Use Atrabilious in a sentence

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See also: Atrabilious Atraumatic Atramentous Atractivo Atraco Atraso Atrazine Atra Atrate Attract Atraumatically Atracción

1. Atrabilious is a somewhat rare word with a history that parallels that of the more common "melancholy." Representing one of the four bodily humors, from which it was once believed that human emotions originated, Atrabilious


2. ATP, at pains, be at, ATPase, at peace, at present, Atrabilious, atracurium besylate, Atrahasis, at random, atraumatic suture, atrazine Unabridged Based on the Random House …

Atp, At, Atpase, Atrabilious, Atracurium, Atrahasis, Atraumatic, Atrazine

3. Origin of Atrabilious From Latin ātra bīlis black bile (translation of Greek melankhōliā) ātra black āter- in Indo-European roots bīlis bile From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th …

Atrabilious, American

4. The country has its eye on that knot of Atrabilious Liberals whose voice is that of Jacob, but whose hands are the hands of Esau

Atrabilious, Are

5. BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, AMERICAN EDITION, VOLUME LIV VARIOUS It was his wife, Petronille, still young and passing handsome, but of Atrabilious and harsh mien

American, And, Atrabilious

6. The predominant Atrabiliousness in the exhibition is perfectly countervailed by the liberating, playful tone of the works presented by two European artists: ONE DOESN'T KNOW THE CAPABILITIES OF THE BODY Contemporary Investigations by Tunisian and European artists

Atrabiliousness, Artists, And

7. Atrabilious Of a peevish or melancholy disposition


8. Atrabilious (Adjective) characterized by melancholy

Atrabilious, Adjective

9. Do we listen to pop music because of Atrabiliousness, or are we Atrabilious because we listen to pop music? (High Fidelity magazine paraphrase) Etymology: From atra bilis, from ater, + bilis

Atrabiliousness, Are, Atrabilious, Atra, Ater

10. Atrabilious (Adjective) ill-natured; malevolent

Atrabilious, Adjective

11. Atrabilious (adj.) "affected by melancholy," 1650s, from Latin atra bilis, translating Greek melankholia "black bile" (see melancholy; also compare bile)

Atrabilious, Adj, Affected, Atra, Also

12. Examples of Atrabilious in a sentence The pupils were afraid to ask the Atrabilious teacher questions

Atrabilious, Afraid, Ask

13. 🔊 Because my father has an Atrabilious temper, I don’t approach him often

An, Atrabilious, Approach

14. 🔊 Josephine is cheerful and welcoming unlike her Atrabilious boyfriend

And, Atrabilious

15. Atrabilious (comparative more Atrabilious, superlative most Atrabilious) (medicine, obsolete) Having an excess of black bile

Atrabilious, An

16. Quotations ▼ Do we listen to pop music because of Atrabiliousness, or are we Atrabilious because we listen to pop music?

Atrabiliousness, Are, Atrabilious

17. The Atrabilious maladies to which artists were supposedly vulnerable included lovesickness and plague

Atrabilious, Artists, And

18. The Atrabilious temperament or melancholia is, according to Aristotle, a natural disposition in which there is a preponderance of black bile over the other humours.

Atrabilious, According, Aristotle

19. Full list of synonyms for Atrabilious is here.


20. Dictionary entry overview: What does Atrabilious mean? • Atrabilious (adjective) The adjective Atrabilious has 1 sense:

Atrabilious, Adjective

21. Irritable as if suffering from indigestion Familiarity information: Atrabilious used as an adjective is very rare

As, Atrabilious, An, Adjective

22. Atrabilious: Inclined to melancholy


23. I suggest "Atrabilious", from the Latin for black bile, thought by the ancients to be one of the body's four "humours" - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph

Atrabilious, Ancients, And

24. Atrabilious definition: irritable Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Atrabilious, And

25. Atrabilious is another word for sad or melancholy

Atrabilious, Another

26. Atrabilious is when you're feeling sad, melancholy, gloomy, or depressed So basically if somebody says they're Atrabilious, that means their sad or gloomy.


