Use Autotroph in a sentence

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See also: Autotroph Autotrophic Autotrophy The Define Autonomy Autocratic Autonomous Autocracy Automation Automated Autobiography Autopsy Auto Automobile Autophagy Automatic Automaton Autonomously Autochthonous Autoimmune Autoestima Autonomía

1. An Autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals. Because Autotrophs produce their own food, they are sometimes called producer s

An, Autotroph, Autotrophs, Are

2. Plant s are the most familiar type of Autotroph, but there are many different kinds of Autotrophic organisms.

Are, Autotroph, Autotrophic

3. Autotroph [ ô ′tə-trŏf′ ] An organism that manufactures its own food from inorganic substances, such as carbon dioxide and ammonia

Autotroph, An, As, And, Ammonia

4. Most Autotrophs, such as green plants, certain algae, and photosynthetic bacteria, use light for energy.

Autotrophs, As, Algae, And

5. Definition of Autotroph : an Autotrophic organism Examples of Autotroph in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Only those bacteria that had evolved into Autotrophs survived.

Autotroph, An, Autotrophic, Autotrophs

6. Green plants, algae, and certain bacteria are Autotrophs.

Algae, And, Are, Autotrophs

7. Autotroph, in ecology, an organism that serves as a primary producer in a food chain. Autotrophs obtain energy and nutrients by harnessing sunlight through photosynthesis (photoAutotrophs) or, more rarely, obtain chemical energy through oxidation (chemoAutotrophs) to make organic substances from …

Autotroph, An, As, Autotrophs, And

8. An Autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using inorganic substances. In contrast, heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own nutrients and require consumption of other organisms to live

An, Autotroph, Are, And

9. Autotrophs are important parts of the ecosystem known as producers, and they are often the food source for heterotrophs.

Autotrophs, Are, As, And

10. Autotroph was founded by Alexander Dzurec, an award winning architect and recognized expert in the field of sustainable design, in 2006

Autotroph, Alexander, An, Award, Architect, And

11. Since then, Autotroph has maintained a powerful team of qualified architects, designers, and planners.

Autotroph, Architects, And

12. Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food, using materials from inorganic sources. The word “Autotroph” comes from the root words “auto” for “self” and “troph” for “food.” An Autotroph is an organism that feeds itself, without the assistance of any other organisms.

Autotrophs, Are, Autotroph, Auto, And, An, Assistance, Any

13. Autotroph, Heterotroph, and Energy Flow Explained

Autotroph, And

14. The Autotrophs are those capable of extracting the carbon from the gross of the atmosphere and convert it into energy, while the heterotrophs are those who can not produce their own food and then must obtain it by consuming other materials, which in some cases are the same as the Autotrophs produce.

Autotrophs, Are, Atmosphere, And, As

15. Dzurec’s responsibilities at Autotroph include project management & oversight, business development & marketing and quality control

At, Autotroph, Amp, And

16. Prior to forming Autotroph in 2006, Mr


17. Autotrophs are organisms that use inorganic chemicals to produce their own food

Autotrophs, Are

18. The term “Autotroph” was first coined by a botanist, Albert Bernhard Frank, in 1892

Autotroph, Albert

19. The term “Autotroph” is a combination of two Greek words: “auto” meaning “self” and “troph” meaning “food”.

Autotroph, Auto, And

20. Autotrophs are any organisms that are capable of producing their own food

Autotrophs, Are, Any

21. Bacteria that use inorganic carbon source (CO2) as their sole carbon source are called Autotrophs

As, Are, Autotrophs

22. An Autotroph is a group of organisms capable of producing their own food by utilizing various substances like water, sunlight, air, and other chemicals

An, Autotroph, Air, And

23. The Autotroph is made up of two words; ‘auto’ meaning self and ‘troph’ meaning food

Autotroph, Auto, And

24. Autotrophs are thus, capable of producing their own food without any assistance from others.

Autotrophs, Are, Any, Assistance

25. An Autotroph can use different energy sources, such as the sun or inorganic oxidation, to store the energy it will need for cellular reactions

