Use Avouch in a sentence

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See also: Avouch Avouched Avouchment Avouching About

1. Avouch definition is - to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved : affirm

Avouch, As, Affirm

2. How to use Avouch in a sentence.


3. Avouch Linux© is a free operating system based on Linux©


4. To declare the provable truth or validity of; affirm: She Avouched that she herself was innocent

Affirm, Avouched

5. Avouch definition, to make frank acknowledgment or affirmation of; declare or assert with positiveness

Avouch, Acknowledgment, Affirmation, Assert

6. Avouch Sentence Examples She asked Tim to recommend her for the job since he could Avouch for her excellent character

Avouch, Asked

7. I can Avouch that he is a good violin player because I have seen him practice for years


8. To declare the provable truth or validity of; affirm: She Avouched that she herself was innocent

Affirm, Avouched

9. 28 synonyms of Avouch from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 55 related words, definitions, and antonyms

Avouch, And, Antonyms

10. Avouch: to declare (something) to be true or genuine.


11. That the proverb is by no means of general application, the experience of every one can Avouch. THE INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY, VOLUME 5, NO

Application, Avouch

12. 4, APRIL, 1852 VARIOUS One of the most sensible and practical of all proverbs, as every body's experience can Avouch. THE INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY, VOLUME 5, NO

April, And, All, As, Avouch

13. Avouch Linux© is a free operating system based on Linux©


14. Avouch To acknowledge of one's own

Avouch, Acknowledge

15. Thou hast Avouch ED the LORD this day to be thy God, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice: and the LORD hath Avouch ED thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his

Avouch, And, As, All

16. Avouch is an extremely old-fashioned way to say another (only slightly old-fashioned) word, avow

Avouch, An, Another, Avow

17. Use either word to mean "assert" or "declare." While it's unusual to hear people use Avouch, it's common to say something like, "I'll vouch for my friend," meaning you'll give …

Assert, Avouch

18. Avouch Services Ltd is an Organization with a team of highly experienced in technical & functional consultants

Avouch, An, Amp

19. Avouch services robust implementation methodology & delivery model ensure best value for money & faster process.

Avouch, Amp

20. Declaration; the act of Avouching

Act, Avouching

21. Avouch To admit, confess, or avow

Avouch, Admit, Avow

22. Avouch To maintain, vindicate, or justify; make good; answer for; establish; guarantee; substantiate

Avouch, Answer

23. Avouch To appeal to, or cite as proof or warrant: as, to Avouch the authorities on any subject

Avouch, Appeal, As, Authorities, Any

24. Avouch To give assurance or guaranty; vouch: as, “I can Avouch

Avouch, Assurance, As

25. Avouch: To declare the provable truth or validity of; affirm

Avouch, Affirm

26. “There can be no better rede, and we will all Avouch it,” said the citizens.

And, All, Avouch

27. The Fair Maid of Perth “I will be open with you, my father — bid these men stand out of ear-shot, and I will tell you all I know of this mysterious business; and muse not, good father, though it may pass thy wit to expound it, for I Avouch to you

And, All, Avouch

28. Avouch Linux© is a free operating system based on Linux©


29. Avouch - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Avouch, And

30. Not only does Horatio confirm the independent existence of the external object with "the sensible and true Avouch of [his] own eyes" (I.i.55-56) but he also relates to the viewing audience that his ideas of the object are 'clear and distinct'--as Descartes requires of knowledge (especially of objects very small and very large and far away)--by noting to Hamlet that: "I knew your father.

And, Avouch, Also, Audience, Are, As, Away

31. ‘Paulina and her friends being gone, I scarce could Avouch that I had really seen them.’ ‘Ask Wall Street and they would enthusiastically Avouch that they are quite up to the task - more than able and willing.’ ‘We might be disposed to question its authenticity, it if were not Avouched by the full evidence.’

And, Avouch, Ask, Are, Able, Authenticity, Avouched

32. Avouch definition: to vouch for; guarantee Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Avouch, And

33. Avouch (v.) 1550s, "affirm, acknowledge openly;" 1590s, "make good, answer for," from French avochier "call upon as authority," in Old French "call (to court), advocate, plead (a case)," from Latin advocare "call to" as a witness (see advocate (n.)).

