See also: Aversive Aversiveness Stimulus Avert Aversion Aver Averse Average Averted Averment Avery Averred Averting
1. Aversive definition is - tending to avoid or causing avoidance of a noxious or punishing stimulus
Aversive, Avoid, Avoidance
2. How to use Aversive in a sentence.
3. Aversive definition, of or relating to aversion
Aversive, Aversion
4. Aversive synonyms, Aversive pronunciation, Aversive translation, English dictionary definition of Aversive
5. Aversive: 1 adj tending to repel or dissuade “ Aversive conditioning”
Aversive, Adj
6. ‘an Aversive agent is added, which gives the antifreeze an unpleasant taste’ More example sentences ‘the very thought of cheating or acting immorally is deeply Aversive for the virtuous character’
An, Aversive, Agent, Added, Antifreeze, Acting
7. Find 160 ways to say Aversive, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Aversive, Along, Antonyms, And, At
8. What does Aversive mean? (psychology, countable) An unpleasant stimulus intended to induce a change in behaviour
Aversive, An
9. Aversive Racism Definition Aversive racism is a form of contemporary racism that, in contrast to the traditional form, operates unconsciously in subtle and indirect ways
Aversive, And
10. Aversive racists regard themselves as nonprejudiced but, at the same time, harbor negative feelings and beliefs about members of minority groups
Aversive, As, At, And, About
11. Aversive racism was originally hypothesized to characterize the attitudes […]
Aversive, Attitudes
12. The chief stimuli used in the therapy are electrical, chemical, or imagined Aversive situations
Are, Aversive
13. The Aversive consequence, failing, is put off by studying
14. The unfortunate part involves what occurs after the Aversive stimuli have been removed, e.g., when one completes school
After, Aversive
15. If one’s study of behavior has been only under Aversive control, …
16. The term Aversive has been used in this way to refer to a specific subclass of stimuli-such as electric shock (Carr & Lovaas, 1983) or "extraneous Aversives" (Bailey, 1983)-that appear to be unpleasant, noxious, or dangerous
Aversive, As, Amp, Aversives, Appear
17. Aversion therapy, sometimes called Aversive therapy or Aversive conditioning, is used to help a person give up a behavior or habit by having them associate it with something unpleasant.
Aversion, Aversive, Associate
18. Aversive tools like bark collars, choke and prong collars don’t change your dog’s behavior, at least in a way that’s effective and long-term
Aversive, And, At
19. In most instances, they simply suppress the behavior when the Aversive is present
20. An Aversive illness is gradual, prolonged, and caused by internal events; an Aversive airpuff is fast, brief, and caused by the external world
An, Aversive, And, Airpuff
21. By definition, Aversive conditioning―or Aversive therapy to be precise―is a form of conditioning, wherein, the subject is simultaneously exposed to a stimulus (particular behavior) and discomfort, as a result of which he starts associating the two and stops the said behavior.
Aversive, And, As, Associating
22. Synonyms for Aversive in Free Thesaurus
23. Taken together, the posterior insula processes Aversive somatosensory events and contributes to elaborate their negative valence
Aversive, And
24. ![Figure][2] Optogenetic studies to determine Aversive signaling in brain areas upstream of the amygdala
Aversive, Areas, Amygdala
25. Aversive procedure is defined as the use of a substance or stimulus, intended to modify behavior, which the person administering it knows or should know is likely to cause physical and/or emotional trauma to a student, even when the substance or stimulus appears to be pleasant or neutral to others.
Aversive, As, Administering, And, Appears
26. Another type of the ARFID eating disorder is Aversive
Another, Arfid, Aversive
27. Individuals whose food refusal is related to the Aversive type may experience on fear-based reactions
28. Aversive ARFID evokes a fear of choking, nausea, vomiting, pain and/or swallowing, forcing the individual to …
Aversive, Arfid, And
29. Aversive stimuli - events that organisms avoid or escape fr… Positive punishment occurs when a stimulus is presented fol… • All things being equal, most people will respond better to b…
Aversive, Avoid, All
30. Synonyms for Aversive include evitative, unpitying, apathetic, indifferent, unfeeling, unresponsive, cold, unconcerned, cool and frigid
Aversive, Apathetic, And
31. Aversive state processing in the posterior insular cortex Nat Neurosci
32. It has become increasingly clear, however, that dopamine neurons also transmit signals related to salient but nonrewarding experiences such as Aversive and alerting events
Also, As, Aversive, And, Alerting
33. A conditioned Aversive stimulus is an initially neutral stimulus that becomes Aversive after repeated pairing with an unconditioned Aversive stimulus
