Use Authoring tool in a sentence

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See also: Web What Authority Authentic Authenticity Authoritarian Authoritative Authorize Authoritarianism Authentication Authorization Authorized Authenticate Author's Authorship Authorised

1. An Authoring tool is a software program that enables you to easily create interactive lessons and quizzes. It features a rich interface with all the options on the front

An, Authoring, And, All

2. What is an Authoring tool? An elearning Authoring tool is a software program that enables users to create learning content, lessons and courses using text, media, and interactions. Mainly such content developed to use it in LMS and can be saved in various formats.

An, Authoring, And

3. What is an Authoring tool? An Authoring tool is a piece of software that enables the creation of digital content. This could be as simple as creating a Microsoft Word document, or as complex as a graphic design tool

An, Authoring, As

4. An Authoring tool is software that enables you to create and arrange content into a standardized course structure. This structure can then be exported in several different multimedia types

An, Authoring, And, Arrange

5. An eLearning Authoring tool is a type of software that allows you to create digital training content, convert it into an eLearning format, and distribute it among learners via a learning management system, or on the web. Digital training content includes, but isn’t limited to, e-courses, video lectures, assessments, and simulations.

An, Authoring, Allows, And, Among, Assessments

6. The Revised 508 Standards include new requirements for Authoring tools


7. From the definitions section (E103.4) of the Revised 508 Standards: Authoring tool: any software, or collection of software components, that can be used by authors, alone or collaboratively, to create or modify content for use by others, including other authors

Authoring, Any, Authors, Alone

8. A Help Authoring Software or Help Authoring tool (HAT) is a content development tool that lets you create, manage, and distribute support documentation. You’ll often see it as a FAQ section or support document section on a company’s website.

Authoring, And, As

9. Your Authoring tools are your painting supplies in this scenario, as they enable course creation, while your frame is your learning management system (LMS) which houses your learning content

Authoring, Are, As

10. Authoring tools start your journey; they help you develop and create your training.

Authoring, And

11. Udutu is a free Authoring tool that enables you to create training materials by using customizable theme templates. The pre-built game-like scenario templates will add to the appeal of your online courses

Authoring, Add, Appeal

12. In simple terms, an Authoring tool is an eLearning course creation tool

An, Authoring

13. A course Authoring tool is a program that allows you to create different types of elearning content

Authoring, Allows

14. TechSmith Camtasia 2018 is a solid eLearning Authoring tool that's great for creating video lessons, but those wanting a more traditional, text …


15. Adapt is a free and easy to use e-learning Authoring tool that creates fully responsive, multi-device, HTML5 e-learning content using the award-winning Adapt developer framework.

Adapt, And, Authoring, Award

16. An Authoring tool is a software that exists either standalone or alongside an online training platform and enables users to create learning content with various forms of media

An, Authoring, Alongside, And

17. Because of the intent of such content, Authoring tools are mainly used for eLearning or online training.

Authoring, Are

18. What is a content authoring software? There are many definitions of an Authoring tool around the web

Authoring, Are, An, Around

19. Authoring tools usually enable you to create a final application merely by linking together objects, such as a paragraph of text, an illustration, or a song.

Authoring, Application, As, An

20. The CDS Authoring tool provides an interface for creating clinical decision support logic using simple forms and exporting it as Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Quality Language (CQL) artifacts using the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) data model for integration with EHRs.

Authoring, An, And, As, Artifacts

21. One of the most notable benefits of Authoring tools is that they help you design courses that align with current gaps and goals

Authoring, Align, And

22. Elearning Authoring tool #6 – Crowd Wisdom; Crowd Wisdom LMS is designed specifically for large-scale professional education and partner and customer training

Authoring, And

23. The Measure Authoring tool (MAT) is a web-based tool that allows measure developers to author electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs)

Authoring, Allows, Author

24. An e-learning Authoring tool is a name given to content development tools that are typically used for creating educational content

An, Authoring, Are

25. Most organizations combine an LMS with an Authoring tool

An, Authoring

26. You create your interactive and engaging e-learning courses in the Authoring tool and upload them as a SCORM-package to your learning management system where you can manage all your learners, set learning paths based on function, and other similar tasks.

And, Authoring, As, All

27. Use the Authoring tool to create an APL document from a pre-built template, from a Lottie animation, or from a blank document

Authoring, An, Apl, Animation

28. Import a Lottie animation Import animations in Lottie format into the Authoring tool to use in your APL documents.

Animation, Animations, Authoring, Apl

29. A content Authoring tool is a software that allows you to create and manage digital content in an interactive format, that can be further explored in various multimedia types

Authoring, Allows, And, An

30. Absorb Create is a cloud-based course Authoring tool that's built to simplify the creation of high-quality, interactive learning materials

Absorb, Authoring

31. A content Authoring tool refers to software that enables you to create interactive digital training content, easily convert it into different formats, and offer it to learners either through the web or a learning management system

Authoring, And

32. There are several advantages of using content Authoring tools, including –

Are, Advantages, Authoring

33. Glo Maker is an open-source eLearning Authoring tool, offering the ability to create generative and interactive learning modules

An, Authoring, Ability, And

34. ISpring Suite is a full-featured eLearning solution focused on making rapid content development easy and intuitive.A major plus with iSpring Suite is that the core Authoring tool works as a PowerPoint add-in, which makes for a familiar interface that’s very easy to use.

