Use Bountifully in a sentence

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See also: Bountifully Bound Boundaries Bounty Boundless Bountiful Bounce Bounded Bounder Bouncy Bounteous Bouncer Bounding Bouncing Curl

1. Philadelphia is most Bountifully provided with fresh water, which is showered and jerked about, and turned on, and poured off, everywhere.


2. 12 synonyms of Bountifully from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 31 related words, definitions, and antonyms


3. Find another word for Bountifully


4. Bountifully: in a generous manner.


5. The earth yielded Bountifully, and in time of temporary236 disaster fishing and hunting stood them in good stead


6. THE ROMANTIC SETTLEMENT OF LORD SELKIRK'S COLONISTS GEORGE BRYCE Nowhere in Florida does the guest sit at a more Bountifully-furnished table

Bryce, Bountifully

7. Bountifully Sentence Examples The Australian states have been Bountifully supplied with mineral fuel

Bountifully, Been

8. In 2 Corinthians 9:6, the Apostle Paul wrote, Sow sparingly, reap sparingly; sow Bountifully , reap Bountifully .


9. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Bountifully


10. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Bountifully, bounteously, plentifully, plenteously (adverb)

Bountifully, Bounteously

11. Dictionary entry overview: What does Bountifully mean? • Bountifully (adverb) The adverb Bountifully has 1 sense:


12. In a bountiful manner Familiarity information: Bountifully used as an adverb is very rare.

Bountiful, Bountifully

13. Complete with resident Mad Scientist (known as Mr Bountifully to you)


14. So giving Bountifully means giving from a heart that wants to share things


15. Love Bountifully is a black-owned family business dedicated to producing high-quality products

Bountifully, Black, Business

16. The genus Ruta (family Rutaceae) was Bountifully used in the most ancient systematic records of medical practice of the Mediterranean world


17. Synonyms for Bountifully include lavishly, liberally, amply, generously, unstintingly, well, munificently, bounteously, handsomely and freehandedly

Bountifully, Bounteously

18. Thou shalt Bountifullygive unto him, and thy heart shall not be evil-disposed when thou givest unto him; because for this thing Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the business of thy hand.

Bountifullygive, Be, Because, Bless, Business

19. ‘A visually stunning and Bountifully informative 500-page coffee-table book of the same name has also been published as a companion to the series.’

Bountifully, Book, Been

20. ‘Lisa loved gardening; she took much pride in her flowers and in a productive vegetable garden, often sharing Bountifully with family and friends.’.


21. ‘In so Bountifully expressing his humanity through those inhuman few months, he made more of a mark on history than any of us will.’ ‘These paintings are most Bountifully evident in villas at Pompeii and Herculaneum, although some prime examples have been found in and near Rome.’

Bountifully, Been

22. Bountifully Beautiful Cornucopia

Bountifully, Beautiful

23. The standard repertoire is serving Monheit Bountifully


24. In a harvest that began in late February, the artichokes are already coming in Bountifully

Began, Bountifully

25. Spring is sweeping as Bountifully as ever across the bluegrass pastures of the thoroughbred horse farms

Bountifully, Bluegrass

26. Now, let’s focus on the words “Bountifully supplies.”


27. Now, let’s focus on the words “Bountifully supplies.” In the New Testament Recovery Version, the first part of note 1 on Bountifully says: “The Greek word means supplies fully, Bountifully, and liberally


28. On God’s side, He supplies the Spirit Bountifully; on our side, we receive the Spirit.


29. One who sows Bountifully, will reap Bountifully


30. The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully


31. Psalms 13:6: “I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt Bountifully with me.” If the Lord would deal a little Bountifully with me I might be doing a little singing

Because, Bountifully, Be

32. ‘Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully’ “He that sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he that sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully.” —2 CORINTHIANS 9:6


33. Thou shalt Bountifully give unto him, and thy heart shall not be evil-disposed when thou givest unto him; because for this thing Jehovah thy God will bless thee in all thy works, and in all the business of thy hand.

Bountifully, Be, Because, Bless, Business

34. Deal Bountifully … - This commences the next portion of the psalm, indicated by the letter Gimel (ג g), the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, answering to our letter “g.”Each verse of this portion Psalm 119:17-24 begins with this letter

Bountifully, By, Begins

35. Bountifully How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? boun-ti-ful-ly

Bountifully, Boun

36. Entry for 'Bounty, Bountifully' - Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words - One of 28 Bible dictionaries freely available, this timeless classic, with over 3,400 entries, is THE reference guide to …

Bounty, Bountifully, Bible

37. So giving Bountifully means giving from a heart that wants to share things


38. Instead of forgetting, He is dealing Bountifully with me


39. Sow Bountifully and Reap Bountifully


40. HEBREW WORD STUDY DEAL Bountifully – GAMAL גמל Gimmel Mem Lamed Psalms 13:6: “I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt Bountifully with me.” If the Lord would deal a little Bountifully with me I might also do a little singing

Bountifully, Because

41. Deal Bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word


42. Bountifully in a sentence - Use "Bountifully" in a sentence 1


43. But in the real world, King Giorgio is Bountifully blessed

But, Bountifully, Blessed

44. He performed costly sacrifices to the gods and entertained his friends Bountifully


45. Click for more sentences of Bountifully


46. 6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth Bountifully shall reap also Bountifully

But, Bountifully

47. 2 Corinthians 9:6, ESV: "The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully." 2 Corinthians 9:6, KJV: "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth Bountifully shall reap also Bountifully."

Bountifully, But

48. But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully.

But, Bountifully

49. Bounty, Bountifully: "a blessing," has the meaning of "bounty" in 2Cr 9:5, of the offering sent by the church at Corinth to their needy brethren in Judaea

Bounty, Bountifully, Blessing, By, Brethren

50. Note: In the next verse the adverb "Bountifully" is a translation of the phrase ep'eulogiais, lit., "with blessings" (RV marg.), that is, …

Bountifully, Blessings

51. Deal Bountifully with thy servant Which character is mentioned, not by way of plea or argument for favour, but as expressive of modesty, sense of duty, and obligation to it

Bountifully, By, But

52. He pleads not his services by way of merit; but prays that God would deal Bountifully with him, in a way of grace and mercy: or "render good" unto him, as the Targum

By, But, Bountifully


BOUNTIFULLY [ˈboun(t)əf(ə)lē]

  • › Define bountifully in biblical terms
  • › What does the word bountiful mean
  • › Define a bountiful blessings

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the adverb for bountiful?

• BOUNTIFULLY (adverb) The adverb BOUNTIFULLY has 1 sense: 1. in a bountiful manner Familiarity information: BOUNTIFULLY used as an adverb is very rare.

What does bountifulness mean?

1. Marked by or producing abundance: a bountiful harvest; a bountiful land. 2. Giving generously: Nature has been bountiful to the valley's residents. boun′ti·ful·ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

What is the meaning of bountiful season?

In the cabin the guests were partaking of the bountiful and appetizing repast. In bountiful seasons a single Indian may gather thirty or forty bushels. This was joyful news to us all, and we considered him as a bountiful benefactor raised up to us by the goodness of Providence.

What does the word Boun mean in English?

[ boun-tuh-fuh l ] / ˈbaʊn tə fəl /. liberal in bestowing gifts, favors, or bounties; munificent; generous. abundant; ample: a bountiful supply.

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