Use Avoir in a sentence

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See also: Avoir Avoirdupois Avoid Avoider Avoided Avoision Avoidant Avoiding Avoidable Avoidance Avoidability

1. French: ·asset, possession··(transitive) to have (to own; to possess) J'aimerais Avoir 20 dollars

Asset, Aimerais, Avoir

2. Avoir translate: to have, to have, to be, to trick, to take in, to have, credit note, have, have, have, have, have…


3. Avoir is one of the most important French verbs - here's how to conjugate it into every tense and mood

Avoir, And

4. Conjugations for the irregular French verb Avoir.


5. Avoir is an irregular French verb that means "to have." The multitalented verb Avoir is omnipresent in the French written and spoken language and appears in a multitude of idiomatic expressions, thanks to its utility and versatility

Avoir, An, And, Appears

6. Avoir is the French verb that means “to have”


7. But it has so much more than that going for it! For one thing, as you probably know already, Avoir is the most common auxiliary (helping) verb in French

As, Already, Avoir, Auxiliary

8. That would be more than enough for most verbs, but Avoir’s got to have it all!

Avoir, All

9. Conjugate the French verb Avoir in several modes, tenses, voices, numbers, persons : indicative mode, subjunctive, imperative mood, conditional, participle form


10. Avoir is one of the two most important French verbs (être is the other one) and has irregular conjugations in just about every tense and mood

Avoir, And, About

11. Avoir literally means "to have," but also serves an an auxiliary verb and is found in many idiomatic expressions

Avoir, Also, An, Auxiliary, And

12. English Translation of “Avoir” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online


13. If you’ve already been learning French for a while, these are probably the Avoir expressions that introduced you to the idea in the first place

Already, Are, Avoir

14. The Avoir conjugation tables below show how to form the French verb Avoir according to tense and person

Avoir, According, And

15. To listen to the pronunciation of a given tense of Avoir, click on the loudspeaker icon at the bottom of the table.See the notes on the conjugation of Avoir

Avoir, At

16. Nous aurions dû Avoir fait bien plus et Avoir agi avec une plus grande détermination

Aurions, Avoir, Agi, Avec

17. Avoir (also: obtenir, acquérir, se procurer) volume_up

Avoir, Also, Acqu

18. Autres locutions) Avoir à faire qch to have to do sth Vous n'avez qu'à lui demander

Autres, Avoir, Avez

19. En Avoir contre qn to have a grudge against sb en Avoir assez to be fed up en Avoir pour , J'en ai pour une demi-heure.

Avoir, Against, Assez, Ai

20. Avoirdupois definition is - Avoirdupois weight


21. How to use Avoirdupois in a sentence


22. Verb tables: Avoir Note: For each tense, a sample English equivalent is given for the first person singular


23. Avoir is the French verb meaning "to have." This irregular verb is one of the most commonly used in the French language, along with être (to be) and faire (to do or to make)

Avoir, Along, And

24. English words for Avoir include have, get, hold, possess, asset, own and stock

Avoir, Asset, And

25. The Avoir disappeared off the town of Motobu in northern Okinawa after sending a distress signal during Typhoon Sinlaku, the season's 16th typhoon, which battered much of Okinawa's main island and its vicinity, the officials said.

Avoir, After, And

26. Avoir is also used as an auxiliary in compound tenses (passé composé with Avoir, plus-que-parfait, futur antérieur, etc.)Besides ownership, the verb Avoir expresses age in French, unlike the English equivalent, which uses the verb 'to be.'

Avoir, Also, As, An, Auxiliary, Ant, Age

27. Les personnes à la peau claire, sujettes aux coups de soleil, semblent Avoir un risque plus grand que les personnes au teint mat

Aux, Avoir, Au

28. Son père, peintre, connaissait Montparnasse sans jamais y Avoir été et lui en avait parlé.

Avoir, Avait

29. Ces dernières pourraient Avoir un impact positif sur la réponse des lymphocytes en plus d'Avoir des propriétés anti-inflammatoires

Avoir, Anti

30. The verbs Avoir to have and être to be are two of the most important verbs in the French language: they can be used alone as main verbs or they can be used as auxiliary verbs to form the French compound tenses.

Avoir, And, Are, Alone, As, Auxiliary

31. Read on to see the conjugation of these two verbs, then master the difference between Avoir and être as auxiliary verbs

Avoir, And, As, Auxiliary

32. Simple imperative of Avoir + past participle — 1 The French gerund is only usable with the preposition en


33. Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Avoir in French with native pronunciation


34. Avoir translation and audio pronunciation

Avoir, And, Audio

35. Avoir is a design & production practice developing spatial & material identities of variable scale, ranging from architecture and interiors, to set-design, shows, furnitures, objects & products.

