Use Avuncular in a sentence

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See also: Avuncular Avunculate

1. Definition of Avuncular 1 : suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality Avuncular indulgence Jovial and Avuncular, the President's chief of staff seems oblivious to the pressures that accompany what is arguably the second most powerful job in the …

Avuncular, An, And, Accompany, Arguably

2. Acting like an uncle, as in being kind, patient, generous, etc., especially to younger people: the Avuncular, slightly condescending boss of a toy company.

Acting, An, As, Avuncular

3. / əˈvʌŋ.kjə.lɚ / friendly, kind, or helpful, like the expected behaviour of an uncle: an Avuncular, quietly spoken man His avuncular image belies his steely determination.

An, Avuncular, Av

4. The word Avuncular originally comes from the Latin avunculus, meaning "maternal uncle," and strictly speaking the term describes the relationship between an uncle and his nephew. Uncles, by their …

Avuncular, Avunculus, And, An

5. A man is described as " Avuncular " when he stops looking like a sexual entity and starts looking like his Uncle Arby

As, Avuncular, And, Arby

6. I'll have to stop hitting the clubs looking for action; my face has gotten so Avuncular, chicks think I'm there to look for my runaway daughter

Action, Avuncular

7. The definition of Avuncular is acting in a manner similar to the way a person’s uncle would act, specifically with kindness and indulgence. A person who treats everyone with kindness is an example of an Avuncular person.

Avuncular, Acting, Act, And, An

8. Below you will find the solution for: Avuncular types 7 Little Words which contains 6 Letters


9. Avuncular types 7 Little Words


10. Since you already solved the clue Avuncular types which had the answer UNCLES, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other daily crossword clues.

Already, Avuncular, Answer, At

11. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an uncle: Avuncular affection.

An, Avuncular, Affection

12. The Avuncular countenance lighted up: here were fresh woods and pastures new to that ancient shepherd

Avuncular, And, Ancient

13. HUMOROUS MASTERPIECES FROM AMERICAN LITERATURE VARIOUS Flora lingering at her Avuncular pleasures, she herself went to the closet and took down a dress

American, At, Avuncular, And

14. Synonyms for Avuncular include kind, kindly, benign, indulgent, friendly, genial, helpful, kindhearted, good-humored and good-humoured

Avuncular, And

15. Synonyms: uncley, unclish Coordinate terms: maternal, materteral, paternal 1997, David Nokes, Jane Austen: A Life: Both uncle Frank and uncle Stephen Austen had made it a point of principle to be rigorously unsentimental in the discharge of their Avuncular obligations.· (by extension) Kind, genial

Austen, And, Avuncular

16. Q: A caller asked you on the air if there’s a feminine equivalent to “Avuncular.” The Oxford English Dictionary lists “materteral” as meaning “characteristic of an aunt.” It comes from the Latin “matertera,” which refers to a mother’s sister

Asked, Air, Avuncular, As, An, Aunt

17. That’s consistent with “Avuncular,” which means “characteristic of an uncle.”

Avuncular, An

18. (əvʌŋkjʊləʳ) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] An Avuncular man or a man with Avuncular behaviour is friendly and helpful towards someone younger.

Adjective, An, Avuncular, And

19. Avuncular (adj.) "of or pertaining to an uncle," 1789, from Latin avunculus "maternal uncle," diminutive of avus (see uncle) + -ar

Avuncular, Adj, An, Avunculus, Avus, Ar

20. An Avuncular relationship is the genetic relationship between aunts and uncles and their nieces and nephews.

An, Avuncular, Aunts, And

21. Definition of Avuncular in the dictionary


22. What does Avuncular mean? Information and translations of Avuncular in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Avuncular, And

23. Lewis, charming and Avuncular, is far easier to relate to than the aloof and distant Freud

And, Avuncular, Aloof

24. The electrotherapist is depicted as cruel, the embodiment of evil, in contrast to more Avuncular presentations of the psychotherapist elsewhere.

As, Avuncular

25. An Avuncular DNA Test examines the DNA from a suspected niece or nephew with DNA from a person who may be their biological aunt or uncle

An, Avuncular, Aunt

26. Avuncular meaning, definition, what is Avuncular: behaving in a kind and nice way to someo: Learn more.

Avuncular, And

27. An Avuncular man is kind and helpful to younger or less experienced people Synonyms and related words Synonyms and related words Definition and synonyms of Avuncular from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.

An, Avuncular, And

28. Avuncular Literally, Avuncular means like an uncle

Avuncular, An

29. The word Avuncular has been redefined as a gender position by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.

Avuncular, As

30. Welcome to the page with the answer to the clue Avuncular types

Answer, Avuncular

31. Definition of Avuncular adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Avuncular, Adjective, Advanced

32. See authoritative translations of Avuncular in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Authoritative, Avuncular, And, Audio

33. The former justice minister is known as an Avuncular and soft-spoken man who quit the cabinet in the early days of the uprising and immediately joined the rebels in Benghazi.

