See also: Blandishment Blandish Blandished Blandishing Bland Blanch Blanket Blanched Blank Blanching Blankly Blanchable Blancmange Blatant Blandly Carte Attempt
1. The word Blandish has been a part of the English language since at least the 14th century with virtually no change in its meaning
Blandish, Been
2. To coax or influence by gentle flattery; cajole: They Blandished the guard into letting them through the gate
By, Blandished
3. Blandish synonyms, Blandish pronunciation, Blandish translation, English dictionary definition of Blandish. tr.v
4. How does the verb Blandish differ from other similar words? Some common synonyms of Blandish are cajole, coax, soft-soap, and wheedle
5. While all these words mean "to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions," Blandish implies a more open desire to win a person over by effusive praise and affectionate actions.
By, Blandish
6. To try to persuade someone by saying pleasant things: Artfully he flattered and Blandished him.
By, Blandished
7. The definition of Blandish means to talk someone into something with flattery
8. Getting a classmate to do your assignment by telling them what an excellent student they are is an example of to Blandish.
By, Blandish
9. Miss Letitia Blandish, sister of the above, a fawning timeserver, who sponges on the wealthy
10. Blandish (v.) mid-14c., "to flatter," from Old French blandiss-, present participle stem of blandir "to flatter, caress," from Latin blandiri "flatter, soothe, caress, coax," from blandus "smooth-talking, flattering, alluring," perhaps from PIE root *mel- (1) "soft." OED reports it rare in 17c., 18c., and Johnson says he knows it only from Milton.
Blandish, Blandiss, Blandir, Blandiri, Blandus
11. Notable translations such as James Hadley's No Orchids for Miss Blandish, a work that draws on Faulkner's Sanctuary, had an enormous impact in the development of roman noir
12. Examples from Classical Literature So Lady Blandish thought, and so said her soft, deep-eyed smile, as she perused the ground while listening to the project.
13. To try to persuade someone by saying pleasant things: Artfully he flattered and Blandished him.
By, Blandished
14. See authoritative translations of Blandish in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
15. Definition of Blandish to persuade or influence someone by using flattery Examples of Blandish in a sentence Because he wanted to go to the game so badly, Joe tried to Blandish his mother by complimenting her hair
Blandish, By, Because, Badly
16. Blandish - praise somewhat dishonestly
17. Blandish: To coax by flattery or wheedling; cajole
Blandish, By
18. To that end, I occasionally ask beg Blandish published authors into coming here to Author!
Beg, Blandish
19. I gave him a spell to make him immune from her Blandish - ments, having been warned by her other selfs behavior in Proton.
Blandish, Been, By, Behavior
20. John Blandish is worth $100 million
21. Definition of Blandish in the dictionary
22. What does Blandish mean? Information and translations of Blandish in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
23. Blandish Creative, Houston, Texas
24. We are Blandish Creative, and we are Creative Designers
25. Blandish pays the ransom, but his daughter is never returned
Blandish, But
26. Included in the club are locked rooms where Miss Blandish is hidden.
27. Blandish definition: to seek to persuade or influence by mild flattery ; coax Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Blandish, By
28. From Blandish (“to persuade someone by using flattery, to cajole; to praise someone dishonestly, to flatter or butter up”) + -ment (suffix forming nouns from verbs, having the sense of ‘the action or result of what is denoted by the verbs’).
Blandish, By, Butter
29. "No Orchids for Miss Blandish" is a powerful and vivid crime noir novel written in 1939 by James Hadley Chase
Blandish, By
30. Synonyms for Blandish include cajole, coax, wheedle, fawn, flannel, flatter, soft-soap, sweet-talk, beguile and blarney
Blandish, Beguile, Blarney
31. Blandish means to persuade someone of something or coax someone into something by means of flattery, to cajole
Blandish, By
32. Blandish is a verb, related words are Blandishes, Blandished, Blandishing, Blandisher, Blandishingly
Blandish, Blandishes, Blandished, Blandishing, Blandisher, Blandishingly
33. The word Blandish is derived from the Latin word blandiri which means to soothe or flatter.
Blandish, Blandiri
34. And features the characters Honoré Lechasseur and Emily Blandish from Daniel O'Mahony's Doctor Who novella The Cabinet of Light.Each novella is issued in a standard format paperback format, and a deluxe hardback edition signed by the novella's author.
