Use Binturi in a sentence

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See also: Binturi Binturong Bint Bing Binge Binging Bingo Bingeing

1. While Binturi looks to be used as an insult in the movie, ‘dep la’ is said to translate to ‘strangely beautiful’ in Vietnamese

Binturi, Be, Beautiful

2. In Raya and the Last Dragon, Binturi is an insult.


3. "Binturi" is used as an insult


4. Anyone who has watched Disney’s Raya and The Last Dragon may be wondering what the meanings of ‘venturi’, ‘Binturi’ and ‘dep la’ are

Be, Binturi

5. In Raya and the Last Dragon, Binturi is an insult.


6. In Raya and the Last Dragon, Binturi is an insult.


7. In Raya and the Last Dragon, Binturi is an insult.


8. According to the subtitles, characters use the words “dep la” for friends, “toi” as an expression when they’re shocked, and Binturi for enemies


9. Okay -- I don't know who it is, but some no-good Binturi is DEFINITELY muscling in on my free sample territory

But, Binturi

10. Foreign Cuss Word: "Binturi"


11. Diesel J-Binturi Jacket size large----$85.0 0


12. However, the mangroves at Binturi holds 1014.8 tC per hectare in the soil


13. Could this also be the Last TMI?? Not on your life, you backstabbing Binturi!

Be, Backstabbing, Binturi

14. Let’s finish this, Binturi! Namaari in Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) unapprovedtrash


15. Additionally, based on cultural standpoint, from many of the names themselves such as the titular Raya, which can be translated as "Great", "Celebration" in Malay, and the land name of Kumandra most familiar to every Southeast Asian person as well as words and phrases like Binturi and Ba, the writers definitely done their research well into the

Based, Be, Binturi, Ba

16. Not on your life, you backstabbing Binturi! # tmi # tmipodcast # tmiconfessionals # tmimovies # rayaandthelastdragon # lastunicorn # wandavision # rankinbass # whitevision # scarletwitch # elizabetholsen # awkwafina

Backstabbing, Binturi

17. Not on your life, you backstabbing Binturi! Homework for next week’s show

Backstabbing, Binturi

18. "Literally, what is it now Binturi?" then Raya does that :] face she makes before sliding the notebook that Namaari's been scribbling and tapping her pen on out of frustration to her side, taking the pen from Namaari's hand "The X-variable actually goes here, and this should be a negative 5." Namaari's brows quirk up in momentary realization of

Binturi, Before, Been, Be, Brows

19. "Depends how nice the Binturi asking is," Namaari had said


20. (That had been the moment the word Binturi had lost its hold on Raya; she had started both using it more liberally and noticing it used against her more liberally in the months after that.)

Been, Binturi, Both

21. “Go suck it, Binturi.” With a warrior’s yell, the man charged at her




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  • › What does dep la mean in raya
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