See also: Backstop Backstopped Backstopping Back Background Backlog Backup Backlash Backbone Backdrop Backfill Backing Backfire Backhanded Backwards Backstory Backend Backtrack Backorder Backwater Backbiting
1. Backstop definition is - something at the back serving as a stop: such as
Backstop, Back
2. How to use Backstop in a sentence.
3. Backstop offers the industry-leading, cloud-based productivity suite to funds of funds, pensions, endowments, foundations, investment consultants, family offices, hedge funds, and private equity firms.
Backstop, Based
4. Backstop Diaphragm & Bladder Type Expansion Tanks, Backstop, expansion tanks, thermal expansion tanks, amtrol expansio tanks, water heater expansion tanks, bladder expansion tanks, hot water expansion tanks
Backstop, Bladder
5. © 2021 Backstop Solutions Group, LLC Privacy Policy PRODUCTION
6. Thank you for your interest in joining Backstop! CONTACT
7. The Backstop is 8’6” wide and 80” high
8. Backstop’S MENUS Join your family & friends at Backstop for all kinds of comfort food for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Backstop, Breakfast
9. 15 BEERS ROTATING ON TAP EVERY DAY ON TAP TODAY Backstop has 15 craft beers and ciders rotating on tap every single day
Beers, Backstop
10. TheBackstop Massage & Oxygen Bar specializes in customizable $1
11. Backstop in underwriting; Private equity Backstop; Backstop in financial management
12. The most common use of a Backstop is seen in underwriting share issues or initial public offerings (IPOs) Initial Public Offering (IPO) An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first sale of stocks issued by a company to the public
Backstop, By
13. The Backstop 3400 Rt 37E Toms River NJ 08753 (732) 506-9311 Posted by Doctor Wax Battle on February 1, 2021 at 1:42pm 0 Comments 0 Likes Buying & Selling Every Day CALL 732-506-9311
Backstop, By, Battle, Buying
14. Backstop Portal is a fully customizable, web-based reporting portal that helps to satisfy the increasingly heavy demands of investors for access to investment and portfolio-related information
Backstop, Based
15. Backstop Portal is ideal for delivering documents, fund research and account information to investors and partners in a visually stunning, easy-to-use
16. Synonyms & Antonyms of Backstop to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end the Nobel-winning geneticist was of course Backstopped in …
Backstop, Backstopped
17. The Irish Backstop (formally the Northern Ireland Protocol) is a defunct appendix to a draft Brexit withdrawal agreement developed by the May government and the European Commission in December 2017 and finalised in November 2018, that aimed to prevent an evident border (one with customs controls) between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland after Brexit.
Backstop, Brexit, By, Border, Between
18. A person or thing that serves as a support, safeguard, or reinforcement: There were technicians on board as Backstops to the automated controls
Board, Backstops
19. Ballistic Backstops made from rubberized mulch are some of the most effective shooting Backstops, reducing more airborne lead dust, preventing more ricochets and absorbing more sound than traditional steel Backstops.
Ballistic, Backstops
20. Backstop-NT Texture, Smooth, and Spray are designed for use with Dryvit Systems as well as other building cladding systems
Backstop, Building
21. When used with the Dryvit AquaFlash® System or Dryvit Flashing Tape™, Backstop NT provides exceptional air barrier and water-resistive membrane for most substrates.
Backstop, Barrier
22. Baseball Backstop Nets [50 Sizes] – High-quality baseball netting for the backyard & stadiums Expertly crafted using premium #42 grade HDPE net twine with a 44mm knotted mesh Netting features a heavy-duty roped overlocked edging on the top & bottom borders 100% weatherproof, resistant to rotting & exceptionally protected against sun damage
Baseball, Backstop, Backyard, Bottom, Borders
23. The Backstop plan was agreed by UK-EU negotiators and formed part of Theresa May's withdrawal agreement in November 2018 (often referred to as …
Backstop, By
24. Backstop noun [C] (EMERGENCY PLAN) something such as a plan or method that can be used if all other plans or methods fail: Many Americans still don't have a financial Backstop in the form of a …
Backstop, Be
25. The Backstop is part of the draft withdrawal agreement negotiated between Theresa May’s government and the EU
Backstop, Between
26. What does Backstop mean? Something that supports or bolsters
Backstop, Bolsters
27. 3pm to 6pm & 9pm to closing everyday in the Backstop Bar
Backstop, Bar
28. The Backstop is the newest indoor baseball/softball practice facility located in Johnson County, Kansas
Backstop, Baseball
29. ‘The Army was in no position whatsoever to Backstop a get-tough policy of containment vis-a-vis the Soviets.’ ‘This raises the unsettling prospect of taxpayers getting stuck with a savings-and-loan-type bailout of the agency, which Backstops traditional pension plans for 44 million workers and retirees who would otherwise take a bigger
Backstop, Bailout, Backstops, Bigger
30. For any smallbore or muzzleloading activity, make sure you contain a downrange distance of at least 1 mile behind the Backstop free of the areas mentioned above
