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See also: Auteurs Auteurship Auteur Autentico Autenticidad Autecology Auteurism Austere Autenticacion Auteurist Austerity Audacious

1. Many directors, in fact, most, are NOT Auteurs

Are, Auteurs

2. List Rules Filmmakers known as Auteurs An auteur is a filmmaker or director whose personal, individual production style and creative flare gives his or her films a distinctive, unique feel

As, Auteurs, An, Auteur, And

3. Bij Auteurs die onder pseudoniem publiceerden staat de werkelijke naam tussen haakjes vermeld.


4. Omdat het om Vlaamse Auteurs gaat, wordt hier de gewoonte gevolgd om partikels bij de achternaam te rekenen.

Auteurs, Achternaam

5. “The politique des Auteurs consists, in short, of choosing the personal factor in artistic creation as a standard of reference, and then assuming that it continues and even progresses from one film to the next

Auteurs, Artistic, As, And, Assuming

6. Auteurs synonyms, Auteurs pronunciation, Auteurs translation, English dictionary definition of Auteurs


7. Auteurs est un journal en ligne où chaque auteur est libre de s'exprimer sur le sujet qu'il souhaite.

Auteurs, Auteur

8. The Coen Brothers: Auteurs in the 21st Century by Max Hermann (English 1135) n many ways, the Coen brothers are true modern day Auteurs

Auteurs, Are

9. Auteurs by kans345 created - 12 Jul 2015 updated - 08 Aug 2015 Public Sort by: View: 215 names 1

Auteurs, Aug

10. The Auteurs, vehicle for singer/songwriter/guitarist Luke Haine's curmudgeonly poetic vision, received quite a bit of praise over the past decade


11. New WaveAlbum by The AuteursNew Wave is the 1993 debut album by British alternative rock band The Auteurs

Auteursnew, Album, Alternative, Auteurs

12. The Auteurs Biography by Stephen Thomas Erlewine + Follow Artist

Auteurs, Artist

13. These are, generally, also directors who create the work they stage – frequently supplanting the playwright – choreograph the movements, design the setting and plot the lighting, and sometimes perform on stage as well, qualifying them as ‘ Auteurs ’, a French term developed in New Wave

Are, Also, And, As, Auteurs

14. Auteurs and Authorship: A Film Reader offers students an introductory and comprehensive view of perhaps the most central concept in film studies

Auteurs, And, Authorship, An

15. This unique anthology addresses the aesthetic and historical debates surrounding Auteurship while providing author criticism and analysis in practice.

Anthology, Addresses, Aesthetic, And, Auteurship, Author, Analysis

16. Centre des Auteurs Dramatiques (CEAD), activités, archives et documentation, répertoire détaillé d'Auteurs dramatiques, soutiens, liens (Montréal)

Auteurs, Activit, Archives, Al

17. The Auteurs was a British alternative rock band of the 1990s

Auteurs, Alternative

18. Unfairly dismissed as the egotrip of acclaimed songwriter Luke Haines, The Auteurs were one of the unsung bands of the mid-nineties Britpop movement

As, Acclaimed, Auteurs

19. Releasing their first record, New Wave, in 1993, the Auteurs were compared to Suede, and the resurgent glam-rock movement, and began to amass a reasonable cult following

Auteurs, And, Amass

20. Auteurs assemble! What caused the superhero backlash? From left: The Boys, Joker, Watchmen, The Avengers, Batman v Superman, and Starlight from The Boys

Auteurs, Assemble, Avengers, And

21. De Auteurs van dit boekje vonden elkaar doordat G.A.I


22. Schuijt in het Nederlands Juristenblad zijn nood had geklaagd over de vaak voorkomende onvolledigheid en inconsistentie van voetnoten en bronverwijzingen in de juridische literatuur in Nederland.3 Een twintigtal Auteurs, redacteuren en uitgevers gaf gehoor aan zijn oproep een commissie te

Auteurs, Aan

23. The Auteurs play 'Lenny Valentino' on Later With Jools Holland from 1994.


24. With their 1993 debut album, New Wave, the Auteurs established themselves as one of England's best guitar bands of the early '90s

Album, Auteurs, As

25. Driven by the bittersweet, ironic songwriting of Luke Haines, the band's carefully crafted, three-minute pop songs are in the vein of the Kinks, the Smiths, and the Beatles, particularly the songs of George Harrison.Yet the Auteurs never sound like imitators

Are, And, Auteurs

26. The Auteurs, Category: Artist, Albums: Das Capital - The Songwriting Genius Of Luke Haines And The Auteurs, How I Learned To Love The Bootboys, After Murder Park, Now I'm A Cowboy, The Auteurs Vs µ-Ziq, Singles: The Rubettes, Top Tracks: New French Girlfriend, Show Girl, Lenny Valentino, Junk Shop Clothes, Bailed Out, Biography: When the Auteurs released their debut album in 1993, the British

Auteurs, Artist, Albums, And, After, Album

27. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about The Auteurs - New Wave at Discogs

And, About, Auteurs, At

28. Complete your The Auteurs collection.


29. Argue, “the identification of directors as Auteurs is a move critics make based on a retrospective account of a body of work “ (478) and requires a significant amount of analysis and hindsight

Argue, As, Auteurs, Account, And, Amount, Analysis

30. The Auteurs discography and songs: Music profile for The Auteurs, formed 1992

Auteurs, And

31. José Acquelin juin 22nd, 2011 Auteurs admin Commentaires fermés sur José Acquelin

Acquelin, Auteurs, Admin

32. 2 Responses to “Politique des Auteurs” on 14 Mar 2010 at 4:13 pm 1 Kam I think auteur theory was a much more diffuse idea when it originated in France, until it was adopted in America by people like Sarris who tried to create a concrete, objective set of rules or guidelines by which to identify who was or wasn’t an auteur, which is after

Auteurs, At, Auteur, Adopted, America, An, After

33. The modern attitude to auteurism appears to be that only directors with a very distinctive personal style can be classed as Auteurs, especially when it applies to the mise en scène of the film.

Attitude, Auteurism, Appears, As, Auteurs, Applies

34. Association des Auteurs des Laurentides, Saint-Sauveur, Quebec

Association, Auteurs

35. L’AAL a pour but de promouvoir les Auteurs des Laurentides

Aal, Auteurs


AUTEURS [ōˈtər]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does auteur mean in French?

Francois Truffaut. Definition. The word auteur is simply the French word for “author.” The essential idea behind auteur theory is that a filmmaker exercises an authorship over his work, and this authorship is present in every film he (or she) makes.

What does auteurship mean?

Auteurship. meaning. The work of an auteur.

What is an auteur director?

Auteur Director. Definition. A director who believes that his or her role is to be the author of a production. An auteur director's point of view dominates that of the playwright, and the director may make textual changes and modifications.

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