An, Autotroph, As

26. An Autotroph can range widely in size and distribution

An, Autotroph, And

27. The smallest Autotroph is like a cyanobacteria or other unicellular Autotroph


28. Green plants, algae, and certain bacteria are Autotrophs

Algae, And, Are, Autotrophs

29. Based on our basic biological assumption regarding Autotrophs, we believe there must exist metabolic pathways for generating these metabolites

Assumption, Autotrophs

30. Autotrophs are organisms that must create their own organic compounds, like fatty acids or carbohydrates, using light or inorganic chemical reactions

Autotrophs, Are, Acids

31. Autotrophs include plants, algae, and some bacteria

Autotrophs, Algae, And

32. PhotoAutotrophs are organisms that can make their own energy using light and carbon dioxide via the process of photosynthesis.The word photoAutotroph is a combination of Autotroph, the word for an organism that makes its own food, and the prefix photo-, which means “light”

Are, And, Autotroph, An

33. Green plants and photosynthetic bacteria are examples of photoAutotrophs.

And, Are

34. Autotrophic definition is - requiring only carbon dioxide or carbonates as a source of carbon and a simple inorganic nitrogen compound for metabolic synthesis of organic molecules (such as glucose)

Autotrophic, As, And

35. How to use Autotrophic in a sentence.


36. When it comes to Autotrophs, there are a lot of them out there

Autotrophs, Are

37. Marine Autotroph examples might spring to mind, like plankton, but even the flower growing in your backyard is an example of an Autotroph.

Autotroph, An

38. An Autotroph is an organism able to make its own food

An, Autotroph, Able

39. Autotrophic organisms take inorganic substances into their bodies and transform them into organic nourishment

Autotrophic, And

40. Autotrophs are essential to all life because they are the primary producers at the base of all food chains.

Autotrophs, Are, All, At

41. Autotroph (plural Autotrophs) ( ecology ) Any organism that can synthesize its food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy

Autotroph, Autotrophs, Any, As

42. Autotroph an organism that can manufacture its own organic requirements from inorganic materials independent of other sources of organic substrates

Autotroph, An

43. Autotrophs are either phototrophic (see PHOTOAutotroph or CHEMOAutotrophIC , energy being derived either by photosynthesis where chlorophyll is present, or from inorganic oxidation where it is

Autotrophs, Are

44. Following are the important examples of Autotrophs: Plants; Algae- Green algae and red algae; Bacteria such as cyanobacteria; Also Read: Difference between Autotrophs and heterotrophs

Are, Autotrophs, Algae, And, As, Also

45. To know more about Autotrophic nutrition, and Autotroph

About, Autotrophic, And, Autotroph

46. Autotroph or Heterotroph? This is a fun and meaningful way to practice determining the difference between these two! Students will read a sentence or word and decide if it is describing an Autotroph or heterotroph, then glue the box in the correct column.

Autotroph, And, An

47. Autotroph Design is an architecture, planning, and consulting firm with offices in Santa Fe, NM and Baltimore, MD.

Autotroph, An, Architecture, And

48. Autotrophic bacteria An Autotroph is an organism able to make its own food

Autotrophic, An, Autotroph, Able

49. Autotrophic organisms take inorganic substances into their bodies and transform them into organic nourishment

Autotrophic, And

50. Autotrophs are essential to all life because they are the primary producers at the base of all food chains

Autotrophs, Are, All, At

51. There are two categories of Autotrophs, distinguished by the energy each uses to synthesize food.

Are, Autotrophs

52. Also called Selaginella lepidophylla, this Autotroph is interesting in that it appears to resurrect from the dead

Also, Autotroph, Appears

53. Dictionary entry overview: What does Autotroph mean? • Autotroph (noun) The noun Autotroph has 1 sense:


54. Plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances Familiarity information: Autotroph used as a noun is very rare.