Aversive, An, After
34. In Aversive racism, equality of rights and freedom are intended so that each group openly lives its own culture.
Aversive, And, Are
35. “Aversive Feeding Behavior: Getting full mouth opening for the spoon and why it’s worth the trouble” I am from Toronto, Canada, my daughter is having a very similar problem with accepting spoon and solid food
Aversive, And, Am, Accepting
36. Between Aversive leadership and distinction at work or work alienation psychological capital is a moderating variable such that work alienation will be low in high level ofPsyCap
Aversive, And, At, Alienation
37. Aversive leadership is the Independent Variable
38. Aversive cues (Aversive cue > water cue and Aversive cue > no-liquid-delivery cue) elicited activation in inferior frontal gyrus, OFC, insula, frontal pole, caudate, and occipital cortex
Aversive, And, Activation
39. Controlled Comparison of Aversive Therapy and Imaginal Desensitization in Compulsive Gambling Volume 142, Issue 4 Nathaniel McConaghy (a1) , Michael S
Aversive, And
40. Aversive Stimulus An unpleasant or painful stimulus
Aversive, An
41. Everyone finds different things Aversive so we have to be careful to determine individual preferences and dislikes for each client.
Aversive, And
42. What Is LIMA? LIMA is an acronym for the phrase “Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive”
An, Acronym, Aversive
43. LIMA describes a trainer or behavior consultant who uses the least intrusive, minimally Aversive strategy out of a set of humane and effective tactics likely to succeed in achieving a training or behavior change objective.
Aversive, And, Achieving
44. It is important to understand how sensory inputs to sensory neurons are processed in the neural circuit to generate switching of attractive behavior to Aversive behavior.However, not much is known about the functions of these interneurons
Are, Attractive, Aversive, About
45. This chapter examines one form of contemporary racism, “Aversive racism.” Aversive racism is characterized by a conflict between the denial of personal prejudice and unconscious negative feelings and beliefs, which may be rooted in normal psychological processes (such as social categorization).
Aversive, And, As
46. Aversive treatment procedures may be appropriate for an individual student who exhibits behaviors which pose a risk of physical harm to the student or others, or a risk of significant damage to property, or significantly disruptive
Aversive, Appropriate, An
47. The Aversive procedures to be eliminated have some or all of the following characteristics: Obvious signs of physical pain experienced by the individual
Aversive, All
48. Aversive racism can be defined as exhibiting racist tendencies while denying that those thoughts, behaviors, and motives are racist (Schneider, Gruman, and Coutts, 2012)
Aversive, As, And, Are
49. People who are Aversive racists believe that they support egalitarian principles, or equal rights for all, though this is at odds with their clear racial biases.
Are, Aversive, All, At
50. Aversive stimuli/situations elicit strong URs that evolved via natural selection for safety Environment configuration determines which reaction occurs Instrumental responses similar to SSDRs learning more easily in avoidance experiments than responses unrelated to SSDRs.
Aversive, Avoidance
51. Appetitive and Aversive Social Motives and Goals I am interested in investigating how appetitive social motives and goals, such as need for affiliation and approach social goals, differ from Aversive social motives and goals, such as fear of rejection and avoidance social goals.
Appetitive, And, Aversive, Am, As, Affiliation, Approach, Avoidance
52. What is the opposite of Aversive? Antonyms for Aversive (opposite of Aversive).
Aversive, Antonyms
53. LIMA is an acronym for ‘least intrusive, minimally Aversive’ training and it speaks so perfectly to my commitment to helping people and pets to live their best possible life together
An, Acronym, Aversive, And
54. This stimulation was Aversive, and instrumentally pausing stimulation could reinforce lever-pressing
Aversive, And
55. Thus, the activity of dehydration-activated MnPO neurons establishes a scalable, persistent, and Aversive internal state that dynamically controls thirst
Activity, Activated, And, Aversive
56. Guided Notes Aversive Control Learning Objectives 1
57. Be able to identify which cells from the contingency matrix define “Aversive control.” 3
Able, Aversive
58. Guided Notes Aversive Control terminates that stimulus
59. The difference between the conditions with and without the Aversive stimulus is an immediate one
And, Aversive, An
60. Example: _ waking up to alarm sound and turning it off _____ _ Avoidance _____: With avoidance, the Aversive stimulus is never present
Alarm, And, Avoidance, Aversive
AVERSIVE [əˈvərsiv]