As, An, Avuncular, And

34. The former justice minister is known as an Avuncular and soft-spoken man who quit the cabinet in the early days of the uprising and immediately joined the

As, An, Avuncular, And

35. Translation for 'Avuncular' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.

Avuncular, And

36. Definition of Avuncular written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.

Avuncular, Audio, And

37. Definition of Avuncular adjective in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

Avuncular, Adjective, Advanced, American

38. An Aunt - Uncle, or Avuncular, DNA test is an option to determine paternity when the father is not available for testing

An, Aunt, Avuncular, Available

39. An Avuncular test will determine if a sibling (a full blood brother or sister) of the father in question is genetically related to a child, and thus prove paternity.

An, Avuncular, And

40. They understand the structural integrity of a deep Avuncular lap, as compared to the shaky arrangement of a neurotic niece in high heels.: Entienden la integridad estructural de un profundo regazo Avuncular, en comparación con la disposición temblorosa de una sobrina neurótica con tacones altos.: He also retains much of his cynical, Avuncular attitude and brusque manner with his staff

Avuncular, As, Arrangement, Altos, Also, Attitude, And

41. Essentially Avuncular testing will determine whether an aunt or uncle is the biological relative of a child

Avuncular, An, Aunt

42. As a result, people seek Avuncular testing in Baltimore for various reasons

As, Avuncular

43. Using the child’s DNA and comparing it to that of the alleged aunt’s or uncle’s, DNA Avuncular tests confirm or negate a biological relationship.

And, Alleged, Aunt, Avuncular

44. Avuncular - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions

Avuncular, And

45. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Avuncular adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (like an uncle) paternal adj mf adjetivo de una sola terminación: Adjetivos de una sola terminación en singular ("amable", "constante") pero que sí varían

Avuncular, Adj, Adjective, An, Adjetivo, Adjetivos, Amable

46. Both the words Avuncular and uncle come from the Latin avunculus (literally “little grandfather”), which in ancient Roman times was specifically one’s maternal uncle — one’s mother’s brother

Avuncular, And, Avunculus, Ancient

47. An Avuncular DNA Test is one in which the genetic material (DNA) of a child is compared to that of another individual to determine the likelihood that the other individual is related to the child as a biological aunt or uncle

An, Avuncular, Another, As, Aunt

48. The term “Avuncular,” which means “resembling an uncle,” was originally used by parentage testing experts when unusual paternity test results suggested that the

Avuncular, An

49. Translation for 'Avuncular' in the free English-Greek dictionary and many other Greek translations.

Avuncular, And

50. ‘An Avuncular African doctor had the time to be reassuring and overflowing with human kindness.’ ‘But he's just the warmest, most Avuncular guy - it was a real privilege.’ ‘The Avuncular Sam, understanding how much they like each other as well as the ambitions that are driving them both, urges them to be civilized and be nice to each

An, Avuncular, African, And, As, Ambitions, Are

51. Avuncular Bob's T-Bar Inn is a locally owned Diner and Pub

Avuncular, And

52. The Avuncular Custodian of the Holy Places, as Saudi monarchs title themselves, had a reputation for probity, tolerance and humility that augured change for the better

Avuncular, As, And, Augured

53. But China’s relatively Avuncular premier Wen Jiabao has snorkelled this reef before.


54. Italian Translation of “Avuncular” The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online


55. The word “Avuncular” means “of or relating to an uncle.” The Avuncular DNA test, therefore, tests the genetic makeup of a child and another person to …

Avuncular, An, And, Another

56. Translate Avuncular into Spanish


57. Find words for Avuncular in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary


58. Traducir Avuncular de Inglés a español.



AVUNCULAR [əˈvəNGkyələr]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does avuncular mean?

Avuncular definition is - suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality. How to use avuncular in a sentence. The Origin of avuncular is Familial

What does avunculus mean in Latin?

Regarded as characteristic of an uncle, especially in benevolence or tolerance. [From Latin avunculus, maternal uncle; see awo- in Indo-European roots .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What does avunculate mean?

The term avunculate comes from the Latin avunculus, the maternal uncle. The 1989 Oxford English Dictionary defines "avunculate" as follows: "Avunculate. The special relationship existing in some societies between a maternal uncle and his sister's son; maternal uncles regarded as a collective body.

How do you use avuncular in a sentence?

Examples of avuncular in a Sentence. His unrelenting commitment to justice has left us a better nation.’’ With his white hair, bow tie, and puckish smile, Justice Stevens had the look of an avuncular professor.

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