Use Berated in a sentence

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1. To scold; rebuke: He Berated them in public.


2. Past tense of berate Synonyms & Antonyms of Berated to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings there's no need to berate someone for making a …

Berate, Berated

3. To scold; rebuke: He Berated them in public.


4. To criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone: As he left the meeting, he was Berated by angry demonstrators

Berated, By

5. Doctors are often Berated for being poor communicators, particularly when they have …

Berated, Being

6. After the vote, the two Republicans had to face a lineup of poll workers, clerks and voters, who Berated them for declining to certify an election in which 878,000 people had voted


7. Berated Sentence Examples Temper, Jessi! she Berated herself, aware of what happened if she pissed him off


8. One minute she was sweetness and light, and the next she became a screaming harridan as she publicly Berated

Became, Berated

9. Examples of Berated in a Sentence


10. These men all Berated chair umpires, famously so


11. Synonyms for Berated in Free Thesaurus


12. Synonyms for Berated include admonished, castigated, rebuked, scolded, harangued, reprimanded, reproached, slated, upbraided and blasted

Berated, Blasted

13. The word Berated is the past form of berate in the first person singular.There are other translations for this conjugation.

Berated, Berate

14. / bɪˈreɪt / to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone: As he left the meeting, he was Berated by angry demonstrators

Berated, By

15. Doctors are often Berated for being poor communicators, particularly when they …

Berated, Being

16. Mozilo "Berated" a senior Countrywide official who questioned his actions on the VIP loans, the agency alleges in its recent filing.Suit Says Countrywide CEO Allowed Lax Loans


17. Meanwhile, Ben Smith reports that his German-speaking readers have found reports in the German press saying that an American official "Berated" a German official about the speech idea.

Ben, Berated

18. 21: A thousand times I Berated myself for being drawn into such a trap as I might have known these pits easily could be.; 1917, Jack London, Jerry of the Islands, ch

Berated, Being, Be

19. A White House communications staffer reportedly Berated a reporter for inquiring about his relationship with another journalist


20. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Berated yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g

Berated, By

21. “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.) Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “Berated


22. The judge often Berated me during the trial for using an improper numbering scheme, saying that it caused much wasted time


23. ‘his mother came out and Berated me for raising my voice’


24. Antonyms for Berated include praised, approved, cheered, acclaimed, admired, applauded, commended, complimented, congratulated and lauded


25. Police: Thief Berated mom for leaving kid in car he stole originally appeared on Autoblog on Tue, 19 Jan 2021 08:58:00 EST


26. Watch: Uber driver Berated and coughed on by maskless passenger Driver Subhakar Khadka says he canceled an Uber ride after a passenger refused to wear a …

Berated, By

27. A Black man has filed a lawsuit against an Alameda County hotel, saying he was discriminated against and Berated by a manager while talking on the phone in the hotel’s parking lot during his

Black, Berated, By

28. New York assemblymember: Cuomo 'Berated me,' asked me to lie about alleged cover-up


29. The Epicureans and Stoics for the most part rated him as a talkative lounger in the agora and either Berated him with ridicule upon the Hill of Ares or waved him aside (Acts 17:16-32)


30. Berated by Berated, released 05 August 2019 1

Berated, By

31. Inflections of 'berate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) berates v 3rd person singular berating v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Berated v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man."

Berate, Berates, Berating, Bird, Berated

32. Berated is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Berated meaning, Berated word synonyms, and its similar words


33. Berated meaning in Urdu is لَعنَت مَلامَت کَرنا and Berated word meaning in …


34. Once the thief realized the toddler was in the backseat, he drove back, Berated the woman for leaving her child unattended, told the woman to …

Backseat, Back, Berated

35. New York assemblymember: Cuomo 'Berated me,' asked me to lie about alleged cover-up


36. Gohmert Aide Alleges Staffers Are ‘Berated’ For Wearing Masks, Office Is Regularly Full


37. Police: Thief Berated mom for leaving kid in car he stole


38. Berated synonyms, pronunciation, spelling and more from Free Dictionary


39. Search Result for " Berated" : The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:


40. Marjorie Taylor Greene Berated Her in Capitol Rep



BERATED [bəˈrāt]


  • scold or criticize (someone) angrily.
Synonyms: rebuke . reprimand . reproach . reprove . admonish . chastise . chide . upbraid . pull up . castigate . lambaste . criticize . censure . call down . rate . trim . reprehend . objurgate . praise .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does berated mean?

verb (used with object), be·rat·ed, be·rat·ing. to scold; rebuke: He berated them in public.

What is the noun for berate?

Choose the Right Synonym for berate. scold, upbraid, berate, rail, revile, vituperate mean to reproach angrily and abusively. scold implies rebuking in irritation or ill temper justly or unjustly. angrily scolding the children upbraid implies censuring on definite and usually justifiable grounds.

What does berate mean in Swedish?

It's possible that rate, and by extension berate, derives from the same ancient word that led to the Swedish rata (meaning "to find blame, despise") and earlier the Old Norse hrata ("to fall, stagger"), but this is uncertain.

How do you use berate in a sentence?

It's possible that rate, and by extension berate, derives from the same ancient word that led to the Swedish rata (meaning "to find blame, despise") and earlier the Old Norse hrata ("to fall, stagger"), but this is uncertain. Examples of berate in a Sentence there's no need to berate someone for making a mistake during the first day on the job