Avouch, Affirm, Acknowledge, Answer, Avochier, As, Authority, Advocate, Advocare

34. Avouch, which is no longer in common use, means guarantee, solemnly aver, prove by assertion, maintain the truth or existence of, vouch for .

Avouch, Aver, Assertion

35. Avouch Linux© is a free operating system based on Linux©


36. I cannot Avouch it for an absolute certainty but it appears no ways incredible

Avouch, An, Absolute, Appears

37. But it is not so, as every well-constituted mind will Avouch

As, Avouch

38. How many young women in Boston can Avouch for the truth of this statement? I am well trained in navigation, as Sir Richard Grenville can Avouch.

Avouch, Am, As

39. Avouch Linux© is a free operating system based on Linux©


40. Find 31 ways to say Avouch, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Avouch, Along, Antonyms, And, At

41. Dictionary entry overview: What does Avouch mean? • Avouch (verb) The verb Avouch has 1 sense:


42. Admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about Familiarity information: Avouch used …

Admit, And, About, Avouch

43. Examples of Avouch in a sentence


44. Standing at the witness stand, I stated that I could Avouch for the sterling reputation of Jennifer

At, Avouch

45. 🔊 If no one is willing to Avouch that every cent has been accounted for, I declare that we should still consider the company suspect

Avouch, Accounted

46. Definition of Avouch in the dictionary


47. What does Avouch mean? Information and translations of Avouch in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions

Avouch, And

48. Avouch - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions

Avouch, And

49. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Avouch [sth], Avouch that⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (avow, assert openly)

Avouch, Avow, Assert

50. See authoritative translations of Avouch in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Authoritative, Avouch, And, Audio

51. Avouch is een adviesbureau op het gebied van Werving & Selectie, Advies & (interim) Management en Ontwikkeling & Effectiviteit

Avouch, Adviesbureau, Amp, Advies

52. Synonyms for Avouch include declare, affirm, maintain, allege, assert, aver, avow, guarantee, profess and state

Avouch, Affirm, Allege, Assert, Aver, Avow, And

53. Synonyms for Avouches in Free Thesaurus


54. 15 synonyms for Avouch: affirm, allege, argue, assert, asseverate, aver, avow, claim, contend, declare

Avouch, Affirm, Allege, Argue, Assert, Asseverate, Aver, Avow

55. Avouch: uveravati: Translations: 1 – 4 / 4


56. Define Avouch by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.


57. We've got 17 rhyming words for Avouch » What rhymes with Avouch? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Avouch.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.

Avouch, About

58. Avouch Contractors Inc, 6845 Hawthorn Park Dr, Indianapolis, IN (Employee: David A Stevens) holds a Gen


59. How to say Avouch in English? Pronunciation of Avouch with 2 audio pronunciations, 17 synonyms, 1 meaning, 3 translations and more for Avouch.

Avouch, Audio, And

60. Meaning and definitions of Avouch, translation of Avouch in Bengali language with similar and opposite words

And, Avouch

61. Spoken pronunciation of Avouch in English and in Bengali

Avouch, And

62. Tags for the entry "Avouch" What Avouch means in Bengali, Avouch meaning in Bengali, Avouch definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Avouch in Bengali.

Avouch, And


AVOUCH [əˈvouCH]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does avouch mean?

Definition of avouch. transitive verb. 1 : to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved : affirm.

What does the name avouched mean?

Retrieved from To declare the provable truth or validity of; affirm: She avouched that she herself was innocent. To corroborate or confirm; vouch for: Has this report been avouched? To accept responsibility for (an action, for example); acknowledge. To avow; confess.

What does vouch mean?

a•vouch (əˈvaʊtʃ) v.t. 1. to make frank acknowledgment or affirmation of; declare or assert with positiveness. 2. to assume responsibility for; vouch for; guarantee.

How to use avouch in a sentence?

Examples of avouch in a Sentence. a note from my doctor avouching that my medical condition did indeed disqualify me from gym class avouched that he had never cheated on his taxes in his life.

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