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See also: Bacchius Baccalaureate Bacchanal Bacchanalia Bacchanalian Bacchus Baccarat Bacci Bacchanale Vaccine Bacchante Bacc Baccy

1. A Bacchius (/ b ə ˈ k aɪ ə s /) is a metrical foot used in poetry


2. In accentual-syllabic verse we could describe a Bacchius as a foot that goes like this: da


3. Bacchius definition is - a metrical foot of three syllables, the first unstressed, the other two having either primary or intermediate stress.


4. Bacchius (plural bacchii) (prosody) A metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short.

Bacchius, Bacchii

5. Bacchius (noun) a metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short How to pronounce Bacchius?


6. The legend inscribed on the reverse, of which 150 different die types are known, is "BACCHIVS IVDAEUS" (Bacchius

Bacchivs, Bacchius

7. This page uses content from Wikinfo.The original article was at Wikinfo:Bacchius


8. Bacchius meaning (prosody) A metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short.


9. Bacchius - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


10. Of music, Bacchius the Elder described


11. During the annual event, a young contestant needed the pronouncer to use the word "Bacchius" (defined as a metrical foot of three syllables, the …


12. Search Bacchius and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso


13. You can complete the definition of Bacchius given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster

Bacchius, By

14. As it is maintained by Euclid, Aristoxenus, and Bacchius senior

By, Bacchius

15.Bacchius the Jew” has been an enigma in numismatics

Bacchius, Been

16. The passage you quoted in the question is about the Bacchius, a metrical foot of three syllables, short–long–long


17. Bacchius appellatus est eo, quod eo pede Bacchia, id est Liberi sacra celebrabantur

Bacchius, Bacchia

18. Bacchius is named because the rites celebrated to Liber, or Bacchus, were in this meter

Bacchius, Because, Bacchus

19. The Great Mother, "Bacchius the Jew," and a camel


20. N Bacchius In prosody, a foot composed of one short and two long syllables, with the ictus on the first long, as in ăvā′ rī, ăbōve′ bōard


21. Here’s hoping Drizzy somehow uses the word, or an actual Bacchius, on his upcoming album, View From the 6


22. Bacchius is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Bacchius meaning, Bacchius word synonyms, and its similar words


23. Bacchius meaning in Urdu is انگریزی عروض کا ایک رکن جس میں تین ہجائیں ہوتی ہیں and Bacchius word meaning in roman can write as


24. Bacchius IUDAEUS A Denarius Commemorating Pompey’s Victory over Judea Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments - Band 104; ab 54,99 € * (D) inkl

Bacchius, Band

25. Musici scriptores graeci. Aristoteles, Euclides, Nicomachus, Bacchius, Gaudentius, Alypius et melodiarum veterum quidquid exstat Item Preview


26. Bacchius: In prosody , a foot composed of one short and two long syllables, with the ictus on the first long, as in ăvā′ rī, ăbōve′ bōard


27. See antiBacchius and hemiolic.

28. Bacchius (427 words) Article Table of Contents [1] From Tanagra, physician, c


29. What does antiBacchius mean? A rare metrical foot consisting of two accented syllables followed by one unaccented syllable, as in "Blind luck is / lo

By, Blind

30. Aristoteles, Euclides, Nicomachus, Bacchius, Gaudentius, Alypius et melodiarum veterum quidquid exstat Item Preview



BACCHIUS [ˈbäkəs, ˈbakəs]


  • another name for Dionysus.
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  • › Bacchus in greek mythology

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of Bacchius?

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word bacchius. A metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short.

What does Bacchus mean?

Definition of Bacchus : the Greek god of wine — called also Dionysus First Known Use of Bacchus

What does antibacchius mean?

1. (in quantitative meter) a short syllable followed by two long. 2. (in accented meter) an unstressed syllable followed by two stressed. Cf. antibacchius. — bacchic, adj. -Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?

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