Use Assimilationism in a sentence

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See also: Assimilationism Assimilationist Assimilation Assist Assimilate Assiduous Assign Assistance Assignment Assistant Assignation Assignee Assiduously Assiduity Assigned Assimilated Assisted Assistive Define

1. ə-sĭm'ə-lā'shə-nĭz'əm The definition of Assimilationism is the act of encouraging minority cultural groups to be similar to larger cultural groups. An example of Assimilationism is the encouragement by some Americans for those who come to the United States to dress in a similar fashion as Americans.

Assimilationism, Act, An, Americans, As

2. Noun the practice or policy of assimilating or encouraging the assimilation of people from all races and cultures The family at first resisted the Assimilationism of the New World Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin Random House LLC.

Assimilating, Assimilation, All, And, At, Assimilationism

3. Definition of Assimilationism in the dictionary


4. What does Assimilationism mean? Information and translations of Assimilationism in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Assimilationism, And

5. Assimilationism is the belief that one race is inherently superior to another, but that these differences can be overcome if the inferior group changes to more closely resemble the superior group

Assimilationism, Another

6. Assimilationism and segregationism are the two principal types of racist ideas and policies in the U.S.

Assimilationism, And, Are

7. Assimilationism is so popular in your country." To this, Beneatha declares, "I am not an assimilationist!" How she understands and uses the term is expanded on in …

Assimilationism, Am, An, Assimilationist, And

8. Furry Assimilationism is an Off the Compass, Authoritarian Left and Accelerationist. Furry Assimilationism believes in the complete downfall of humanity, through the spread of a virus which will turn all of humanity into furries

Assimilationism, An, Authoritarian, And, Accelerationist, All

9. 558: The model of regenerative Assimilationism which the Revolutionaries displayed towards the Jews was evident in regard to other groupings whose commitment to the patriotic


10. Eldritch Divinialist Assimilationism is an off-compass, hyper-libertarian, hivemind ideology which advocates for anarchy as a way for humanity to become an eldritch lovecraftian monster

Assimilationism, An, Advocates, Anarchy, As

11. Assimilationism: Meaning and Definition of

Assimilationism, And

12. The practice or policy of assimilating or encouraging the assimilation of people from all races and cultures: The family at first resisted the Assimilationism of the New World.

Assimilating, Assimilation, All, And, At, Assimilationism

13. Multiculturalism and Assimilationism are both policy responses to the fracturing of society

And, Assimilationism, Are

14. To get beyond the increasingly sterile debate between multiculturalism and Assimilationism, we need to make three kinds of distinctions.

And, Assimilationism

15. Assimilationism is best expressed in the dictum, E Pluris Unum—the principle behind the American ethos that seeks to transcend a tribal, ancestral, and territorial condition

Assimilationism, American, Ancestral, And

16. Rooted in the political philosophy of classical liberalism, Assimilationism espouses individualism, a cultural mindset that celebrates individual identity,


17. Assimilationism means that one race conforms to another in an effort to blend in

Assimilationism, Another, An

18. Doing so requires a break with both Assimilationism and erotic exceptionalism

Assimilationism, And

19. Assimilationism In A Raisin In The Sun


20. Assimilationism - find the meaning and all words formed with Assimilationism, anagrams with Assimilationism and much more.

Assimilationism, And, All, Anagrams

21. Assimilationism uses the metaphor of the melting pot


22. Assimilationism Total Number of words made out of Assimilationism = 599 Assimilationism is a 15 letter long Word starting with A and ending with M

Assimilationism, And

23. 13 letter Words made out of Assimilationism


24. Cluster analysis yielded different approaches valuing, ignoring, or rejecting cultural diversity in line with multiculturalism, colorblindness, and Assimilationism, respectively

Analysis, Approaches, And, Assimilationism

25. What is Assimilationism? Why does Joseph Asagai accuse Beneatha of being an assimilationist? Essay Help

Assimilationism, Asagai, Accuse, An, Assimilationist

26. That's what Assimilationism aims to do: a unified galactic society in which race is no longer a factor

Assimilationism, Aims

27. Most scholarship on Assimilationism and pluralism either scientifically assesses their validity as theories or ideologically makes claims about their propriety

Assimilationism, And, Assesses, As, About

28. Missing is inquiry into how Assimilationism and pluralism are not merely about society (as outcomes or ideals) but are used in society, sometimes as “antithetical master-frames.” I therefore do two things here: In Part I, I recast

Assimilationism, And, Are, About, As, Antithetical

29. The author first discusses Assimilationism as a philosophical commitment in the United States historically, in order to flesh out the main features of Assimilationism and pluralism and compare and contrast the two

Author, Assimilationism, As, And

30. Words from Angela Davis on Assimilationism, white feminism, toxic masculinity + intersectionality, the prison industrial complex and more "The most important learning I …

Angela, Assimilationism, And

31. The plural of Assimilationism is Assimilationism


32. Cluster analysis yielded different approaches valuing, ignoring, or rejecting cultural diversity in line with multiculturalism, colorblindness, and Assimilationism, respectively

Analysis, Approaches, And, Assimilationism

33.Assimilationism is the act of encouraging minority cultural groups to be similar to larger cultural groups.” This word is one I’ve only learned in the past year or so, but I’m glad I did because I realised that it is something that I experience in a few different ways.

Assimilationism, Act

34. Assimilationism, at least from the perspective of minorities, is thus not necessarily about majority and minority identities becoming part of a new overarching common identity (Guimond et al., 2014).

Assimilationism, At, About, And, Al

35. February 25, 2021 - Philip Ewell: “How We Got Here, Where To Next: Examining Assimilationism in American Music Studies” The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music is proud to welcome Philip Ewell, Associate Professor of Music Theory at Hunter College of the City University of New York, where he serves as Director of Graduate Studies in the music department.

Assimilationism, American, Alpert, Associate, At, As





  • › Examples of assimilation in sociology
  • › Example of assimilation in society
  • › Another word for assimilation
  • › Assimilation synonyms and antonyms

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between assimilation vs accommodation?

Assimilation vs. Accommodation. Assimilation is a type of adaptation process in which new information fits or exists along with the previously existing idea or schema, whereas accommodation is the type of adaptation process in which new idea replaces the previously existing idea or schema.

What is assimilation ideology?

Assimilation ideology refers to the belief that minority groups should conform to mainstream society by adopting the national culture while disregarding their own ( Verkuyten, 2011 ). Assimilation ideology has been found to be associated with prejudiced attitudes (Gieling,...

What does history tell us about assimilation of immigrants?

The concept of assimilation has been debated extensively in the social science of migration since the early 20th Century, but it is now broadly accepted as a way to describe the ways that immigrants and their off spring change as they come in contact with their host society. 1 In its current usage the concept of assimilation does not imply any superiority in the host society's views or a particular value to the changes in attitudes and behavior among immigrants across generation.

What is the history of assimilation?

Assimilation (French colonialism) Assimilation was one ideological basis of French colonial policy in the 19th and 20th centuries. In contrast with British imperial policy, the French taught their subjects that, by adopting French language and culture, they could eventually become French.

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