See also: Boolean Define To Bool
1. : of, relating to, or being a logical combinatorial system (such as Boolean algebra) that represents symbolically relationships (such as those implied by the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT) between entities (such as sets, propositions, or on-off computer circuit elements) Boolean expression Boolean search strategy for information retrieval
Being, Boolean, By, Between
2. Boolean Meaning George Boole, an English mathematician from the 19th century, developed an algebraic method that he first described in his 1847 book, The Mathematical Analysis of Logic and expounded upon in his An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854).
Boolean, Boole, Book
3. Boolean Logic is a form of algebra which is centered around three simple words known as Boolean Operators: “Or,” “And,” and “Not”
4. At the heart of Boolean Logic is the idea that all values are either true or false.
5. A Boolean expression is a Java expression that returns a Boolean value: true or false
6. If you want to understand the answer to this question down at the very core, the first thing you need to understand is something called Boolean logic. Boolean logic, originally developed by George Boole in the mid 1800s, allows quite a few unexpected things to be mapped into bits and bytes.
Boolean, By, Boole, Be, Bits, Bytes
7. The Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type Boolean in an object
8. An object of type Boolean contains a single field whose type is Boolean
9. In addition, this class provides many methods for converting a Boolean to a String and a String to a Boolean, as well as other constants and methods useful when dealing with a Boolean.
10. YES / NO; ON / OFF; TRUE / FALSE; For this, JavaScript has a Boolean data type
11. The term "Boolean," often encountered when doing searches on the Web (and sometimes spelled "Boolean"), refers to a system of logical thought developed by the English mathematician and computer pioneer, George Boole (1815-64).
Boolean, By, Boole
12. Boolean refers to a system of logical thought that is used to create true/false statements
13. A Boolean value expresses a truth value (which can be either true or false)
Boolean, Be
14. Boolean expressions use the operators AND, OR, XOR and NOT to compare values and return a true or false result
15. Boolean logic was developed by George Boole, an English
Boolean, By, Boole
16. Relationships between these values are expressed by the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT
Between, By, Boolean
17. Of or relating to a logical combinatorial system treating variables, such as propositions and computer logic elements, through the operators AND, OR, NOT, and XOR: a browser that supports Boolean searches
Browser, Boolean
18. Boolean, or Boolean logic, is a subset of algebra used for creating true/false statements
19. Boolean expressions use the operators AND, OR, XOR, and NOT to compare values and return a true or false result
20. These Boolean operators are described in the following four examples:
21. Adjective pertaining to or being a deductive logical system, as Boolean algebra, used to represent symbolically the relationships between sets, classes, and other entities
Being, Boolean, Between
22. Boolean is a non-standard type alias for bool defined by Arduino
Boolean, Bool, By
23. Boolean Algebra: A division of mathematics which deals with operations on logical values
24. Boolean algebra traces its origins to an 1854 book by mathematician George Boole
Boolean, Book, By, Boole
25. See Boolean Literals, as well as the IS operator for testing values against a Boolean
26. Boolean is hands-down the rarest familiar in the entire game—and thus, the hardest to obtain
27. The Sparkling Stinger bears a striking resemblance to Boolean, and is even referred to in its description as "the poor dragon's Boolean."
