Use Beleaguer in a sentence

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See also: Beleaguered Beleaguer Beleaguering Beleaguerment Believe Belief Belen Beleave Believed Belle Belay Beleid

1. English speakers created "Beleaguer" from the Dutch word belegeren in the 16th century

Beleaguer, Belegeren

2. See synonyms for: Beleaguer / Beleaguered on verb (used with object) to surround with military forces

Beleaguer, Beleaguered

3. To harass; beset: We are Beleaguered by problems

Beset, Beleaguered, By

4. To surround someone in order to attack them: They were Beleaguered by enemy armies.

Beleaguered, By

5. The bold Beleaguer'd post the hero gains, And the hard siege with various fate sustains

Bold, Beleaguer

6. THE COLUMBIAD JOEL BARLOW In his tragedy of Ezelino, after the tyrant's downfall, a captain is sent to Beleaguer Treviso, and reduce Ezelino's garrison

Barlow, Beleaguer

7. To harass; beset: We are Beleaguered by problems

Beset, Beleaguered, By

8. Definition of Beleaguered : suffering or being subjected to constant or repeated trouble or harassment an economically Beleaguered city With its life-support system cut off, the Beleaguered college has embarked on a tortuous campaign to keep going.

Beleaguered, Being

9. See authoritative translations of Beleaguer in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.


10. To cause constant or repeated trouble for Examples of Beleaguer in a sentence On Halloween, I know the little trick-or-treaters are going to Beleaguer me all night long


11. 🔊 Jane’s ex-husband tries to beleaguer her by intentionally mailing her child support payments late

Beleague, By

12. Beleaguer verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons


13. Search the definition and the translation in context for “ Beleaguer ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication


14. What does Beleaguer mean? The definition of Beleaguer means to harass with several issues


15. (verb) An example of Beleaguer is to cause stress to an


16. Beleaguer means to pester or badger with persistence

Beleaguer, Badger

17. A babysitter might find annoying the children who Beleaguer her with requests for candy, cookies, games, and piggyback rides all at the same time

Babysitter, Beleaguer

18. Beleaguer originally meant to lay siege to, and originates from a 16th century Dutch term which meant to camp all around.


19. Beleaguer - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


20. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Beleaguer


21. Princeton's WordNet (1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: tease, badger, pester, bug, Beleaguer (verb)

Badger, Bug, Beleaguer

22. Beleaguer - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


23. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Beleaguer [sb] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (harass, trouble) (a personas) acosar⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("[b]di[/b] la verdad", "[b]encontré[/b] una moneda").


24. (2) Seize them, Beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them


25. (3) Not only will he not go, but any attempt to dislodge him would certainly cause trouble to erupt in that Beleaguered state again

But, Beleaguered

26. (4) Look, I think doctors feel terribly Beleaguered in general about medical negligence litigation.


27. Synonyms for Beleaguer in Free Thesaurus


28. 35 synonyms for Beleaguer: badger, bedevil, beset, besiege, harass, harry, hound, importune, pester

Beleaguer, Badger, Bedevil, Beset, Besiege

29. In his tragedy of Ezelino, after the tyrant's downfall, a captain is sent to Beleaguer Treviso, and reduce Ezelino's garrison


30. They, however, continued to Beleaguer the place, occasionally showing in great masses


31. Somehow that seemed to make her matter less, and Dodo had not at present made any determined effort to Beleaguer her.


32. Translation for 'Beleaguer' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.


33. : to cause constant or repeated trouble for (a person, business, etc.) the lack of funds that Beleaguers schools — usually used as (be) Beleaguered The team has been Beleaguered by errors.

Business, Beleaguers, Be, Beleaguered, Been, By

34. Dictionary entry overview: What does Beleaguer mean? • Beleaguer (verb) The verb Beleaguer has 2 senses:


35. Surround so as to force to give up Familiarity information: Beleaguer used as a verb is rare.


36. Despite these advances, several limitations continue to Beleaguer the zebrafish model including a paucity of cell lines and antibodies, as well as transgenic and inbred congenic fish lines


37. Translation for 'to Beleaguer' in the free English-Russian dictionary and many other Russian translations.


38. At length, our leaders decided to Beleaguer the city with siege machines, so that we might enter and worship the Savior at the Holy Sepulcher


39. While technologies, including “braindump” Web sites and cell phones, are the more common cheating behaviors today, the problem of cheating will always Beleaguer distance educators; it is their responsibility to stay current on latest developments in the field of academic dishonesty, employ fitting interventions to mitigate cheating, and do

Braindump, Behaviors, Beleaguer

40. Beleaguer definition: to trouble persistently; harass Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


41. Beleaguer means to pester or badger with persistence

Beleaguer, Badger

42. A babysitter might find annoying the children who Beleaguer her with requests for candy, cookies, games, and piggyback rides all at the same time.