27. Synonyms for Atrabilious include dejected, down, downhearted, blue, depressed, gloomy, miserable, sad, despondent and downcast

Atrabilious, And

28. In Atrabilious (which means “melancholy” or “ill temper”) she encased worn women’s shoes in niches covered with a scrim made from stretched cow’s bladder


29. Dictionary entry overview: What does Atrabilious mean? • Atrabilious (adjective) The adjective Atrabilious has 1 sense:

Atrabilious, Adjective

30. Irritable as if suffering from indigestion Familiarity information: Atrabilious used as an adjective is very rare.

As, Atrabilious, An, Adjective

31. Atrabilious: 1 adj irritable as if suffering from indigestion Synonyms: bilious , dyspeptic , liverish ill-natured having an irritable and unpleasant disposition

Atrabilious, Adj, As, An, And

32. Atrabilious translation in English-Vietnamese dictionary


33. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Atrabilious".Found in 1 ms.


34. Origin of Atrabilious Mid 17th century (in the sense ‘affected by black bile’, one of the four supposed cardinal humours of the body, believed to cause melancholy): from Latin atra bilis ‘black bile’, translation of Greek melankholia ‘melancholy’, + -ious.

Atrabilious, Affected, Atra

35. Synonyms for Atrabiliousness in Free Thesaurus


36. 3 synonyms for Atrabilious: dyspeptic, liverish, bilious


37. What are synonyms for Atrabiliousness?

Are, Atrabiliousness

38. The state or quality of being Atrabilious


39. Atrabilious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word Atrabilious

Atrabilious, And

40. Definition (adj) irritable as if suffering from indigestion Synonyms: bilious, dyspeptic, liverish Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for Atrabilious

Adj, As, Aids, Atrabilious

41. Atrabilious - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Atrabilious, And

42. Search Atrabilious and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso

Atrabilious, And

43. You can complete the definition of Atrabilious given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster


44. Translation for 'Atrabilious' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.

Atrabilious, And

45. Atrabilious Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Atrabilious in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu


46. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Atrabilious in Urdu is خطنی, and in roman we write it Khatni.

Are, Always, Atrabilious, And

47. Atrabilious handmaiden جھنکارنا جھگڑا کرنا space capsule homeotherm passionate uraza spanningsloos perverted notification arabian آغازی affability virum volitare per ora நில அளவை எண்; புல எண் வழிமொழிதல் , ஆமோதித்தல் angol alsóház elnöke Kozina-type

Atrabilious, Arabian, Affability, Angol, Als

48. Translation for 'Atrabilious' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.

Atrabilious, And

49. We found one answer for the crossword clue Atrabilious

Answer, Atrabilious

50. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Atrabilious yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g

Atrabilious, Already

51. Atrabilious - find the meaning and all words formed with Atrabilious, anagrams with Atrabilious and much more.

Atrabilious, And, All, Anagrams

52. Find out more about Atrabiliarios (Atrabilious) at:

About, Atrabiliarios, Atrabilious, At

53. Atrabilious is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Atrabilious meaning, Atrabilious word synonyms, and its similar words

Atrabilious, An, All, And

54. Atrabilious meaning in Urdu is سودا and Atrabilious word meaning in roman can write as Soda.

Atrabilious, And, As

55. How many syllables are in Atrabilious syllable words

Are, Atrabilious

56. Atrabilious replied to Atrabilious's topic in Your Avatar thank you very much that is the link I was looking for

Atrabilious, Avatar


ATRABILIOUS [ˌatrəˈbilyəs]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does atrabilious mean in Latin?

Representing one of the four bodily humors, from which it was once believed that human emotions originated, atrabilious derives from the Latin atra bilis, literally meaning "black bile." The word melancholy derives from the Greek melan- and chole, which also translates as "black bile."

What is the meaning of the word Atra Bilis?

Inclined to melancholy. 2. Having a peevish disposition; surly. [From Latin ātra bīlis, black bile (translation of Greek melankhōliā) : ātra, black; see āter- in Indo-European roots + bīlis, bile .] at′ra·bil′ious·ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

What is an atrabilious monk?

An atrabilious monk in his garret vented his spleen with more than usual acrimony, and the world applauded. He now sees what a regard they have for the health of the atrabilious South Americans. The country has its eye on that knot of atrabilious Liberals whose voice is that of Jacob, but whose hands are the hands of Esau.

Which is the best description of an atrabilious journalist?

His appreciation of men, their character, their talents, their designs—all bear the hue of the atrabilious journalist. Mrs. Croaker, the very reverse of her grumbling, atrabilious husband. Foreigners and long-haired æsthetes were one and the same thing to my atrabilious instructor.

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