See also: Bioluminescent Bioluminescence Biology Biological Biologics Biologist Biología Diffusion Do Define
1. Bioluminescent creatures are found throughout marine habitats, from the ocean surface to the deep seafloor
2. The light emitted by a Bioluminescent organism is produced by energy released from chemical reactions occurring inside (or ejected by) the organism.
By, Bioluminescent
3. Bioluminescent organisms aided in the sinking of the last German U-boat during World War One, in November 1918
Bioluminescent, Boat
4. The submarine is reported to have sailed through a Bioluminescent bloom, leaving a
Bioluminescent, Bloom
5. Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson on Monday night tweeted out the utterly batshit claim that COVID-19 vaccines contain a “Bioluminescent marker” named after Lucifer “so …
Batshit, Bioluminescent
6. (KABC) -- The neon blue Bioluminescent waves are back in Newport Beach
Blue, Bioluminescent, Back, Beach
7. Essay Bioluminescence in Fungi INTRODUCTION What is Bioluminescence? The current paper main focus is on Bioluminescent Fungi but the basic features of bioluminescence discussed are common to all Bioluminescent organisms
Bioluminescence, Bioluminescent, But, Basic
8. In some cases, animals take in bacteria or other Bioluminescent creatures to gain the ability to light up.
Bacteria, Bioluminescent
9. All Bioluminescent organisms use a reaction between an enzyme and a substrate to make light, but different species use different chemicals in the process, suggesting that the ability to make light may have evolved independently many times
Bioluminescent, Between, But
10. The Bioluminescent bay at La Parguera, located in Lajas at the southwestern corner of Puerto Rico, is the only one where motorboats can come in and out
Bioluminescent, Bay
11. Bioluminescent synonyms, Bioluminescent pronunciation, Bioluminescent translation, English dictionary definition of Bioluminescent
12. LOS ANGELES - It was a stunning sight in Marina del Rey as neon blue Bioluminescent waves lit up the South Bay coast
Blue, Bioluminescent, Bay
13. Bioluminescent ocean animals decorative tray, resin ocean art, Dolphin ocean art
14. In Puerto Rico you can find three Bioluminescent bays
Bioluminescent, Bays
15. If you have never experienced putting your hand in water and it lighting up, then you have to visit the Bioluminescent Bay Puerto Rico.
Bioluminescent, Bay
16. The Bioluminescent blackbelly lanternshark, as seen from a view beneath the animal
Bioluminescent, Blackbelly, Beneath
17. These bugs are not Bioluminescent—but other than that, many species look a lot like fireflies; so much so that they are sometimes referred to as “false firefly beetles.” There are many species, and some have very obvious sexual dimorphism—in Selasia unicolor, an African species of Drilidae, the female is ten times bigger than the male.
Bugs, Bioluminescent, But, Beetles, Bigger
18. Bioluminescent organisms can produce their own light
19. Discover the Bioluminescent waters of Laguna Grande with the original kayak tour outfitter since 1997
20. Bioluminescent waves in San Diego are the kind of natural phenomena that people spend thousands of dollars and travel the world to see, so don’t under-appreciate just how lucky you are to get the chance to visit a Bioluminescent beach in San Diego
Bioluminescent, Beach
21. Bioluminescent creatures emit and produce their own light, whereas fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance—not always living—that has absorbed light or other radiation of a different wavelength
Bioluminescent, By
22. Aristotle wrote of Bioluminescent creatures in De Anima and other writings
23. Bodies of water where Bioluminescent dinoflagellates bloom are popular tourist attractions in …
Bodies, Bioluminescent, Bloom
24. Bioluminescent, book 1 of the Mimics series, is a book I picked up through Kindle Unlimited
Bioluminescent, Book
25. Bioluminescent Mushroom Grain Spawn, Panellus Stipticus Bioluminescent Mushroom Grain Spawn, Panellus Stipticus HoustonFrogs 5 out of 5 stars (447) $ 19.99
26. Bioluminescent mushroom hunters, beware, though
Bioluminescent, Beware
27. The Bioluminescent glow from its light organ is directed downward and adjusted to match the intensity of light from the moon and stars, eliminating the squid’s shadow and masking its silhouette
28. Bioluminescent plankton don’t glow all of the time
29. Bioluminescence is particularly predominant in the marine environment, in members of planktonic bacteria and protozoa, many invertebrates, and vertebrates with specialized light producing organs that harbor symbiotic Bioluminescent bacteria (reviewed by []).
Bioluminescence, Bacteria, Bioluminescent, By
30. Puerto Rico's Bioluminescent bays are a sight to see
Bioluminescent, Bays
31. One of the most notable that we have visited is Puerto Rico's amazing glowing Bioluminescent bays.
Bioluminescent, Bays
32. But Fiona Benson’s Bioluminescent Baby has hijacked me
But, Benson, Bioluminescent, Baby
33. Bioluminescent Plankton (Dinoflagellates) – This type of bioluminescence covers the water so it glows an other-worldly blue or green color when your paddle, hands or kayak disturb it
Bioluminescent, Bioluminescence, Blue
34. Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates, Living
35. Blue Bioluminescent waves showed up in Newport Beach on Oct
Blue, Bioluminescent, Beach
36. The Bioluminescent Bio-Orb is an interactive night light, air purifier, object d'art, conversation starter and science lesson all in one classic glass sphere
Bioluminescent, Bio
37. The Bioluminescent Bio-Orb is a glass micro-aquarium filled with Bioluminescent plant-plankton (algae).
Bioluminescent, Bio
BIOLUMINESCENT [bioluminescent]
Bioluminescence plays a vital role in the survival of the deep sea animals. With the fainting light which is filtered from the top of the sea, bioluminescence helps marine organisms to blend easily with the surface of the seabed. This helps them in concealing from the predators which are generally above them.
Definition of bioluminescence. : the emission of light from living organisms (such as fireflies, dinoflagellates, and bacteria) as the result of internal, typically oxidative chemical reactions also : the light so produced.
There are a variety of uses for bioluminescence in nature. Some organisms use it as a defense mechanism to surprise or distract predators. The emission of light also serves as a means of camouflage for some animals and as a means to make potential predators more visible.
Bioluminescence is used by a variety of animals to mimic other species. Many species of deep sea fish such as the anglerfish and dragonfish make use of aggressive mimicry to attract prey.