See also: Audiotape Digital Audit Audience Audible Audio Auditory Auditing Auditorium Audition Audibly Audiophile Audited Audiology Audiologist
1. Choose an Audio tape with a smaller capacity for brief meetings or classes, but when an extended recording time is required, opt for a higher capacity.
An, Audio
2. RTM is the leading manufacturer of professional and semi-professional analog Audio tapes, providing superior recording and sound playback qualities
And, Analog, Audio
3. ATR Magnetics MDS-36 Audio tape Pancake in Eco Pocket Package $ 51.70
Atr, Audio
4. ATR Magnetics Professional MDS-36 Audio tape on 7” Reel in Box $ 36.30
Atr, Audio
5. Splicit Reel Audio Products sells Audio tape Splicing Kits that Include: Aluminum splicing block, Audio splicing tape, Audio Reverse Sensing Foil Tape, a single edge blade and instruction sheet
Audio, Aluminum, And
6. Colored Cassette Tapes In Blank Audio tapes
7. 1-16 of over 3,000 results for "Audio tape to cd" ClearClick Video to Digital Converter 2.0 (Second Generation) - Record Video from VCR's, VHS Tapes, AV, RCA, Hi8, Camcorder, DVD, Gaming Systems 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,779
Audio, Av
8. We have reels, reel boxes, storage boxes for the reel boxes as well as miscellaneous accessories to care for your Audio tapes.As an added protection to keep dust, dirt and other airborne pollutants off the tape, we've added a line of poly bags to go over the tape reel boxes.Our supplies are high quality and offer excellent storage options to replace original reels and
As, Accessories, Audio, An, Added, And, Airborne, Are
9. ‘Digital Audio tape, a format for clear-sounding cassette players, foundered after record companies, fearing piracy refused to endorse it.’ ‘I made Audio tape recordings of the classroom while observing.’ ‘There are no video or Audio tape recordings of what either child said or says about these incidents.’
Audio, After, Are, About
10. Digital Audio tape (DAT) is a type of media similar in appearance to the cassette tape
Audio, Appearance
11. Introduced in 1987, the digital Audio tape was designed to replace the cassette tape as the primary media for recording and playing audio
Audio, As, And
12. Digital Audio tape (DAT) is a recordable digital audio format
13. Associated Press Trump, on Audio tape, presses Georgia official to ‘find’ more votes Last Updated: Jan
Associated, Audio
14. RMGI - Reel-to-Reel Audio tape RMGI LPR-35 1/4" x 885' 5" Plastic Reel Box
15. Audio tape synonyms, Audio tape pronunciation, Audio tape translation, English dictionary definition of Audio tape
16. Other articles where Digital Audio tape is discussed: digital sound recording: In the late 1980s digital Audio tape (DAT) recorders using magnetic tape cassettes became available for audio reproduction and recording
Articles, Audio, Available, And
17. Digital Audio tape definition: 1
18. A Journalist has leaked an Audio tape that confirmed that President Buhari is dead
An, Audio
19. Touch (Buy It Rework) Original Mix Doozie, Audio tape Deep Bear
20. Buy It Original Mix Doozie, Audio tape Up Club Records
21. Absinthe Girl Original Mix Audio tape LouLou Records
Absinthe, Audio
22. An Audio tape was a type of tape used for audio storage and playback
An, Audio, And
23. In 2267, Enterprise First Officer Spock played falsified Audio tapes of Captain Kirk from the Starbase 11 Communications Center assigning command of the vessel to Spock
Audio, Assigning
24. WARNING: This is an authentic transcript from the Audio tape recorded by David Ray Parker
An, Authentic, Audio
25. Reel Audio tape recorders and tape players used in the courtroom and to ensure the interchangeability of magnetic tapes between different recorders and between recorders and players
Audio, And
26. CLASSIFICATION For purposes of this standard, Audio tape recorders and players are classified by whether or not the device contains a recorder.
Audio, And, Are
27. Audio tape Restoration Services
28. For many years I’ve been directly involved with analog Audio tape restoration services
Analog, Audio
29. Buy ION Audio tape Express Plus Tape-to-Digital Converter & Player with Headphones featuring Converts Cassette Tape to Digitized File, Works with Chrome or Stereo Tapes, 3.5mm Audio Output, Loads Files onto Mobile Players, Class Compliant, No Drivers Necessary, Includes Transfer Software, Includes USB Cable & Headphones, Powered via AA Batteries.
Audio, Amp, Aa
30. Alesis Digital Audio tape or ADAT is a magnetic tape format used for the simultaneous digital recording of eight analog audio or digital audio tracks on to Super VHS (S-VHS) tape
Alesis, Audio, Adat, Analog
31. Audio tape Transfer - Stephenson, Virginia Get all your Audio tapes transfered to and then professionally burned to a CD by us today! Home Video Studio - Stephenson, Virginia [email protected] Toll Free: 703-323-6110 Store Hours Specials Find us! Links
Audio, All, And
32. Our Experience: Home Video Studio is the leader in Audio tape transfer and repair
Audio, And
33. Transcript for Trump-Cohen secret Audio tape just made public
34. A brief look at the analog tape machines of the past.Reel-to/open-reel Audio tape recording is the form of magnetic tape audio recording in which the recordi
At, Analog, Audio
AUDIO TAPE [ˈôdēōˌtāp]
Audiotape definition is - a tape recording of sound. How to use audiotape in a sentence.
(plural audiotapes) A magnetic tape that stores analog sound for later playback on a tape player. A musician or band's demo tape. Any of a cassette tape, eight-track tape, reel-to-reel tape, DAT, etc.
1. A magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback. 2. A tape recording of sound. To record (sound) on magnetic tape: audiotaped the interview for replay on radio. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
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