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See also: Blanketed Blanketing Blanket Blanketly Blankets Bland Blank Blanch Blanched Blanching Blandishment Blankly Blancmange Blanco Blanchable Blandly

1. 29 synonyms of Blanketed from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 46 related words, definitions, and antonyms


2. Find another word for Blanketed


3. Blanketed: to form a layer over


4. Find 32 ways to say Blanketed, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


5. By the time I got to the beach, the kids had already Blanketed grandpa with sand

By, Beach, Blanketed

6. The storm Blanketed the mountaintops with snow, making it look like a scene from a painting.


7. Synonyms for Blanketed include covered, coated, overlaid, overlayed, overlay, carpeted, overspread, capped, draped and overlain


8. Blanketed Blanketed are people who think that the world owes them something and/or act like whiny little prats who fear that nobody loves them


9. Acting " Blanketed " they project their " nobody loves me " fear and block themselves from other people and the world.

Blanketed, Block

10. GCB-40 ProLine® 40-Gallon Blanketed Gas Water Heater 5367 4778 4761 4779 4759 5354 523376 523375


11. So the question remains, do horses need to be Blanketed when the weather turns cold?

Be, Blanketed

12. Antonyms for Blanketed include cried, announced, trumpeted, advertised, broadcast, broadcasted, hawked, proclaimed, publicized and barked

Blanketed, Broadcast, Broadcasted, Barked

13. Synonyms for Blanketed in Free Thesaurus


14. 1 word related to Blanketed: covered


15. What are synonyms for Blanketed?


16. What does Blanketed mean? Simple past tense and past participle of blanket

Blanketed, Blanket

17. They Blanketed the flames with a layer of foam


18. The children Blanketed Jimmy with leaves and pretended he was lost.


19. The danger lay in the heavy fog which Blanketed the bay, and of which, as a landsman, I had little apprehension

Blanketed, Bay

20. (The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London) Multiple worlds in our own solar system, including Titan, are Blanketed by clouds and high-altitude hazes

By, Blanketed

21. (Sunsets on Titan reveal the complexity of hazy exoplanets, NASA) The Ghost Blanketed it.


22. What does Blanketed mean? Meaning of Blanketed


23. Blanketed synonyms, pronunciation, spelling and more from Free Dictionary.


24. The historic snowstorm that Blanketed the Rocky Mountains is heading to the Midwest on Monday


25. Utah Blanketed with snow on the first days of spring


26. Greece Blanketed by heaviest snowfall in 12 years 2/15/2021

Blanketed, By

27. Brussels Blanketed with bountiful snow February 7, 2021, 5:34 PM Children went outside to make the most of snowy weather as the capital of Belgium woke up to a new layer of snow on Feb

Brussels, Blanketed, Bountiful, Belgium

28. Researchers found Blanketed horses during a Wisconsin winter ate 8% less free-choice hay than their unBlanketed peers while maintaining similar body conditions.

Blanketed, Body

29. The Middle East Is Blanketed in Rare Snowfall


30. Affliction_notable_Blanketed_snow is the internal id for the Blanketed Snow passive skill.


31. Definition of Blanketed in the dictionary


32. What does Blanketed mean? Information and translations of Blanketed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


33. Greece Blanketed by heaviest snowfall in over a decade

Blanketed, By

34. ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Heavy snowfall Blanketed the Acropolis and other ancient monuments in Athens, caused power cuts and halted COVID-19 vaccinations in the Greek capital on Tuesday as the weather brought many services across the country to a standstill.

Blanketed, Brought

35. Early Season Dust Storm Hits Beijing Meteorological spring is just getting underway, and already an enormous plume of sand and dust has Blanketed northern China

Beijing, Blanketed

36. Smoke Blanketed the city of San Francisco


37. The hills were Blanketed in snow


38. Confetti Blanketed the ballroom floor

Blanketed, Ballroom

39. Outside the fields were Blanketed in fog


40. The countryside was Blanketed with snow / fog


41. Snow soon Blanketed the frozen ground


42. Break 'Blanketed' down into sounds: [BLAN] + [KIT] + [ID] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them

Break, Blanketed, Blan

43. Record yourself saying 'Blanketed' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen


44. Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce 'Blanketed'.


45. Provided to YouTube by DistroKidBlanketed · Br8yBlanketed℗ dead ant societyReleased on: 2021-03-05Auto-generated by YouTube.


46. DRONE VIEW: Belmar's beach, boardwalk and homes are Blanketed by snow

Belmar, Beach, Boardwalk, Blanketed, By

47. Blanketed In Pink Lip Set online at


48. A Tuesday storm is likely to bring a few more inches of snow to much of the state, even as Massachusetts remains Blanketed from the system that passed through Sunday.

Bring, Blanketed

49. Blanketed in Hope was created to give HOPE to those undergoing treatment for chronic, life-threatening illnesses


50. ISO full Blanketed appy with halo/peacocks spots only


51. Blanketed With Love, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan


52. Please send all donations to:Blanketed With Love, 121 Kercheval Road, Grosse Pte Farms, MI 48236




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Frequently Asked Questions

Is blanketed an adjective?

blanketed In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives. Some of these examples may show the adjective use. Some authors are named, others are blanketed by collective anonymity; 'the political historian ' says this, and ' the economic historian' says something else.

What does "blanketly" mean?

blanketly definition: Adverb (not comparable) 1. In a blanket manner: in a manner that covers or encompasses all of the things under consideration (sometimes despite differences among the various things).to blanketly apply a rule.

What is the adjective for blanketed?

BLANKETED(adjective) The adjective BLANKETEDhas 1 sense: 1.covered with (or as if with) a blanket Familiarity information: BLANKETEDused as an adjective is very rare.

What is another word for blanketly?

Synonyms for blanketly include completely, comprehensively, generally, extensively, sweepingly, thoroughly, globally, inclusively, indiscriminately and outrightly ...

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