1. Synonyms & Antonyms of Blockaded (Entry 2 of 2) 1 to disallow entry into (a place) by means of a physical barrier at the entry point the militant protestors Blockaded the whole area around city hall
Blockaded, By, Barrier
2. There was no small amount of smuggling carried on between the ports of the North and the Blockaded ports
Between, Blockaded
3. The Southern ports were Blockaded and many necessaries of life were shut off
4. Definition of Blockaded in the Definitions.net dictionary
5. What does Blockaded mean? Information and translations of Blockaded in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
6. Synonyms for Blockaded include barred, barricaded, guarded, blocked, sealed, blocked off, closed off, obstructed, walled off and closed up
Blockaded, Barred, Barricaded, Blocked
7. 'Blockaded' is a 9 letter word starting with B and ending with D Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Blockaded We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Blockaded will help you to finish your crossword today
8. Blockaded Territory Blockader Conflict Details 1068-1071 Byzantine Empire Robert Guiscard: Norman conquest of southern Italy: Robert Guiscard's Norman forces Blockaded Byzantine cities in southern Italy, most notably in the siege of Bari.: 1084
Blockaded, Blockader, Byzantine, Bari
9. A Blockaded Family: Life in Southern Alabama During the Civil War [Hague, Parthenia Antoinette] on Amazon.com
10. A Blockaded Family: Life in Southern Alabama During the Civil War
11. Product Description for Kravet Blockaded Hickory Fabric (Kravet Fabric) Collection: BARCLAY BUTERA SAGAMORE Kravet Blockaded HICKORY Fabric is meant for HEAVY MULTIPURPOSE use
Blockaded, Barclay, Butera
12. Also placing himself so near a Blockaded port as to be in a condition to slip in without observation, is a violation of the blockade, and raises the presumption of a criminal intent
Blockaded, Be, Blockade
13. Category: Rules A player’s unit with “Production” is Blockaded if it is in a system that contains another player’s ships but does not contain any of their own ships A player cannot use a Blockaded unit to produce ships, however they can still use a Blockaded unit to produce Ground Forces When a player blockades another player’s space dock, if the Blockaded player has captured any of
Blockaded, But, Blockades
14. Her book A Blockaded Family: Life in Southern Alabama during the Civil War was first published in 1888 and Hague passed away in 1914.
Book, Blockaded
15. Gulftainer not only Blockaded U.S
16. In a decade-long standoff over catch limits, Ecuadorian sea-cucumber fishermen Blockaded scientific research stations in the Galapagos Islands and barred tourists from popular areas
Blockaded, Barred
17. In 1948–1949, the city of Berlin was Blockaded by Soviet forces
Berlin, Blockaded, By
18. Synonyms for Blockaded in Free Thesaurus
19. 2 synonyms for Blockaded: barred, barricaded
Blockaded, Barred, Barricaded
20. What are synonyms for Blockaded?
21. Also placing himself so near a Blockaded port as to be in a condition to slip in without observation, is a violation of the blockade, and raises the presumption of a criminal intent
Blockaded, Be, Blockade
22. A blockade occurs when one country sends its military and sets up a perimeter, disallowing the Blockaded supplies from being exported or imported
Blockade, Blockaded, Being
23. Why is Qatar being Blockaded and isolated? By Alan M
Being, Blockaded, By
24. Drilling fleet, Seattle activists have Blockaded Shell’s Seattle fuel transfer station by erecting a tripod
Blockaded, By
25. Our studies are based on polarization-sensitive intensity autocorrelation measurements of the optical transition resulting from the recombination of a spin-Blockaded …
Based, Blockaded
26. A vessel bound to Nassau from one of the Blockaded ports must have been hard-pressed indeed if she could not find a refuge
Bound, Blockaded, Been
27. In the expression "He Blockaded me with his chair," Wheeler's movements are being described in terms of what? In the expression "He Blockaded me with his chair," Wheeler's movements can be compared to a wall or cell where the person is trapped with no way of being free.
Blockaded, Being, Be
28. A ship arriving at a Blockaded island must decide whether to port (and cross the blockade board) or rechart to another island
Blockaded, Blockade, Board
29. Sputnik jabs are enough to vaccinate 1,000 out of 2m people in Blockaded territory Oliver Holmes in Jerusalem and Hazem Balousha in Gaza A Palestinian Red Crescent health worker prepares a …
Blockaded, Balousha
30. ‘The drivers Blockaded roads and disrupted traffic in the centre of the city.’ ‘But no help came, the baronial forces Blockaded the city, and the rebel front began to crumble.’ ‘Overseas colonies were ruthlessly picked off, and the Republic's ports were Blockaded.’
Blockaded, But, Baronial, Began
31. The city was then Blockaded, no provisions, cattle orhorses, were allowed to enter; besides this, there was only alittle skirmishing, and a few men daily killed
Blockaded, Besides
BLOCKADED [bläˈkād]
Blockade definition, the isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit. See more.
Definition of blockade (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : the isolation by a warring nation of an enemy area (such as a harbor) by troops or warships to prevent passage of persons or supplies broadly : a restrictive measure designed to obstruct the commerce and communications of an unfriendly nation.
A blockade is an effort to cut off supplies, war material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part or totally.
blockade, encirclement(noun) a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy. Synonyms: encirclement. blockade(verb) prevents access or progress. Synonyms: encirclement. obstruct, blockade, block, hinder, stymie, stymy, embarrass(verb) hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.