Behind, Backstop
31. The following materials will construct a Backstop approximately 4 feet wide and 5 feet tall
32. You can adjust the size of the Backstop according to the materials you use.
33. The baseball Backstop can even be used at home to create safe and efficient practice spaces for yourself or your aspiring ball players
Baseball, Backstop, Be, Ball
34. There are many options when choosing a baseball Backstop for home, for your organization, or your business
Baseball, Backstop, Business
35. For stadiums, the Backstop is often custom designed and custom built.
Backstop, Built
36. Backstop Purchaser: An entity that agrees to purchase all the remaining, unsubscribed securities from a rights offering
37. The Backstop purchaser provides security to the issuing firm by
Backstop, By
38. Backstop was released as part of the sixth series (1987), packaged exclusively with the Persuader high-speed tank
39. Webmaster's Note: If you consider just the American filecards as official G.I.Joe canon, Backstop is the only Canadian member of G.I.Joe.
40. Backstop Agreement means that certain Backstop Agreement, dated as of August 9, 2015, by and among EFH Corp., EFIH, New EFH, and the Backstop Purchasers, as may be amended, supplemented, or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance therewith, including all exhibits attached thereto.
Backstop, By, Be
41. Backstop - (baseball) the person who plays the position of catcher catcher baseball , baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League
Backstop, Baseball, Ball, Bat, Between
42. Backstop disposal systems have a seal-tight lid to prevent fluid leakage after a procedure, providing quick and safe fluid waste elimination.
43. The Backstop initiative is an extension of a pilot program that was developed at Thompson Health
44. The Backstop team built a database to track patients with incidental findings who did not complete recommendations for follow-up care.
Backstop, Built
45. Welcome to Backstop Sports We are the Eastside’s premier batting cage facility
Backstop, Batting
46. Backstop NT is a flexible, polymer- based, non-cementitious, air/water- resistive barrier, which resists
Backstop, Based, Barrier
47. Backstop definition, a wall, wire screen, or the like, serving to prevent a ball from going too far beyond the normal playing area
Backstop, Ball, Beyond
48. Backstop aims to put an end to the problem of pressing backspace and being taken back a page in your browsing history
Backstop, Backspace, Being, Back, Browsing
49. For Backstop to work, simply install the extension and reload all current tabs
50. Version 2.0.1 - Backstop should now work in Gmail - Backstop has been completely rewritten and should now work on Google Docs and Google Plus
Backstop, Been
51. The Irish Backstop was a protocol in the (rejected) 2018 draft of the Withdrawal Agreeement, that would have kept the United Kingdom (in general) in the European Union Customs Union and Northern Ireland (in particular) in some aspects of the European Single Market, until a …
52. Backstop Netting Safely stop stray arrows with heavy duty Archery Backstop Netting from Lancaster Archery Supply
53. Backstop definition: a screen or fence to prevent balls leaving the playing area Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Backstop, Balls
54. The Backstop Service eliminates unwelcome water production by introducing an exceptionally capable water control agent at the shallow part of the formation around perforation tunnels
Backstop, By
55. Similainr to cement squeezes, the Backstop Service offers additional advantages including the following:
56. What is the Backstop? Downing Street is planning to prevent a hard border at the UK's only land frontier with a European Union state after Brexit if no preferred trade agreement is reached on
Backstop, Border, Brexit
BACKSTOP [ˈbakstäp]
Definition of backstop. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : something at the back serving as a stop: such as. a : a screen or fence for keeping a ball from leaving the field of play. b : a stop (such as a pawl) that prevents a backward movement (as of a wheel) 2 : a player (such as the catcher) positioned behind the batter.
backstop noun [C] (EMERGENCY PLAN) something such as a plan or method that can be used if all other plans or methods fail: Many Americans still don't have a financial backstop in the form of a savings account. The backstop plan would avoid the need for border checks in Northern Ireland if no other deal can be reached.
1. a wall, wire screen, or the like, serving to prevent a ball from going beyond the normal playing area. 2. any support, safeguard, or reinforcement. 3. to act as a backstop to. back′stop`per, n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.
On Tuesday, Backstop Solutions Group, which provides cloud-based solutions for institutional investors, reported that 77% of respondents in a new survey considered cybersecurity as at least "an important" priority in their firms. When first launched in 2013, Stieber said its backstop design offered 3.