See also: Assorted Assortment Assort Assorting Assortative Assortativity Assortments Association Associate Assonance Associated Associationism Associate's Associative Asso Associating Assonet Associatively
1. Assort definition is - to distribute into groups of a like kind : classify
2. How to use Assort in a sentence.
3. To supply with (an appropriate variety or Assortment, as of goods)
An, Appropriate, Assortment, As
4. [Middle English Assorte, from Old French Assorter : a-, to
Assorte, Assorter
5. Assort definition, to distribute, place, or arrange according to kind or class; classify; sort
Assort, Arrange, According
6. 29 synonyms of Assort from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 46 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Assort, And, Antonyms
7. Assort: to arrange or assign according to type
Assort, Arrange, Assign, According
8. Middle English Assorte from Old French Assorter a- to (from Latin ad- ad–) sorte kind (from Latin sors sort- chance, lot ser- 2 in Indo-European roots)
Assorte, Assorter, Ad
9. Planning and Outcomes with Assort® Description: A total planning and outcomes analysis software using the Alpins Method which includes graphical as well as numerical analyses for presentations and publications
And, Assort, Analysis, Alpins, As, Analyses
10. A definitive guide to making money with classified ads AssortList is a global classified advertising website
Ads, Assortlist, Advertising
11. Features of the Assort Toric calculator include: IOL Spherical Equivalent and toricity can be calculated using the SRK/T, Holladay, Hoffer Q, or Haigis formulae
Assort, And
12. Assort LIst: The #1 Classified Website Online While you might think that there are many choices to pick from, the Classified website industry is one that is riddled with seemingly useless options
Assort, Are
13. Assort GROUP has 8 salons in 5 countries through out the world
14. Assort This ritual deposit also contained Assorted animal skulls and isolated body parts
Assort, Also, Assorted, Animal, And
15. Assort pricing starts at $50.00 per month
Assort, At
16. There is a free version. Assort offers a free trial
17. The clerk, who goes to the Clearing House, and his assistants, Assort these checks into nineteen different piles
And, Assistants, Assort
18. A SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF MODERN BANKING CUSTOMS HUMPHREY ROBINSON Trannel said it was lucky they wanted two, since there were no more, and he put himself in authority to Assort …
And, Authority, Assort
19. Late 15th century from Old French Assorter, from a- (from Latin ad ‘to, at’) + sorte ‘sort, kind’.
Assorter, Ad, At
20. Assort Meaning: "to distribute into groups or classes," from Old French Assorter "to Assort, match" (15c., Modern French… See definitions of Assort.
Assort, Assorter
21. I have got a pleasure working with Assort Tech
22. Assort - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
Assort, And
23. Assort definition: to arrange or distribute into groups of the same type; classify Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Assort, Arrange, And
24. Assort GROUP salons are in Tokyo (3), Osaka (1), New York (2), Hong Kong (1), Amsterdam (1), and Sydney (2)
Assort, Are, Amsterdam, And
25. Assort Group Analysis Calculator The Assort ® Group Analysis Calculator provides unlimited astigmatism analysis using the Alpins Method
Assort, Analysis, Astigmatism, Alpins
26. Assort Service is a Multinational firm with strong HR domain expertise.
27. Definition of Assort in the dictionary
28. What does Assort mean? Information and translations of Assort in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Assort, And
29. We found 4 answers for “Assort”
Answers, Assort
30. This page shows answers to the clue Assort, followed by 2 definitions like “To agree; to be in accordance”, “To group with others of the same or similar kind” and “To distribute, place, or arrange according to kind or class”.A synonym for Assort is select.
