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See also: Borehole What Bore Bored Boredom Boreal Borealis Boresight Borer Borescope Boredly Boring Boren Tidal Nominal Cylinder A

1. Borehole definition is - a hole bored or drilled in the earth: such as.

Borehole, Bored

2. Borehole synonyms, Borehole pronunciation, Borehole translation, English dictionary definition of Borehole


3. Typically a Borehole is drilled by machine and is relatively small in diameter

Borehole, By

4. What is the difference between a well and a Borehole?; originally wells were sunk by hand using bricks or rocks as the well liner.

Between, Borehole, By, Bricks

5. Browse 914 Borehole stock photos and images available, or search for Borehole drilling or water Borehole to find more great stock photos and pictures

Browse, Borehole

6. Known as the Kola Superdeep Borehole, the deepest hole ever dug reaches approximately 7.5 miles below the Earth’s surface (or 12,262 kilometers), a depth that …

Borehole, Below

7. Repair the Borehole and handpump Step 3: Disinfect and re-commission the Borehole and handpump 150mm thick (cast in situ) Borehole casing Compacted clay Hardcore foundation Smooth concrete slab 2.5m - 3.5m diameter apron Drainage channel for wastewater Sanitary seal Boreholes

Borehole, Boreholes

8. Borehole development by air jetting before test-pumping

Borehole, By, Before

9. Cost of developing and flushing of the Borehole


10. 10 Supply and installation of a Borehole cap


11. Test-pumping the Borehole to determine its yield including recovery measurements


12. Borehole construction includes the mobilisation of equipment to the site and back to the base, drilling per metre, casing entailing supply and installation of solid casing and screen, gravel pack, sanitary seal and well-head construction.

Borehole, Back, Base

13. Borehole - a water well or hole which is drilled in the ground and partially or fully lined for the abstraction of groundwater


14. Borehole design - choosing the depth, diameter and lining materials of the Borehole and the drilling technique to be used

Borehole, Be

15. Borehole development - the act of cleaning a Borehole after


16. Borehole definition, a hole drilled in the earth, as for the purpose of extracting a core, releasing gas, oil, water, etc


17. Borehole data are direct measurements of temperature from Boreholes drilled into the Earth's crust

Borehole, Boreholes

18. Acoustic Borehole televiewers require liquid-filled Boreholes but operate better in OBM than do microresistivity scanners, provide full 360° image coverage of the Borehole walls, which microresistivity scanners do not, and operate better in rugose Boreholes than do microresistivity scanners

Borehole, Boreholes, But, Better

19. The time-of-flight data also allow three-dimensional information about the Borehole wall.


20. Borehole definition: A Borehole is a deep round hole made by a special tool or machine, especially one that is Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Borehole, By

21. Borehole depths range from a few to 9 km and more


22. During exploratory drilling for solid minerals, Borehole diameters are usually 59 and 76 mm, whereas petroleum and gas …


23. The marriage between the Borehole and the pump must be a “happy” one or problems will appear in time which will incur costs that were avoidable from the start

Between, Borehole, Be

24. From the Borehole the water is pumped into a holding tank (Jo-Jo) where a significant volume (usually between 1000 – 10 000L) is stored.

Borehole, Between

25. Borehole storage is a closed system, in which soil is heated up from hot liquid circulated in vertical pipes


26. A number of vertical Boreholes are drilled


27. One or two U-pipes are placed in each Borehole, and the Borehole is filled with grouting that closes all gaps between pipes and the surrounding soil.

Borehole, Between

28. Borehole information for end-users on residential properties, farms, or other commercial properties


29. Read our Borehole Checklist, request the BWA membership list, or request a copy of our helpful guide to Borehole ownership.

Borehole, Bwa

30. RST Instruments Borehole Packers are pneumatically or hydraulically inflatable packers that incorporate one fixed and one sliding head attached to a center shaft


31. Domestic Boreholes is A division of Environmental Drilling & Remediation Services


32. We have created the Private Borehole Owner Hotline as a value-adding service to help household Borehole owners find the answers and resources to address questions and issues related to water Borehole construction and maintenance.


33. A Borehole log template is used by engineers to record every Borehole sample taken from the site

Borehole, By

34. Using bentonite and cement grout to close Boreholes is a quick, efficient and cost effective method; we are able to inject the grout from the base of the Borehole to the surface, using a tremmie pipe in conjunction with a Putzmeister pressure grouting unit, thus ensuring all gaps are filled with a fast setting grout whilst removing all contaminants.

