brahman is a key concept found in the Vedas, and it is extensively discussed in the early Upanishads
29. The Vedas conceptualize Brahman as the Cosmic Principle.
30. The Brahman cattle is a very popular breed in it’s native area and some other countries around the world
Brahman, Breed
31. But the modern Brahman cattle was bred in the United States
But, Brahman, Bred
32. The Brahman Journal, Hempstead, Texas
33. Welcome to the Brahman Journal, the official publication for the Brahman …
34. Brahman is neither "this" nor "that"; It is neither the universe nor its living beings
Brahman, Beings
35. This is the Knowledge of Brahman
36. It is the unwavering conviction of the jnani that Brahman alone is real and the world is illusory.
37. Brahman is a formless (bodiless, genderless) supreme spirit or consciousness which pervades through the entire universe or existence
Brahman, Bodiless
38. Brahman is similar in many ways to the Western concept of God: infinite, eternal, unchanging, and incomprehensible to human minds
39. There are, however, multiple concepts of Brahman
40. In some interpretations, Brahman is a sort of abstract force which underlies all things.
41. In Classical Hinduism, Brahman is the unchanging "reality" behind the present world, Atman the individual entity (the common translation "soul" is misleading), and Maya the illusion that prevents us from realizing that Brahman and Atman are one and the same.
Brahman, Behind
42. The American Brahman traces back to a few imported bulls in the late 1800s and early 1900s
Brahman, Back, Bulls
43. These bulls were crossed with European breeds ( Bos taurus ) and over time the American Brahman was born
Bulls, Breeds, Bos, Brahman, Born
44. ‘Atman or Brahman has been called eternal, all pervading.’ ‘Finally he wrote his books on the subject of Atman and Brahman.’ ‘Each god is a manifestation of Brahman; in the ultimate world there are no differentiations of I and thou, subject and object.’
Brahman, Been, Books
45. {2} Brahman is the source of all things and is in all things; it is the Self (atman) of all living beings
Brahman, Beings
46. Brahman is impersonal Being in itself, but it can be known through the many gods and goddesses that are manifestations of Brahman
Brahman, Being, But, Be
47. Brahman of course is incapable of precise description, but Jayaram V provides enough seemingly contradictory attributes upon which the reader may ponder, contemplate and hopefully experience Brahman
Brahman, But
48. Moreno Ranches is a top producer of Brahman cattle for sale
49. Customers come to us for genetically superior Brahman bulls for sale and Brahman semen (seed stock) or Brahman embryos.We produce both Brahman heifers and calves for sale, including for use as show cattle or to produce Brahman F1 hybrids as well as polled Brahman cattle.Use this website to browse our stock, or reach out to us for a
Brahman, Bulls, Both, Browse
50. The Cutrer's are taking the Brahman breed to new heights and dedicated to helping other Brahman breeders do the same
Brahman, Breed, Breeders
51. Brahman/Limousine Bull for Sale $1,800 (cst > Franklin) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting
Brahman, Bull
52. Favorite this post Feb 28 Brahman/Jersey Heifers $1,150 (cst > Stephenville, Tx) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting
53. And Brahman should not be confused with the god Brahma
Brahman, Be, Brahma
54. Brahma is sometimes, you could view, as a aspect of a Brahman, but Brahman is viewed as the true reality of things
Brahma, Brahman, But
55. Now, according to Hindu belief we are all part of Brahman.
Belief, Brahman
56. The Mark of Excellence in Brahman Cattle
57. Established in 1944, a Brahman cattle ranch operated by the Williams
Brahman, By
58. Brahma and Brahman are two characters in Hindu religion and philosophy
Brahma, Brahman
59. While Brahma refers to the four-faced God described in the religious texts of Hinduism, Brahman is the Supreme Entity described in the Upanishads
Brahma, Brahman
60. It is the Brahman that is said to manifest itself into this universe.
61. DTC Brahman Cattle David & Terri Chadsey Registered Grey Brahman Cattle We specialize in premium, gentle, halter broke calves
Brahman, Broke
BRAHMAN [ˈbrämən]
Brahman (noun) · Brahmans (plural noun) · Brahmin (noun) · Brahmins (plural noun)
Brahman is a Sanskrit word that refers to the highest universal principle, also called the ultimate or absolute reality. It is derived from the Sanskrit root brh, which means "to grow or expand.". In Hindu texts, brahman is referred to as the atman, meaning soul or self.
Brahma (ब्रह्म) (nominative singular), brahman (stem) (neuter gender) means the concept of the transcendent and immanent ultimate reality , Supreme Cosmic Spirit in Hinduism . The concept is central to Hindu philosophy, especially Vedanta; this is discussed below.
This makes Brahman difficult for humans to understand, so Hindus use different ways to represent Brahman, such as the aum or om symbol. The aum or om symbol represents the sound that was present when the world was created. Another way in which Brahman can be understood is Saguna Brahman.
Brahman (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मन्), (Hindi: ब्रह्म) connotes the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe. In major schools of Hindu philosophy, it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists.