See also: Bioswale Biosphere Bios Biosecurity Biosocial Biosimilar Biosynthesis Biostatistics Biosensor Biosafety Biosolids Bioseguridad Bioscience Do Research Characteristics Factor Lenses Is Two Define
1. A Bioswale featuring native vegetation shows its fall colors
2. Other considerations when designing or maintaining Bioswales: •Costs vary greatly depending on size, plant material, and site considera-tions
3. Bioswales are generally less expensive when used in place of …
4. Bioswales are an aesthetically-pleasing alternative to concrete gutters and storm sewers, employing vegetated low-lying areas or troughs that use plant materials and specialized soil mixes to treat, absorb, and convey stormwater runoff
5. Bioswales A Bioswale is a linear, sloped retention area designed to capture and convey water, while allowing it to infiltrate the ground slowly over a 24 to 48 hour period
Bioswales, Bioswale
6. A Bioswale built into a sloped area can also help prevent erosion.
Bioswale, Built
7. Rain gardens and Bioswales are special gardens designed to capture and reduce stormwater runoff
8. Calculation for Bioswale's Storage Capacity Step A
9. Site Planning Recommendation Define goals and primary function of Bioswale based on the Bioswales Step by Step Design Procedures beginning on page 18.5.19 as well as Table 18.5.1A
Bioswale, Based, Bioswales, By, Beginning
10. A Bioswale or vegetated swale is a form of bioretention used to partially treat water quality, attenuate flooding potential and convey stormwater away from critical infrastructure
Bioswale, Bioretention
11. A Bioswale is a landscape element that is designed to capture and filter contaminants and sediments from stormwater runoff
12. Gail Materials has designed three basic types of Bioswale mixes: A sand based blend (high percolation rate media of 10+ in/hr) A loamy sand blend (moderate percolation rate media of …
Basic, Bioswale, Based, Blend
13. Bioswale Mix Biotreatment Soil Mixes or Media are a critical element of the bioretention system
Bioswale, Biotreatment, Bioretention
14. Our Bioswale Mix has the right amount of organic and inorganic materials to allow for the appropriate infiltration rates of stormwater, facilitate pollutant removal …
15. A Bioswale is a vegetated open trench designed specifically to temporarily store and infiltrate stormwater
16. Bioswales are planted with deep-rooted native grasses and forbs
17. Bioswales are often used as an alternative to standard below ground stormwater sewers.
Bioswales, Below
18. Bioswale for stormwater treatment at the Meriwether mixed use development in the South Waterfront District, Portland, Oregon Hotel Villa San Giuseppe - San Bartolomeo al Mare Vacation Hotel in San Bartolomeo Al Mare Using Rain Gardens to Keep Waterways Pollution-Free
Bioswale, Bartolomeo
19. The Bioswale’s size is determined by the size of the surface to be drained
Bioswale, By, Be
20. : a long, channeled depression or trench that receives rainwater runoff (as from a parking lot) and has vegetation (such as grasses, flowering herbs, and shrubs) and organic matter (such as mulch) to slow water infiltration and filter out pollutants The new plan for Fordham Plaza is designed to be environment friendly, including such elements in the redesign as Bioswales to mitigate storm water runoff, solar …
Be, Bioswales
21. Bioswale should be designed based on both the WQF and peak flow of the HDM design storm, unless bypass of the larger flows are made
Bioswale, Be, Based, Both, Bypass
22. A Bioswale looks like a dry creekbed with plants growing inside
23. The Bioswale is engineered with gravelly soil, so stormwater is absorbed quickly and deeply
24. Rain gardens and Bioswales capture the stormwater and slow it …
25. The Bioswale garden is designed to slow and clean storm water runoff from the parking lot while providing an attractive landscape which is more ecologically-minded than traditional storm drain systems
26. Learn more (two-minute audio) Plants of the Bioswale Garden.
27. A Bioswale should be at least 10 feet away from your home, office or any other structures
Bioswale, Be
28. For example, in our mini Bioswale planting we located a spot near an vineyard up the hill so the Bioswale could catch any potential runoff before it enters the creek.
Bioswale, Before
29. Bioswale vegetation is typically lawn grasses, but more and more of the low volume swales being built in North America are finished with a combination of grasses, perennials, shrubs, groundcover and trees in order to meet other community goals in addition to stormwater management
Bioswale, But, Being, Built
30. Types of Bioswales Grassed Channels
31. A Bioswale is a multi-purpose stormwater manage - ment practice that provides an alternative to storm sewers
32. By using a permeable soil bed and perfo- rated subdrain tile, Bioswales infiltrate water from frequent, small rains (1.25 inches or less)
By, Bed, Bioswales
33. During heavy rains, Bioswales convey runoff in …
34. Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Bioswale Site Assessment Bioswales are versatile landscape design elements because their paths can meander or follow a straight course
Bioswale, Bioswales, Because
35. Ideal sites for Bioswales include street right-of-ways and along borders or medians of parking lots
Bioswales, Borders
36. Remove curbs or use curb cut-outs to funnel runoff into the Bioswale.
37. A Bioswale is a landscape element that is getting an increasing amount of attention recenetly, due to the benefits that it offers communities and other environments
Bioswale, Benefits
38. Bioswales use what is known as a swaled drainage course, designed with sloped sides and typically filled out with vegetation, compost, and other biological components, hence the “bio” in Bioswale.