Answers, Assort, Agree, Accordance, And, Arrange, According
31. These TV sets do not Assort with the samples
32. These buttons do not Assort with the samples
33. The new leader's statement does not Assort with his Party's principles
34. My son will not Assort with people of his own age.
Assort, Age
35. Assort International Hair Salon - New York
36. To supply with (an appropriate variety or Assortment, as of goods)
An, Appropriate, Assortment, As
37. [Middle English Assorte, from Old French Assorter : a-, to
Assorte, Assorter
38. Assort International Hair Salon Amsterdam Kerkstraat 99, 1017 GD Amsterdam BY TRAM[TRAM 2, 11, 12] Keizersgracht (Leidsestraat) 3 min
Assort, Amsterdam
39. The spirit and the gifts of freedom ill Assort with the condition of a slave.: It is better to have each card different, and to Assort the flags, so that every card may contain some not very generally known.: It is customary to Assort the currency of from one to four groups by banks each day.: Obviously the artist may Assort any two or more of these varieties in the same picture.
And, Assort, Artist, Any
40. Assort Staffing Services Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 17 June 2016
41. Assort Tech is a team of trained and skilled software developers, designers and devops
Assort, And
42. Assort - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
Assort, And
43. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Assort [sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (classify, put in a group)
44. Find 8 ways to say Assort, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Assort, Along, Antonyms, And, At
45. Take action as Project Manager, Assort with the whole selling process
Action, As, Assort
46. Synonyms for Assort in Free Thesaurus
47. 15 synonyms for Assort: categorize, class, classify, group, pigeonhole, separate, sort, affiliate, consort
Assort, Affiliate
Assort, Amp, Applesauce
49. Assort (third-person singular simple present Assorts, present participle Assorting, simple past and past participle Assorted) To sort or arrange according to characteristic or class
Assort, Assorts, Assorting, And, Assorted, Arrange, According
50. 1790, Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France They appear […] no way Assorted to those with whom they must associate.
Appear, Assorted, Associate
51. VIGRUE 150pcs #8-32#10-24 1/4"-20 5/16"-18 3/8"-16 Carbon Steel UNC Rivet Nuts Rivnut Assortment Kit, Yellow Zinc Plated Finish, Flat Head Threaded Insert Nutserts Assort: Industrial & …
Assortment, Assort, Amazon, Amp
52. Fujifilm InstaX Mini Instant Film Rainbow & Staind Glass & Candy Pop & Shiny Star Film -10 Sheets X 4 Assort Value Set Product information Size:Film
Amp, Assort
53. 47 reviews of Assort International Hair Salon - New York - Temp
54. Randomized Controlled Trial of Early Versus Delayed Statin Therapy in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: Assort Trial (Administration of Statin on Acute Ischemic Stroke Patient) Stroke
Acute, Assort, Administration
55. As verbs the difference between classify and Assort is that classify is to identify by or divide into classes; to categorize while Assort is to sort or arrange according to characteristic or class.
As, And, Assort, Arrange, According
56. Two gene loci, A and B, Assort independently, and alleles A and B are dominant over alleles a and b
And, Assort, Alleles, Are
57. Two gene loci, A and B, Assort independently, …
And, Assort
58. Synonyms for Assort include group, range, sort, distribute, grade, rank, type, categorise, categorize and classify
Assort, And
59. 42 reviews of Assort International Hair Salon Tokyo "This is the best and coolest hairdressers I have ever been to, and I have tried out several in Tokyo, and many in London
Assort, And
60. Ferrule Assort Kit, 150 Pieces, #24-18 AWG Item # 39CA60; Mfr
Assort, Awg
ASSORT [əˈsôrt]
assort (verb) · assorts (third person present) · assorted (past tense) · assorted (past participle) · assorting (present participle)
Assort definition, to distribute, place, or arrange according to kind or class; classify; sort. See more.
Meaning of assort in English. When genes assort, they spread among the cells of a living thing in a particular way.
Assort(verb) to separate and distribute into classes, as things of a like kind, nature, or quality, or which are suited to a like purpose; to classify; as, to assort goods. [Rarely applied to persons.] Assort(verb) to furnish with, or make up of, various sorts or a variety of goods; as, to assort a cargo.
SEE SYNONYMS FOR assort ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used with object) to distribute, place, or arrange according to kind or class; classify; sort. to furnish with a suitable assortment or variety of goods; make up of articles likely to suit a demand.