And, Authoring, As, Add

35. What Is an Authoring tool? Probably the simplest way to think of it is that an Authoring tool is a software application that lets you create your own multimedia software titles

An, Authoring, Application

36. You COULD use an Authoring tool to create an interactive multimedia element on a website.

An, Authoring

37. Home Login / Sign Up Welcome to the Addiction Paper Authoring tool (PAT) Transforming the craft of writing scientific articles in the field of addiction 'Now might I do it pat' Hamlet Act iii, Scene iii.

Addiction, Authoring, Articles, Act

38. The System Center 2016 Service Manager Authoring tool is a tool for customization and extension of the built in functionality in System Center Service Manager

Authoring, And

39. Our online course Authoring tool, our hosted learning management system (LMS) and, for those who need it, our course development, curriculum planning, and other professional services present a complete end-to-end training solution.

Authoring, And

40. The EdApp Authoring tool is the only solution on the market that makes the use of data to provide real insight to authors

Authoring, Authors

41. An eLearning Authoring tool is a type of software that allows you to create digital training content, convert it into an eLearning format, and distribute it among learners via a learning management system

An, Authoring, Allows, And, Among

42. There are all sorts of free self Authoring tools available to meet any needs or requirements you may have.

Are, All, Authoring, Available, Any

43. When planning your next paper, streamline and simplify your writing process by using an online or collaborative Authoring tool

And, An, Authoring

44. Whether you need a solution for importing reference libraries, real-time collaboration with co-authors, or importing and exporting in different formats and markup language, Authoring tools help manage the writing

Authors, And, Authoring

45. An effective and easy sensory effect Authoring tool using the technologies described in this chapter is important for content providers when creating 4D content

An, And, Authoring

46. Several Authoring tools have been proposed to assign sensory effect metadata to AV content [3–5].The sensory effect Authoring tools support user-friendly graphic interfaces for easy SEM authoring, automatic XML instance validation

Authoring, Assign, Av, Automatic

47. Choosing the right eLearning Authoring tool can be difficult with the number of choices available

Authoring, Available

48. The right Authoring tool has a tremendous impact on the learner and on the bottom line of the company, which raises the stakes and adds to the pressure of making an appropriate selection.

Authoring, And, Adds, An, Appropriate

49. Our Top eLearning Authoring tools List is based on thorough analysis of the capabilities, experience and expertise of eLearning Authoring tool providers.

Authoring, Analysis, And

50. The design process of using an Authoring tool can be more or less scaffolded or automated based on questions about the author's assumed skill level (knowledge engineering, instructional design, subject matter expertise), available time for training, design and development, and knowledge of the target audience (Murray, 2003; Murray et al., 2003).

An, Authoring, Automated, About, Author, Assumed, Available, And, Audience, Al

51. The best advice we can provide, is to try out the Authoring tool or the learning management system for free for some time

Advice, Authoring

52. The truth is the National Science Foundation funded the first Authoring tool, called PLATO, way back in 1960, and then another in 1967, called TICCIT

Authoring, And, Another

53. Both spawned many other Authoring tools over the years


54. OK, but what’s so special about Authoring tools that makes them the tools of choice to create eLearning courses?

About, Authoring



  • › Authoring tools for elearning
  • › Free elearning authoring tools
  • › List of authoring tools

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an authoring environment and how is it used?

The authoring environment is a software tool to create scenarios that try to mimic the navigations of real users. To this end, it provides facilities to record, edit and debug test scripts, which are used to define the scenarios on workload characterization.

How to choose the best course authoring tool?

How To Choose The Right Rapid Authoring Tool

  • Consider Your Competency In The Tool. Even if there are a plethora of choices available, you must choose an authoring tool in which your learning designers are proficient.
  • Compare And Analyze Features. Every eLearning course you create will have specific features. ...
  • Check Whether They Support Responsive Design. ...
  • More items...

    What does course authoring tool mean?

    Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word course authoring tool. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: course authoring tool (Noun) Software designed for creating e-learning courses.

    What are the uses of web authoring software?

    6 Reasons to Use Authoring Software for your Elearning Career

  • Create engaging content. When you search for a particular question in google, many answers pop up. ...
  • Improves your credibility. Online tutoring is a globally trending career in the past few years. ...
  • Update the new content effectively. ...
  • Attract and accessible to your audience. ...
  • Customize your content for clients. ...
  • A Stress-free process. ...
  • Conclusion. ...

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