Bioswales, Biological, Bio, Bioswale
39. Definition of Bioswale in the dictionary
40. What does Bioswale mean? Information and translations of Bioswale in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
41. A Bioswale has an engineered subgrade with amended soil, aggregate and subsurface drain that is designed to treat the water quality volume (1.25” rainfall) and convey larger rainfall events typically to flood management practices (wetlands, retention or detention basins).
Bioswale, Basins
42. One urban soil restoration and remediation technique is to implement a Bioswale in an area
43. A Bioswale is a trench that is backfilled with porous materials and vegetation to …
Bioswale, Backfilled
44. The Bioswale with its sloping sides slows, filters and retains rainwater which flows from the building’s roof across the parking lot and into a storm drain at the corner of the lot
Bioswale, Building
45. The plants used in the Bioswale were chosen based
Bioswale, Based
46. Bioswale Oftentimes, they are used to guide runoff from its entry point on the property (downspouts, uphill properties, etc.) towards a nearby rain garden, dry well or other structure
47. Our Filtrexx Bioswale system combines infiltration, biofiltration, and flow velocity control mechanisms to reduce stormwater pollutant loading and flow surges to receiving waters, infiltration areas, and containment systems
Bioswale, Biofiltration
48. A Bioswale replaces the traditional concrete gutter with an earthen one
49. Bioswale vegetation is typically lawn grasses, but many low-volume swales are now being built with a combination of grasses, perennials, shrubs, groundcover and trees
Bioswale, But, Being, Built
50. A Bioswale is a permanent, shallow landscape depression or channel used to direct stormwater to infiltration areas or engineered containment systems
51. Bioswales use Low Impact Development (LID) management practices – vegetated swales combine the benefits […]
Bioswales, Benefits
52. Estimated cost for a rain garden is $3–5 per square foot if labor is donated Estimate $200–4,000 for a 200m2 Bioswale
53. A Bioswale is a shallow open-channel drainage way stabilized with turf grass or other vegetation used to covey runoff and filter pollutants
54. Use Bioswales in medians and drainage conveyance swales or ditches as an enhancement to vegetated swales
55. Bioswales are useful along roads that have driveway entrances
56. Bioswale/bioretention pond benefits include: Reduced runoff: In a typical road, a 4-meter (13-feet) swale can reduce approximately 25 percent of total rainfall runoff
Bioswale, Bioretention, Benefits
57. Reduced pollutants: Bioswales/bioretention ponds remove pollutants by filtering stormwater runoff through natural vegetation and soil-based systems.
Bioswales, Bioretention, By, Based
58. A Bioswale is a conventional ditch or swale, modified and planted with appropriate native plants
59. Bioswales can be aesthetically pleasing additions to an Atlanta commercial property—much nicer to look at than that an old ditch or large puddle
Bioswales, Be
60. A Bioswale - sometimes called a vegetated ditch - slows stormwater runoff and directs it to an area where it can soak in
61. A Bioswale often uses grass and plants to stabilize the soil, reduce erosion, slow the flow, and absorb runoff
62. Bioswale MAINTENANCE • VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT Correct moisture levels in the Bio Retention Swale are essential to plant survival
Bioswale, Bio
63. A Bioswale is one way to protect our surface waters by decreasing stormwater runoff
Bioswale, By
64. Bioswales are frequently placed at or near parking lots to capture pollutants from cars preventing it from being carried into nearby waterways
Bioswales, Being
65. While irrigating a Bioswale might seem counter-intuitive, Beatt says it’s an essential component of the overall system
Bioswale, Beatt
66. Maintenance recommendations, the study recommended that Bioswale managers minimize inundation during the dry season and ensure appropriate soil drainage and stability
67. Bioswale in a Corporate Setting Adapted from original illustration by Doug Adamson Helping People Help the Land Soil Amending Along with native plantings, soils amended with compost and sand may be needed to facilitate infiltration
Bioswale, By, Be
68. Infiltration Water infiltrated through Bioswales helps
A bioswale is a swale that incorporates a bioretention element (Christianson et al. 2004), promoting infiltration and filtration primarily by employing engineered media with an underdrain (Purvis et al. 2018).
The foreground one is under construction while the background one is established. Bioswales are channels designed to concentrate and convey stormwater runoff while removing debris and pollution. Bioswales can also be beneficial in recharging groundwater. Bioswales are typically vegetated, mulched, or xeriscaped.
•Swales should be sized to convey at least a 10-year storm (or about 4.3 inches in 24 hours). A road ditch can serve as a bioswale.The rock trench and wetland vegetation are notable features,along with the natural drainageway in the background that serves as a bioswale for residential runoff.
Bioswales are considered cost-effective tools for removing sediment and other particulate pollutants from stormwater runoff. The pollutant removal rates of vegetated swales vary depending on soil type and type of vegetation used. (EPA, 1999). Shallow slopes, low flow velocities, and dense vegetation all increase the effectiveness of bioswales.