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See also: Boisterous Boyish Boys Boysenberry Boost Booster Boosted Boosting Booshie Beyond Bayou

1. 12 synonyms of Boyos from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 23 related words, definitions, and antonyms


2. Boyos: a male person who has not yet reached adulthood.


3. Brush the Boyos with the egg wash and sprinkle lightly with the sesame seeds, if you wish.

Brush, Boyos

4. Some examples include Boyos de vino (biscocho cookies made with wine); Boyos de rayo (flaky cheese biscuits) and just plain Boyos, which are savory pastries filled with spinach, or cheese, or spinach & cheese (yes, there are more kinds of Boyos)

Boyos, Biscocho, Biscuits

5. […] to serve a dairy meal for Shabbat and Holiday lunches including borekas, other desayuno (Boyos, Fritada, Quajado …) along with some kind of …

Borekas, Boyos

6. Boyos de Spinaka An absolute all-time favorite in any Rhodesli household, these individual spinach pies (a description that never quite does them justice!!), are distinguished by their flaky dough and savory filling

Boyos, By

7. Definition of Boyos in the dictionary


8. What does Boyos mean? Information and translations of Boyos in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …


9. Boyos is an Amsterdam based fashion brand

Boyos, Based, Brand

10. That is what Boyos is born from, a band of

Boyos, Born, Band

11. The Boyos farmed the youth of Southie with every drug that turned a profit


12. Boyos go to the river - Duration: 6 minutes, 4 seconds


13. Boyos get buzzes - Duration: 119 seconds

Boyos, Buzzes

14. A pair of TikTokkers known as the “Cheeky Boyos” have pulled in 6.3 million views on their latest prank video, which involves going into a Subway restaurant and asking for the employee to


15. We are the superior Boyos and we welcome you to join us! Enjoy, our


16. The Cheeky Boyos are known around the world by fans on TikTok

Boyos, By

17. As of October, the Cheeky Boyos have 8.7 million followers on TikTok and have received 224.6 million likes across all their videos on the app.


18. Today, Boyos are mostly reserved for holidays like …


19. What does Boyos mean? Plural form of boyo

Boyos, Boyo

20. The cheeky Boyos (@cheekyBoyos) on TikTok 253.7M Likes


21. Local "Boyos" like Curran resent the steady influx of young working professionals, who are gentrifying the area and pricing the old-time residents out


22. Synonyms for Boyos include boys, lads, youth, laddies, shavers, striplings, tads, callants, nippers and boychicks

Boyos, Boys, Boychicks

23. Local "Boyos" like Curran resent the steady influx of young working professionals, who are gentrifying the area and pricing the old-time residents out


24. Boyos - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Boyos and much more


25. The word Boyos uses 5 letters: b, o, o, s, y


26. Boyos is playable in: Words With Friends 10


27. Find words containing the letter combinations found in Boyos


28. His novel Boyos portrays life among mobsters in the working class …


29. #Take part in Ask The Boyos! (+ other premium pieces of content) Drop any and all questions you have to us in the Patreon DMs, or in the Q&A channel in the Discord


30. The Cheeky Boyos through their representatives


31. Our website aims to provide the agent, manager, and publicist contact details for The Cheeky Boyos


32. Whether you are looking to get in touch with The Cheeky Boyos's agent for an event, or The Cheeky Boyos management for an endorsement, we aim to provide you with the best and most accurate contacts.

Boyos, Best

33. Of the three recipes for bulemas or Boyos that are in your blog, do you have a favorite? Norma

Bulemas, Boyos, Blog

34. Los Boyos by Los Boyos, released 15 November 2019 1

Boyos, By

35. Team page for Boyos, Men's Basketball Fall Session 2020 -C Division

Boyos, Basketball

36. Boyos's Kickers roster for week 16


37. Content Count 7 Joined June 1, 2017; Last visited January 30, 2018; About Boyos


38. ‘These four Boyos are all united by a total disregard for their own personal safety and a burning desire to destroy the boundaries of taste and decency.’ ‘As for the New Wave Boyos, well, how dated are they when you listen to them now?’ ‘Perhaps pharmaceuticals and biotech stuff, if the animal rights Boyos

Boyos, By, Burning, Boundaries, Biotech


BOYOS [ˈboiō]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Boyo mean?

Boyo is a word used to describe your mates, similar to pals or fellas. It is often used to take the piss and when the end of the word is more exaggerated eg "boYO" it can show a sense of dominance from the person speaking the word.

Is boyo a satirical word?

It is often used to take the piss and when the end of the word is more exaggerated eg " boYO " it can show a sense of dominance from the person speaking the word. "Boyo" has evolved into a cult following in South Africa as it can be seen as a satirical word, mocking the lives of rich young white South Africans who feel entitled.

What is the noun for boy?

noun, plural boy·os. Irish English, Australian Informal. boy; lad. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out! a person who dances professionally, as on the stage. an example of writing or speech consisting of or containing meaningless words. a petty gangster or ruffian.

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