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See also: Attunement Emotional Attuned Attuning Attunity Attitude Autumn

1. 18 synonyms and near synonyms of Attunements from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 1 antonym or near antonym

And, Attunements, Antonym

2. Find another word for Attunements.

Another, Attunements

3. Attunements Attunements are magical marks that are given to those who successfully complete a Judgment, a test that is given in one of the Soaring Spires. Once given, an attunement is located in one of seven positions on the body.

Attunements, Are, An, Attunement

4. Attunements Attunements are tattoo-like marks that allow creatures with them (known as Attuned), to use magic. These Attunements are earned in a Judgement or granted by a Visage, although earning them in a Judgement is more common.

Attunements, Are, Allow, As, Attuned, Although

5. These Attunements usually happen in the form of Keys and are usually used to either summon extra bosses or skip parts of an instance, but a few are used to grant access to an instance in the first place

Attunements, And, Are, An, Access

6. About Attunements Attunement: An attunement is a spiritual energy that is transferred to you as a remote energy transfer

About, Attunements, Attunement, An, As

7. One of the most common types of Attunements is a Reiki attunement

Attunements, Attunement

8. These Attunements, whilst being free are by no means of less energetic value than any other Reiki attunement, many of them awaken very powerful energies

Attunements, Are, Any, Attunement, Awaken

9. They are merely being offered for free because they are self Attunements and you do not require another person to send or pass on the attunement to you.

Are, Attunements, And, Another, Attunement

10. The Reiki Attunements are what differentiates Reiki from other forms of energy or hands-on healing

Attunements, Are

11. For more than 25 years, mary margrave has been empowering people to discover their own inner guidance through individual and group processes, consulting, and intuitive sessions known as soul Attunements.

And, As, Attunements

12. I created "Attunements & Beyond" to solve these problems and more

Attunements, Amp, And

13. "Attunements & Beyond" was designed to be an easy-to-use step-by-step program that's also tremendously effective without sacrificing quality or integrity.

Attunements, Amp, An, Also

14. Attunements enable us to enhance and accelerate our spiritual development at a rate we are unable to achieve on our own

Attunements, And, Accelerate, At, Are, Achieve

15. Same Attunements, just a new and more efficient way for you to receive them

Attunements, And

16. You will notice the Attunements are still at a great price and now they come with certificates! There may be a few kinks to work out in the beginning so please be patient.

Attunements, Are, At, And

17. The Supernatural Consciousness Attunements of the Buddha


18. Attunements teach that the endocrine glands are portals for universal life energy that operates through the physical body, and through the mental and emotional function of the individual and that the receiver has the opportunity to open more fully to the life energy within them through receiving an Attunement.

Attunements, Are, And, An, Attunement

19. Are you ready to transcend the root cause of any physical, mental, and emotional imbalances preventing you from living your best life ever? The Core Attunements is designed with a super-charged healing technology to create a powerful quantum leap in energetic frequency.

Are, Any, And, Attunements

20. I am one of the lucky ones, however, as I have always had interesting reactions during and after my Attunements as a Reiki student

Am, As, Always, And, After, Attunements

21. BC Attunements make Ony attunement look like a joke

Attunements, Attunement

22. The Attunements of Reiki Ryoho and Ascension Reiki and Reiju Reiki will automatically integrate with and compliment all other forms of Reiki or energy work

Attunements, And, Ascension, Automatically, All

23. The possible return of TBC also means the return of Attunements

Also, Attunements

24. How do you feel about this? I love the Attunements and I personally believe Blizzard should never have taken this away

About, Attunements, And, Away

25. Always have to redo the Attunements.

Always, Attunements

26. The Attunements are given en masse at the end of the class, without time for the students to prepare for the profound spiritual transformation that an attunement entails

Attunements, Are, At, An, Attunement

27. A guide to getting all the Attunements in World of Warcraft: Classic

All, Attunements

28. Attunements are similar to keys in some respect, allowing entry into instances

Attunements, Are, Allowing

29. Kundalini Reiki Attunements Levels 1, 2, and Master $ 500.00 $ 150.00 Add to cart; 1; 2

Attunements, And, Add

30. The updated Reiki Attunements are fantastic, and there are photos and step by step instructions to follow

Attunements, Are, And

31. Attunements DO NOT come from the person who is giving them


32. Vega Attunements The Masters from the Vega Star System help us to connect to universal compassion and divine love from the heart of God / source

Attunements, And

33. To make receiving Attunements from the Dragon realm easier the Dragon Wisdom School offers personal Ascension Sphere sets

Attunements, Ascension

34. Distant Attunements 67 What to teach 68 Energy exchange 69 Conclusion 70 Consultation/Treatment Record forms 71 Disclaimer 74


35. The Attunements are very real changes to my energy system that allow me to call on the energy of the spirit directly, channel it through the different channels in my energy system, and send it out my hands where it completely obeys my intention

Attunements, Are, Allow, And

36. My Attunements to Reiki Level I and II were done in-person, accompanied by in-person training

Attunements, And, Accompanied

37. To be honest, I’m not sure that a lot of Teachers were doing distance Attunements back then since the internet was not anything like it is today

Attunements, Anything

38. The Twelve Attunements is a allegorical tale that could have been written for today or even the 1930- 1950s

Attunements, Allegorical


ATTUNEMENTS [attunements]

  • › What is attunement in psychology
  • › What does attunement mean
  • › What is an attunement

Frequently Asked Questions

What does attuned mean?

verb (used with object), at·tuned, at·tun·ing. to bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship; adjust: He has attuned himself to living in the quiet country. Archaic. to tune or bring into harmony, as a musical instrument.

What is the meaning of attunement for Heidegger?

Attunement makes investment and engagement in the world and in life possible for us. For Heidegger our attunement is responsible for the fact that the world and our existence matter to us. It is a type of mood we have about the world and our being in it, in which a sense of meaning and purpose is disclosed to us.

What is affective attunement?

Affective attunement is specifically defined as “the crossmodal matching of intensity, timing, and ‘shape’ (contour) of be- havior, based on microdynamic micromomentary shifts over time, perceived as patterns of change that are similar in self and other” (Beebe, Knoblauch, Rustin, & Sorter, 2005, p. 47).

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