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See also: Boggles Boggy Bogged Boggle Boggart Boggling Bogging Boggled Boogie Blogger Bogginess Boggs Boggan

1. Boggles are creatures featured in the animated television show American Dragon: Jake Long


2. Boggles are humanoid creatures covered in brown fur

Boggles, Brown

3. Although covered in fur, Boggles have scruffier beards and manes that stand out in comparison

Boggles, Beards

4. Although every Boggle is different, the most active Boggles may not get along with cats that are not always ready to play

Boggle, Boggles

5. Boggles synonyms, Boggles pronunciation, Boggles translation, English dictionary definition of Boggles


6. Boggles engage in petty pranks to amuse themselves, passing the time at their hosts' expense


7. Call the Ghouls, and the Boggles, the Ogres and the Minotaurs.Jadis (Chapter 13) Boggles were grotesque, goblin-like creatures that were among those most loyal to the White Witch, which fought for her in her army at the First Battle of Beruna

Boggles, Battle, Beruna

8. Boggle definition, to overwhelm or bewilder, as with magnitude, complexity, or strangeness: The speed of light Boggles the mind

Boggle, Bewilder, Boggles

9. Boggles the Clue Clown was an elderly and respected clown-themed super villain who was also the infamous arch-nemesis of Captain Sunshine prior to his death


10. It Boggles the ˈmind (informal) you find it difficult to imagine something because it is so surprising, strange or complicated: The mind Boggles at the thought of a boxer dressed up as a fairy

Boggles, Because, Boxer

11. ♢ The vastness of space really Boggles the mind


12. Boggles are fey pranksters, called to the material plane by people’s loneliness

Boggles, By

13. Boggles have low Strength but exceptional Dexterity and above-average Constitution.

Boggles, But

14. 23 synonyms of Boggles from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 21 related words, definitions, and antonyms


15. Boggle definition: If you say that the mind Boggles at something or that something Boggles the mind, you Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Boggle, Boggles

16. Bewilder or astonish with complexity, novelty, or the like, as in The very magnitude of the Milky Way Boggles the mind.The source of this usage is unclear, as the verb to boggle has several other seemingly unrelated meanings-to shy away, to hesitate, to bungle

Bewilder, Boggles, Boggle, Bungle

17. ‘ the mind Boggles at the spectacle’ ‘The mind Boggles, and so, I imagine, do the eyes.’ ‘When respected performers like her take five million dollars from Chanel No.5 to transform into little more than a big-screen Avon Lady, however, the mind truly Boggles.’

Boggles, Big

18. Boggle (third-person singular simple present Boggles, present participle boggling, simple past and past participle boggled) (transitive or intransitive) Either literally or figuratively to stop or hesitate as if suddenly seeing a bogle

Boggle, Boggles, Boggling, Boggled, Bogle

19. Boggles is the second recipe featured in Fudge Cupcake Murder.


20. The Moon Boggles is an episode of the original Gumby series, which was produced circa 1967


21. Gumby hears a news bulletin that two Moon Boggles have escaped from the zoo

Bulletin, Boggles

22. Just then, Gumby receives a call from the mayor about the Moon Boggles (whom Gumby reveals are a boy and a girl)

Boggles, Boy

23. He says that Moon Boggles can only be …

Boggles, Be

24. Definition of Boggles in the dictionary


25. What does Boggles mean? Information and translations of Boggles in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …


26. Pidge Boggles Commander / EDH GWU (Bant) Voltron

Boggles, Bant

27. See 4 authoritative translations of Boggles in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.


28. Boggles are muscular with long bodies and drooping ears

Boggles, Bodies

29. Boggles are evil goblins that are followers of Jadis the White Witch and they never appeared in Lewis' Workshop


30. In the video game, Boggles wear no clothes and they appear in the artwork and serve as enemies


31. Boggles never appeared until nighttime is in the village of Narnia


32. The puddle is difficult terrain For all creatures except Boggles and lasts for 1 hour


33. Synonyms for Boggles in Free Thesaurus


34. Beans & Boggles, Toulon, Illinois

Beans, Boggles

35. I play fortnite and yell loud twitter: @imBoggles discord: Boggles#4946



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BOGGLES [ˈbäɡəl]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does boggles my mind Mean?

Boggles My Mind Meaning. Definition: To shock or confuse someone. This expression means you have a hard time wrapping your mind around something; you are confused and cannot figure out the meaning or purpose of something despite having thought about it and tried to rationalize it.

What does the name boggles mean?

1 : to start with fright or amazement : be overwhelmed the mind boggles at the research needed 2 : to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples

What is another word for boggles?

2. confuse, surprise, shock, amaze, stun, astonish, stagger, bewilder, astound, daze, confound, bowl over, stupefy, dumbfound, flabbergast The management group's decision still boggles his mind.

What is your Boggle definition?

Definition of boggle. intransitive verb. 1 : to start with fright or amazement : be overwhelmed the mind boggles at the research needed. 2 : to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples. transitive verb. 1 : mishandle, bungle. 2 : to overwhelm with wonder or bewilderment boggle the mind.

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