Bears, Boolean
28. Combine Boolean Searches and Use Exact Phrases
29. Boolean values are basically integer type
Boolean, Basically
30. Boolean type variables have two pre-defined possible values True and False
31. The expressions resolving to a Boolean value can also be assigned to a Boolean type
Boolean, Be
32. Boolean Box The Boolean Box is a build-it-yourself computer designed by girls for everyone
Boolean, Box, Build, By
33. Boolean Box was picked by Purdue University for inspiring engineering thinking and design in children
Boolean, Box, By
34. A Boolean expresses a truth value
35. It does not say "a Boolean expresses a 0 or 1"
36. But Booleans are not symbolic constants, they are values.
But, Booleans
37. However, Boolean and BOOL are the keywords that can be used to declare the data type of the column that is internally treated and considered as TINYINT(1) datatype
Boolean, Bool, Be
38. Hence, we can say that Boolean and BOOL are synonyms of TINYINT(1) datatype
Boolean, Bool
39. Boolean Algebra is used to analyze and simplify the digital (logic) circuits
40. Boolean algebra was invented by George Boole in 1854
Boolean, By, Boole
41. Following are the important rules used in Boolean algebra
42. George Boole, English mathematician who helped establish modern symbolic logic and whose algebra of logic, now called Boolean algebra, is basic to the design of digital computer circuits
Boole, Boolean, Basic
43. C programming language (from C99) supports Boolean data type (bool) and internally, it was referred as `_Bool` as Boolean was not a datatype in early versions of C
Boolean, Bool
44. In C, Boolean is known as bool data type
Boolean, Bool
45. To use Boolean, a header file stdbool.h must be included to use bool in C.
Boolean, Be, Bool
46. Boolean algebra definition is - a system of algebra in which there are only two possible values for a variable (often expressed as true and false or as 1 and 0) and in which the basic operations are the logical operations AND and OR.
Boolean, Basic
47. Boolean U is a self-paced classroom
48. From beginner to advanced, Boolean U provides an educational journey where each new skill builds on the last
Beginner, Boolean, Builds
49. Boolean search is a type of search allowing users to combine keywords with operators (or modifiers) such as AND, NOT and OR to further produce more relevant results
50. For example, a Boolean search could be “hotel” AND “New York”.
Boolean, Be
51. Booleans (Mesh > Booleans) let you model with polygonal objects
52. Three Boolean operations let you combine objects to make shapes that would otherwise be difficult to model using other techniques
Boolean, Be
53. See Combine polygon meshes using Booleans
54. Boolean operations rely on the intersection, the shared volume of the two meshes
55. Boolean is one of the main data types in computer
56. Boolean logic reflects the binary logic of logic gates and transistors in a computer's CPU.
Boolean, Binary
57. Assume that the Boolean formula is given using arbitrary unary and binary Boolean operators
Boolean, Binary
58. Then, the prover will guide the verifier through the encrypted evaluation of the formula, using the Boolean computation protocol, one Boolean operator at a time.
59. Description: Datatype for the Boolean values true and false.It is common to use Boolean values with control statements to determine the flow of a program
60. Class Boolean : Comparable < Boolean > Represents a value which is either true or false
61. On the JVM, non-nullable values of this type are represented as values of the primitive type Boolean .
62. Boolean has three so-called operators (commands to our search engine) – AND, OR and NOT
63. NOT is given the highest precedence in Boolean, followed by AND, and then OR
Boolean, By
64. If you have two Boolean operators in one search, the search will use the order of precedence
65. Boolean Search as only available from the Advanced Search screen.
66. Boolean (equivalent to Java's Boolean primitive type) is a subtype of scala.AnyVal
67. Instances of Boolean are not represented by an object in the underlying runtime system
Boolean, By
68. There is an implicit conversion from scala.Boolean => scala.runtime.RichBoolean which provides useful …
69. Boolean is no use in SQL, table should contain data, not data interpretation
70. Boolean is useful in PL/SQL, it's data interpretation
BOOLEAN [ˈbo͞olēən]
BOOL stands for Boolean (variable type) Suggest new definition. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Information technology (IT) and computers.
Boolean (Noun) A variable that can hold a single true/false (1/0) value. Etymology: From the name of George Boole.
Boolean, or boolean logic, is a subset of algebra used for creating true/false statements. Boolean expressions use the operators AND, OR, XOR, and NOT to compare values and return a true or false result.
Boolean terms. Boolean terms (sometimes called Boolean operators or command terms) connect your keywords to create a logical phrase that the database can understand. This may involve telling the database to look for multiple terms or concepts at once, which will make your search more precise.