See also: Beggary Beggarly Beggaring Beggars Beggared Beggar Begging Begged Beginning Beggers
1. Beggary definition is - poverty, penury
2. How to use Beggary in a sentence.
3. Beggary Sentence Examples On the death of Herod in 4 B.C
4. Archelaus kept open house for mourners as the Jewish custom, which reduced many Jews to Beggary, prescribed
5. The monks were at times, and that only too frequently, reduced to absolute Beggary and want.
6. 15 synonyms of Beggary from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 15 related words, definitions, and antonyms
7. Beggary: the state of lacking sufficient money or material possessions
8. Humanity shut its eyes in view of the hideous apparition of wan and haggard Beggary and crime
9. ABBOTT Such foundlings often fell into the hands of those whose trade was Beggary and who trained children for the same profession
10. Beggary has been a great public nuisance
Beggary, Been
11. The State Governments notably that of Bombay, has taken a major stride forward in tackling the problem of Beggary
Bombay, Beggary
12. Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment is the problem of Beggary which is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern in developing countries
13. They run markets of Beggary in every town called mandi, where they gathered around from all over the cities when there are Urs, mela like in Bari Iman, Data Darbar, etc
Beggary, Bari
14. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Beggary. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Beggary, begging, mendicancy (noun) a solicitation for money or food (especially in the street by an apparently penniless person)
Beggary, Begging, By
15. Beggary (countable and uncountable, plural beggaries) The state of a beggar; indigence, extreme poverty
Beggary, Beggaries, Beggar
16. 1596, William Shakespeare, King John, Act II, Scene 1, Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail And say there is no sin but to be rich; And being rich, my virtue then shall be To say there is no vice but Beggary.
Beggar, But, Be, Being, Beggary
17. Synonyms for Beggary in Free Thesaurus
18. 19 synonyms for Beggary: destitution, impecuniosity, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence, need
19. Synonyms for Beggary include destitution, indigence, pauperism, need, poverty, want, bankruptcy, impecuniousness, impoverishment and penury
Beggary, Bankruptcy
20. The problem of destitution and Beggary is becoming a major concern warranting urgent attention and intervention in view of the increasing numbers, especially of children and women, the official said.
Beggary, Becoming
21. Find 14 ways to say Beggary, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
22. Laws dealing with Beggary should be strictly enforced
Beggary, Be
23. ‘The humiliation of Beggary often produced resentments which, in turn, led to retaliation often in the form of pretended witchery: spreading white powder as threat to kill cattle or to make people ill.’
24. Dictionary entry overview: What does Beggary mean? • Beggary (noun) The noun Beggary has 2 senses:
25. The state of being a beggar or mendicant Familiarity information: Beggary used as a noun is rare.
Being, Beggar, Beggary
26. The Remedy of Beggary: Begging needs remedy
Beggary, Begging
27. Mount Beggary is a summit in Victoria and has an elevation of 493 metres
28. Mount Beggary is situated south of Kinglake
29. Beggary to work that often brings less income and subsistence
Beggary, Brings
30. What remians the same: The only thing that will remain the same after the decriminalisation of the act is that the court did not bring down the provisions that does not treats Beggary as an
Bring, Beggary
31. Child Beggary does indeed violate the fundamental rights that all children should have, in terms of being safe from harm and having the space and opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Beggary, Being
32. Beggary definition, a state or condition of utter poverty
33. Get Your Custom Essay on Should Begging Be Ban? Just from $13,9/Page In simple terms Beggary is a state of extreme poverty but now a days it has become a profession for most of the people
Begging, Be, Ban, Beggary, But, Become
34. English Essay on Beggary — A Curse, English
35. It is difficult to give particular cause or set of causes to the institution of Beggary, as is the case with a criminal
36. A set of causes such as physical inability, mental derangement, personal or social maladjustment, poverty, custom of alms giving, unemployment, disruption of joint family, whether singly or in combination may produce a situation which may result in Beggary.
37. The Anti Beggary Act 1959 gave the state the power to put them in beggar homes for periods ranging from three to ten years
Beggary, Beggar
38. According to research, Beggary is an organized crime in Pakistan and according to contemporary estimates, there are somewhere between two and twenty-five million beggars in Pakistan .There are number of causes of begging which indulged people to beg
Beggary, Between, Beggars, Begging, Beg
39. Beggary Sentence Examples On the death of Herod in 4 B.C
40. Archelaus kept open house for mourners as the Jewish custom, which reduced many Jews to Beggary, prescribed
41. The monks were at times, and that only too frequently, reduced to absolute Beggary and want.
42. Beggary is a dynamic, complex, multi-faceted phenomena, and its nature and extent has evolved over time into a loose network of organized crime
43. This chapter discusses the concepts of Beggary, organized crime, and Beggary as an organized crime
44. Get help on 【 Beggary in India
45. Antonyms for Beggary include affluence, opulence, richness, wealth, wealthiness, sufficiency, comfort, plenty, pleasure and satisfaction
46. Beggary in India Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment is the problem of Beggary which is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern in developing countries
47. Although India is a leading developing nation after China, yet the menace of child Beggary is at a very high rate
48. The land of saints, sages and leaders is bowed down with shame with the problem of child Beggary
Bowed, Beggary
49. In November 2019, the Centre also decided to launch its programme for the eradication of Beggary from the country and invited the representatives of the Bihar government to have a detailed
Beggary, Bihar
50. Campaign to remove Beggary from Bangladesh added 8 new photos from December 21, 2020 at 4:55 AM
Beggary, Bangladesh
51. Campaign to remove Beggary from Bangladesh added 8 new photos from December 21, 2020 at 4:55 AM
Beggary, Bangladesh
BEGGARY [ˈbeɡərē]
beggary - the state of being a beggar or mendicant; "they were reduced to mendicancy". mendicancy, mendicity. indigence, pauperism, pauperization, penury, need - a state of extreme poverty or destitution; "their indigence appalled him"; "a general state of need exists among the homeless".
Definition of beggarly. 1 : contemptibly mean, scant, petty, or paltry. 2 : befitting or resembling a beggar especially : marked by extreme poverty.
1. The condition of being extremely poor: destitution, impecuniosity, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence, need, neediness, pennilessness, penuriousness, penury, poverty, privation, want. 2. The condition of being a beggar: mendicancy, mendicity. The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus.
My unlucky connection with the Archduke has brought me to the verge of beggary. If debts and interest were not paid, dividends on stocks and bonds would cease and the capitalist would be reduced to beggary. He was absolutely ruined, and with his wife and six children stood face to face with beggary and starvation.