Babysitter, Beleaguer

43. Beleaguer in a sentence - Use "Beleaguer" in a sentence 1


44. Corruption cases continued to Beleaguer the new socialist administration


45. Leningrad will be either Beleaguer or starved to death

Be, Beleaguer

46. Click for more sentences of Beleaguer


47. How to say Beleaguer in English? Pronunciation of Beleaguer with 1 audio pronunciation, 18 synonyms, 2 meanings, 4 translations, 2 sentences and more for Beleaguer.


48. Beleaguered (comparative more Beleaguered, superlative most Beleaguered) Besieged; surrounded by enemy troops

Beleaguered, Besieged, By

49. Translate Beleaguer into Spanish


50. Find words for Beleaguer in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary


51. Traducir Beleaguer de Inglés a español.


52. Serious troubles continue to Beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami

Beleaguer, By

53. The arrival of the fresh medical supplies was a welcome sight for the Beleaguered doctors working in the refugee camps.


54. Antonyms for Beleaguer include aid, assist, help, please, soothe, make happy, delight, leave alone, support and reassure


55. Beleaguer in a sentence - Use "Beleaguer" in a sentence 1


56. Corruption cases continued to Beleaguer the new socialist administration


57. Leningrad will be either Beleaguer or starved to death

Be, Beleaguer

58. Click for more sentences of Beleaguer: 37


59. Antonyms for Beleaguer include aid, assist, help, please, soothe, make happy, delight, leave alone, support and


60. Beleaguer definition: to trouble persistently; harass Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


61. ANALYSIS/OPINION: One year ago, the Supreme Court upheld a law that radically transforms our health care system in a way that continues to frighten and Beleaguer most Americans.


62. Synonyms for Beleaguers in Free Thesaurus


63. 35 synonyms for Beleaguer: badger, bedevil, beset, besiege, harass, harry, hound, importune

Beleaguer, Badger, Bedevil, Beset, Besiege

64. How to say Beleaguer in Spanish - Translation of Beleaguer to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica

Beleaguer, By, Britannica

65. Example sentences: They Beleaguered the castle for months.


66. We've got 36 rhyming words for Beleaguer » What rhymes with Beleaguer? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Beleaguer.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.


67. Another way to say Beleaguer? Synonyms for Beleaguer (other words and phrases for Beleaguer).


68. Beleaguer: belägra; skapa sorg; skapa problem: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

Beleaguer, Bel

69. Beleaguer - Dictionary definition and meaning for word Beleaguer


70. Beleaguer is only slightly more beautiful than besiege but has lost its original meaning of besieging towns and cities

Beleaguer, Beautiful, Besiege, But, Besieging

71. To Beleaguer is to mentally beset from all sides persistently, as with work or worries.

Beleaguer, Beset


BELEAGUER [bəˈlēɡər]

  • › Another word for beleaguered
  • › Beleaguer in a sentence
  • › What does beleaguer mean
  • › Beleaguered definition in a sentence

Frequently Asked Questions

What does beleaguerer mean?

The definition of beleaguer means to harass with several issues. An example of beleaguer is to cause stress to an ex wife by threatening to not pay child support unless she agrees to several demands.

What does beleaguered means?

Definition of 'beleaguered'. beleaguered. A beleaguered person, organization, or project is experiencing a lot of difficulties, opposition, or criticism. There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government. A beleaguered place or army is surrounded by its enemies. The rebels continue their push towards the beleaguered capital.

What is the opposite of beleaguered?

Antonyms for beleaguered include carefree, unbeleaguered, relaxed, untroubled, calm, happy, collected, extroverted, friendly and open. Find more opposite words at ...

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