See also: Bigamy Bigamist Big Beglamored Bigot Bigly Begging Biggest Bigger Boggle Biggin Biggie Bigoted Bigotry Biggens Biggering Bigg Biggy Biggo Bigged
1. Bigglm creates a generalized linear model object that uses only p^2 memory for p variables.
2. The method gives an example of how such a function might be written, another is in the Examples below
Bigglm, Be, Below
3. It returns an object of class "Bigglm" that inherits from class "glmnet"
4. Description Bigglm creates a generalized linear model object that uses only p^2 memory for p variables.
5. ## ## Make a linear model using biglm ## require(biglm) mymodel - Bigglm(payment ~ sex + age + place.served, data = x) summary(mymodel) # This will overflow your RAM as it will get your data from ff into RAM #summary(glm(payment ~ sex + age + place.served, data = x[,c("payment","sex","age","place.served")]))
Biglm, Bigglm
6. Bigglm.ffdf(formula, data, family = gaussian(),, where formula is something like Y~X, assuming Y and X correspond to the colnames of ffdf object called data
7. Bigglm on your big data set in open source R, it just works - similar as in SAS In a recent post by Revolution Analytics (link & link) in which Revolution was benchmarking their closed source generalized linear model approach with SAS, Hadoop and open source R, they seemed to be pointing out that there is no 'easy' R open source solution which exists for building a poisson regression model on
Bigglm, Big, By, Benchmarking, Be, Building
8. And Bigglm.big.matrix() functions;“biglm”stands for“bounded memory linear regression.” In this example, the movie release year is used (as a factor) to try to predict customer ratings: > lm.0 = biglm.big.matrix(rating ~ year, data = x, fc = "year")
Bigglm, Big, Biglm, Bounded
9. Bigglm does not provide a mechanism for setting factor levels on the fly
10. Model selection of biglm::Bigglm models is not so straightforward
Biglm, Bigglm
11. Description Bigglm.ffdf creates a generalized linear model object that uses only p^2 memory for p variables
12. System.time(Bigglm(DepDelay~DayOfWeek+DepTime+CRSDepTime+ArrTime+CRSArrTime+UniqueCarrier, data=x)) # user system elapsed # 70.087 15.587 103.662 Now wasn’t that a lot better
Bigglm, Better
13. Using the Bigglm() function we got results about 23 times faster.
14. A biglm object created by a call to biglm::biglm() or biglm::Bigglm()
Biglm, By, Bigglm
15. I am simulating data and comparing , Bigglm, speedglm, glmnet, LiblineaR for binary logit model
Bigglm, Binary
16. 0.9 fix ODBC and DBI interfaces for Bigglm to not use LIMIT, and just not allow variables to be floating free in the workspace (which really couldn't work anyway) fix arguably-false-positive from Fortran bounds checking, by incorporating the fix in the published AS274 0.8 allow offsets in model formulas for both biglm and Bigglm.
Bigglm, Be, Bounds, By, Both, Biglm
17. Biglm and Bigglm (chunked fitting with package biglm) Bootstrapping (chunked and parallelized random access) Bagged predictive modelling (chunked and parallelized random access) Bagged clustering (chunked and parallelized random access with truecluster) Likelihood maximization (chunked and parallelized sequential access)
Biglm, Bigglm, Bootstrapping, Bagged
18. Bigglm creates a generalized linear model object that uses only p^2 memory for p variables.: 2
19. Bigglm 7 Bigglm fit a glm with all the options in glmnet Description Fit a generalized linear model as in glmnet but unpenalized
Bigglm, But
20. Usage Bigglm(x, , path = FALSE) Arguments x input matrix Most other arguments to glmnet that make sense
21. According to the documentation trail, Bigglm () is based on Alan Miller’s 1991 refinement (algorithm AS 274 implemented in Fortran 77) to W
Bigglm, Based
22. Library (ffbase) library (biglm) library (ff) data (trees) x <- as.ffdf (trees) a <- Bigglm.ffdf (log (Volume)~log (Girth)+log (Height), data=x, chunksize=10, sandwich=TRUE)
Biglm, Bigglm
23. Bigglm does not provide a mechanism for setting factor levels on the fly
24. A biglm object created by a call to biglm::biglm() or biglm::Bigglm()
Biglm, By, Bigglm
25. Bigglm() fit a glm with all the options in glmnet
26. \ code {\ link [biglm: Bigglm]{biglm:: Bigglm()}}.} \ item {}{Additional arguments
Biglm, Bigglm
27. > lmRDemo <-Bigglm(Id~x1+x2,data=airpoll) >summary(lmRDemo) Large data regression model: Bigglm(Id ~ x1 + x2, data = airpoll) Sample size = 1e+06 Coef (95% CI) SE p (Intercept) 499583.8466 498055.6924 501112.0007 764.0771 0.0000 x1 -603.1151 -2602.7075 1396.4774 999.7962 0.5464
28. The Bigglm function came later and the models other than Gaussian require multiple passes through the data so instead of the update mechanism that biglm uses, Bigglm requires the data argument to be a function that returns the next chunk of data and can restart to the beginning of the dataset.
Bigglm, Biglm, Be, Beginning
29. Faster than Bigglm or other big data functions in R
Bigglm, Big
30. System.time(Bigglm(DepDelay~DayOfWeek+DepTime+CRSDepTime+ArrTime+CRSArrTime+UniqueCarrier, data=x)) # user system elapsed # 70.087 15.587 103.662 Now wasn’t that a lot better
Bigglm, Better
31. Using the Bigglm() function we got results about 23 times faster.
Back, Bigglm
33. To do this, you would open a database connection using RODBC or RSQLite and then call Bigglm with the data argument specifying the database connection and tablename specifying the …
34. Bigglm.big.matrix, bigkmeans, binit, and applyfor big.matrixobjects
Bigglm, Big, Bigkmeans, Binit
35. Bigglm() , from the package biglm by Thomas Lumley
Bigglm, Biglm, By
36. The Bigglm function in the biglm package does the iteration using bounded memory, by reading in the data in chunks, and starting again at the beginning for each iteration
Bigglm, Biglm, Bounded, By, Beginning
37. Bigglm iterations If p is not too large and the data are reasonably well-behaved so that the loglikelihood is well-approximated by a quadratic, three iterations should be sufficient and good starting values will cut this to two iterations or even to one
Bigglm, Behaved, By, Be
38. Value It returns an object of class "Bigglm" that inherits from class "glmnet"
39. 내가 데이터를 시뮬레이션 이진 로짓 모델, Bigglm, speedglm, glmnet, LiblineaR을 비교하고를 사용하여 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 벤치마킹.