See also: Astronomical Astronomically Astronomics Astronomy Astray Astringent Astrology Astral Astronaut Astronomer Astrolabe Astride Astrophysics Astrologer Astroturfing
1. Definition of Astronomico in the dictionary
2. What does Astronomico mean? Information and translations of Astronomico in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Astronomico, And
3. 'Astronomico' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: In the Spanish description: gnomon - heliómetro - lunación - mes solar - norte verdadero
Astronomico, Aparece
4. Forum discussions with the word(s) "Astronomico" in the title:
5. Astronomico (feminine singular astronomica, masculine plural astronomici, feminine plural astronomiche) astronomic, astronomical; prohibitive (of a price) Derived terms
Astronomico, Astronomica, Astronomici, Astronomiche, Astronomic, Astronomical
6. Astronomico in – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
7. The Astronomico-theological lectures of the Rev
8. We recommend booking Bell Tower and Astronomical Clock (Orologio Astronomico) tours ahead of time to secure your spot
And, Astronomical, Astronomico, Ahead
9. See all 4 Bell Tower and Astronomical Clock (Orologio Astronomico) tours on Tripadvisor
All, And, Astronomical, Astronomico
10. Praga Orologio Astronomico August 2006 - panoramio.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 637 KB PRAGA Plaza Ciudad Vieja.jpg 1,545 × 1,024; 430 KB Praga, reloj con figuras en movimiento.jpg 992 × …
Astronomico, August
11. Hotels near Planetario Osservatorio Astronomico Anzi: (6.35 mi) Al Balcone delle Dolomiti (3.88 mi) La Foresteria di San Leo (6.65 mi) Il Borgo Ducale - Ospitalita Diffusa (6.60 mi) B&B Al Cuore del Borgo (8.33 mi) Hotel Pierfaone; View all hotels near Planetario Osservatorio Astronomico Anzi on Tripadvisor
Astronomico, Anzi, Al, Amp, All
12. Astronomico: Relativo all'astronomia
Astronomico, All, Astronomia
13. Definizione e significato del termine Astronomico
14. 89 Followers, 99 Following, 18 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hiper Astronômico (@hiperAstronomico)
And, Astron
as·tro·nom·i·cal. (ăs′trə-nŏm′ĭ-kəl) also as·tro·nom·ic (-nŏm′ĭk) adj. 1. Of or relating to astronomy. 2. Of enormous magnitude; immense: an astronomical increase in the deficit.
(Astronomy) of or relating to astronomy 1. of, pertaining to, or connected with astronomy. 2. extremely large; enormous: astronomical costs. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.
1. Of or relating to astronomy. 2. Of enormous magnitude; immense: an astronomical increase in the deficit. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
Definition of astronomical. 1 : of or relating to astronomy astronomical observations. 2 : enormously or inconceivably large or great astronomical numbers an astronomical price.