Avoir, Amp, Architecture, And

36. Être and Avoir: The 2 Most Important Verbs in French

And, Avoir

37. For starters, on their own, the verb être means “to be” and the verb Avoir means “to have.” These two verbs are used in this simple sense to say

And, Avoir, Are

38. Alexa teaches the French auxiliary verb Avoir (to have) in the present tense

Alexa, Auxiliary, Avoir

39. Another useful verb: Avoir (to have)

Another, Avoir

40. Like "être", "Avoir" is an irregular verb whatever the tense is

Avoir, An

41. Here is the conjugation in the present: Avoir : to have: j'ai (=je ai) I have: tu as: you have: il a: he has: nous avons: we have: vous avez: you have: ils ont: they have: Examples: Il a une voiture

Avoir, Ai, As, Avons, Avez

42. Avoir means “to have” and is an irregular verb, and one of the most important verbs in the French language

Avoir, And, An

43. In this lesson you will learn about: how Avoir is conjugated in French, how Avoir is pronounced in French, how Avoir is used in sentences in French, how Avoir conjugation Anki files can be downloaded.

About, Avoir, Anki

44. Choose the correct form of the verb Avoir in the Present Tense


45. The verb “Avoir” – “to have” in English – is sprinkled throughout the French language.Once you've gotten past basic greetings in French, you'll find yourself needing more and more expressions that require the verb Avoir.

Avoir, And

46. Avoir des remontées acides loc v locution verbale: groupe de mots fonctionnant comme un verbe

Avoir, Acides

47. Ex : "faire référence à" (Avoir un souci de digestion) tener reflujo loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como …


48. Autres locutions) Avoir à faire qch to have to do sth Vous n'avez qu'à lui demander

Autres, Avoir, Avez

49. En Avoir contre qn to have a grudge against sb en Avoir assez to be fed up en Avoir pour , J'en ai pour une demi-heure.

Avoir, Against, Assez, Ai

50. A simple explanation of "Conjugate Avoir in Le Subjonctif Présent (subjunctive mood)"


51. Synonyms for Avoir in Free Thesaurus


52. 11 synonyms for Avoirdupois: heaviness, heftiness, massiveness, ponderosity, ponderousness, weight


53. Main content: Le verbe Avoir Other contents: Les objets de la classe Add to my workbooks (105) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp

Avoir, Add

54. Avoir is an online based shopping brand in Bangladesh.

Avoir, An

55. A good practice for students beginning the passé compose of regular French -er verbs with Avoir


56. A review of how to set up regular -er verbs using Avoir in the passé compose, then practice with writing verbs out in the passé compose, changing the forms from the present tense to the passé compose.


57. ID: 1258138 Language: French School subject: Français Langue Étrangère (FLE) Grade/level: 5º Age: 9-12 Main content: Le verbe Avoir Other contents: Add to my workbooks (40) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom

Ais, Age, Avoir, Add

58. Idioms and set expressions: Avoir bon dos = to belong to Avoir à voir = to have to do with en Avoir assez = have had enough Avoir 3 ans = to be 3 years old' Avoir des enfants = to have children Avoir pour = to have as Avoir un prix = to receive a bonus se faire Avoir, se laisser Avoir = to be deceived, get caught Avoir un faim du loup = to be extremely hungry

And, Avoir, Assez, Ans, As

59. Avoir l’air is pronounced [/a.vwaʁ l‿ɛʁ/] (“avwar lerr.”)

Avoir, Air, Avwar

60. Literally, it’s: Avoir (= to have, irregular verb) + l’air (= the air) = to have the air of

Avoir, Air

61. It’s a French verbal expression that means: “to seem / to look / to look like.” Verbs such as paraître or sembler are synonyms of “ Avoir l’air,” but they’re much more formal, so we don’t really use them in

As, Are, Avoir, Air



  • › Avoir verbs list
  • › Conjugations of french verb avoir
  • › Avoir passe compose
  • › Avoir past tense conjugation
  • › Avoir french conjugation chart

Frequently Asked Questions

Is avoir a noun?

Usage notes. Avoir is often used with nouns like chaud (“heat”), faim (“hunger”), soif (“thirst”), peur (“fear”), etc. to express a personal condition or feeling, as shown in examples above. While constructions like être affamé (“to be starving/starved”) and être assoiffé (“to be thirsty”) exist, they are almost always used figuratively.

What is the etymology of avoir?

From Middle French avoir, from Old French avoir, aveir, aver, from Latin habeō (“have, hold, possess”), probably from a Proto-Italic *habēō or *haβēō, possibly ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *gʰh₁bʰ- (“to grab, to take”).

What does avoir Affame mean?

While constructions like être affamé (“to be starving/starved”) and être assoiffé (“to be thirsty”) exist, they are almost always used figuratively. It is always more natural to use avoir rather than être in the examples listed above, and other similar cases. In some cases, both verbs can be used, but with vastly different meanings: J'ai chaud.

What does avoir mean in French?

avoir translate: to have, to have, to be, to trick, to take in, to have, credit note, have, have, have, have, have…. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.

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