Autotroph, As

55. Autotroph in a sentence - Use "Autotroph" in a sentence 1


56. An Autotroph or primary producer is an organism that produces complex organic compounds (such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) using carbon from simple substances such as carbon dioxide, generally using energy from light (photosynthesis) or inorganic chemical reactions : 3

An, Autotroph, As, And

57. SALE TODAY: Learn Piano on iOS biology expert Mary Poffenroth discusses the differences between Autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Autotrophs, And

58. Autotroph: 1 n plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances Synonyms: autophyte , autophytic plant , Autotrophic organism Type of: flora , plant , plant life (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

Autotroph, Autophyte, Autophytic, Autotrophic

59. ThermoAutotrophicus is a thermophilic Autotroph that was isolated from the warm overlay of a charcoal-burning heap in the Black Forest in 1992 [25]


60. ‘It is a true Autotroph and uses only two sources for its metabolism: carbon dioxide as its source for carbon and hydrogen as an energy source.’ ‘Plants are Autotrophs, self-nourishing life forms.’ ‘Since plants and other photosynthetic organisms can produce many of their own nutrition requirements they are known as Autotrophs.’

Autotroph, And, As, An, Are, Autotrophs

61. This quick video discusses the basic differences between Autotrophs and heterotrophs.Topics:AutotrophsPhotosynthesisChemosynthesisProducersHeterotrophsConsum

Autotrophs, And, Autotrophsphotosynthesischemosynthesisproducersheterotrophsconsum

62. In contextbiologylang=en terms the difference between prototroph and Autotroph is that prototroph is (biology) any microorganism that can synthesize its nutrients from inorganic material while Autotroph is (biology) any organism that can synthesize its food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy

And, Autotroph, Any, As

63. As nouns the difference between prototroph and Autotroph

As, And, Autotroph

64. While an Autotroph produces its own food, a heterotroph consumes other organisms for food

An, Autotroph

65. As a result, an Autotroph is the opposite of a heterotroph

As, An, Autotroph

66. The words Autotroph and heterotroph share the same root word troph which means an organism with certain nutritional requirements.

Autotroph, And, An

67. Antonyms for Autotroph include heterotroph, being, organism, carnivore, herbivore and omnivore

Antonyms, Autotroph, And

68. Autotroph is a see also of lithotroph

Autotroph, Also

69. In contextbiologylang=en terms the difference between Autotroph and lithotroph is that Autotroph is (biology) any organism that can synthesize its food from inorganic substances, using heat or light as a source of energy while lithotroph is (biology) an organism that obtains its energy from inorganic compounds (such as ammonia) via electron transfer.

Autotroph, And, Any, As, An, Ammonia

70. An Autotroph is an organism that needs only simple compounds to grow

An, Autotroph


AUTOTROPH [ˈôdəˌtrōf]

  • › Autotroph definition biology simple
  • › Define autotrophs and heterotrophs
  • › Biology definition of autotrophs
  • › What are autotrophs quizlet

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between an autotroph and a chemotroph?

Photoautotrophs are the autotrophs that use the sunlight to synthesize their food. Chemoautotrophs are the autotrophs that use chemicals to prepare their food . Example

What is the difference between an autotroph and a producer?

An autotroph and a producer are almost the same.They both convert sunlight into energy. Autotrophs are a larger group covering all organisms that convert energy from sunlight or chemicals. Producers are organisms that use sunlight energy to create carbohydrates that they use for food or structural purposes.

What is the difference between a heterotroph and an autotroph?

Main Difference. The key difference between heterotrophs and autotrophs is that the heterotrophs are the organisms that cannot create their own food and depend on the organic matter produced by other organisms while autotrophs are the organisms that can make their own food.

Does an autotroph make its own food?

An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals. Because autotrophs produce their own food, they are sometimes called producers.

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