Bentonite, Boreholes, Base, Borehole

35. Our services include: Borehole drilling, private water supplies, water treatment, Borehole prognosis, abstraction licences, ground source heating, pumping test, pumping installation and water well maintenance


36. There are two issues here - will a Borehole provide the quantity of water you need, and will the quality be adequate for your purpose

Borehole, Be

37. In England, Wales and Scotland, the British Geological Survey can, for a fee, prepare a Water Borehole Prognosis Report for the site, based on geological and hydrogeological maps and the information available to them in their Borehole database.

British, Borehole, Based

38. Reduced Borehole Diameter Below The Pump Chamber Some wells are constructed with a large diameter blank casing (i.e., pump chamber) that connects to a smaller-diameter well screen with a reducer

Borehole, Below, Blank

39. In those wells, the Borehole diameter can be reduced around the screen so that the thickness of the gravel envelope is

Borehole, Be

40. Mar 15, 2021 (The Expresswire) -- Global “Borehole Packers …


41. Submersible Borehole pumps are a type of submersible pump


42. Submersible Borehole pumps are designed as single-stage or multistage pumps which are rigidly coupled to the submersible motor


43. Borehole stability reflects the physical and chemical characteristics of a drilling fluid, as well as drilling practices


44. Probably the word Borehole is a shortened version of “bored hole” because as soon as you envisage “bored hole” I think it becomes obvious

Borehole, Bored, Because, Becomes

45. Another term for a Borehole is a tubed well, but then I don’t want to confuse matters even further.

Borehole, But

46. The current cost of standard Borehole drilling service in Nigeria ranges from as low as NGN120,000 to as high as NGN3,000,000,000


47. As said earlier, the location and area of the Borehole drilling in Nigeria is a huge determinant for Borehole drilling


48. Geophysical Borehole logging can provide accurate data of the physical properties of geologic units and groundwater within the Borehole environment


49. Borehole logging is a time and money-saving approach to gaining detailed information which is otherwise only obtainable from performing and analyzing numerous cores.


50. Borehole – A Borehole is drilled much deeper than a wellpoint


51. The depth needed to be drilled does affect the cost of a Borehole in South Africa

Be, Borehole

52. The Kola Superdeep Borehole was an incredible undertaking that was appreciated by most of the Russian people

Borehole, By

53. Use the Borehole Manager to manage the different Borehole views contained in the project


54. Multiple Borehole views are useful for displaying multiple graphics for multiple wells or displaying different layouts for the same data


55. You can add and delete individual Borehole views and load and save template files quickly


56. Step 3 – Determining the yield of the Borehole


57. Once the Borehole has been drilled, the Borehole may require a pump test

Borehole, Been

58. The Borehole is pumped over a period of time to assess both the volume of water it will produce and the speed at which the surrounding rocks will release the water The scope and length of the test pump will be dependent on a number of factors, such as anticipated flow

Borehole, Both, Be

59. Borehole translate: (为寻找石油、天然气或水而钻的)钻井,钻孔


60. We are extremely cheap and affordable: water Borehole drilling and construction, Borehole repair, groundwater hydro geological survey, general construction


61. Borehole geophysical tools described in this section are as follows: fluid temperature, fluid resistivity, mechanical caliper, optical and acoustic televiewers, natural gamma, Borehole flow meters (heat-pulse flow meter and the flow impeller), and advanced Borehole logging (electric resistivity, NMR, and Borehole video).


62. The Borehole technology was developed by the gas and oil industry, but Deep Isolation realized it could help dispose of nuclear waste just as well.

Borehole, By, But

63. Temperature: Borehole Temperatures


64. We next turn our attention to a very different means of reconstructing the temperature — studies of the temperatures measured in Boreholes (i.e., holes drilled into the ground) at various locations around the Earth.


65. Borehole n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc



BOREHOLE [ˈbôrˌhōl]

  • › Borehole drilling companies in zimbabwe
  • › How are boreholes drilled
  • › What is a borehole water

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a well and a borehole?

As nouns the difference between borehole and well is that borehole is a hole bored into the ground to collect samples for analysis or to extract oil or water while well is a hole sunk into the ground as a source of water, oil, natural gas or other fluids. As an adverb well is (lb) accurately, competently, satisfactorily.

What is the deepest drill hole on Earth?

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest hole on Earth. The digging came about as part of the USSR's effort to try drilling a hole deep into the Earth's crust in a race against other superpowers.

What is a water borehole?

A water borehole is a shaft dug deep into the earth that connects with natural aquifers beneath the soil. Some water boreholes are designed to test water quality or to perform scientific and geological studies on soil samples at various points of natural saturation. Most of the time, however, their purpose is simply water access.

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