Blandish, By
35. What does Blandishment mean? A flattering or ingratiating act or remark, etc
36. Blandish in a sentence - Use "Blandish" in a sentence 1
37. He also helped the girl to remember her real name : Emily Blandish
38. Mestizer disappears, leaving Abraxas to complete his mission : killing the real Emily Blandish
39. Click for more sentences of Blandish
40. As Miss Blandish, Linden Travers has attracted good words, too
41. "Raffles and Miss Blandish" is an essay by English writer George Orwell first published in Horizon in October 1944 as "The Ethics of the Detective Story from Raffles to Miss Blandish"
Blandish, By
42. Blandish - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
43. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Blandish [sb] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (persuade by flattery)
Blandish, By
44. It's a pure tasting dish where one can enjoy the acidity of plain sauce paired with the baked-carb, Blandish (in a good way!) flavor of the doughy pillows of delight
Baked, Blandish
45. Find 14 ways to say Blandish, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
46. No Orchids for Miss Blandish (1948) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
47. How to say Blandish in English? Pronunciation of Blandish with 1 audio pronunciation, 7 synonyms, 2 meanings, 1 antonym, 4 translations and more for Blandish.
48. Emily Blandish was a time sensitive who was formerly part of the Sodality before becoming an amnesiac lost in 1949
Blandish, Before, Becoming
49. Filmed in England but set in New York, No Orchids For Miss Blandish tells of a sheltered heiress (Linden Travers) who is abducted on her wedding night by a trio of cheap hoods, in what starts out as a jewel robbery and turns into a kidnapping/murder when one of them (Richard Nielson) kills the bridegroom
But, Blandish, By, Bridegroom
50. Blandish: 1 v praise somewhat dishonestly Synonyms: flatter Antonyms: belittle , disparage , pick at express a negative opinion of Types: show 6 types hide 6 types soft-soap use flattering talk on somebody adulate flatter in an obsequious manner stroke treat gingerly or carefully bootlick , fawn , kotow , kowtow , suck up , toady ,
Blandish, Belittle, Bootlick
51. Blandish definition: to seek to persuade or influence by mild flattery ; coax Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Blandish, By
52. Original title: "No Orchids For Miss Blandish," 1942
53. Blandishment: 1 n flattery intended to persuade Synonyms: cajolery , palaver Type of: flattery excessive or insincere praise n the act of urging by means of teasing or flattery Synonyms: wheedling Types: ingratiation , insinuation the act of gaining acceptance or affection for yourself by persuasive and subtle Blandishments Type of: enticement
Blandishment, By, Blandishments
54. Miss Blandish - innocent, exquisite, vulnerable heiress - is kidnapped by a gang It gave me an adrenaline rush
Blandish, By
55. No Orchids for Miss Blandish Photos View All Photos (9) Movie Info
BLANDISH [ˈblandiSH]
The definition of blandish means to talk someone into something with flattery. Getting a classmate to do your assignment by telling them what an excellent student they are is an example of to blandish. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "blandish.".
blan·dish·ment. noun. The definition of blandishment is the use of flattery to get something or to get someone to do something. An example of a blandishment is telling a friend how beautiful she is in order to entice her to buy your movie ticket. YourDictionary definition and usage example.
1 : to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly brandished a knife at them. 2 : to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner brandishing her intellect. brandish. noun. Definition of brandish (Entry 2 of 2)
An example of a blandishment is telling a friend how beautiful she is in order to entice her to buy your movie ticket. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by LoveToKnow Corp.