See also: Assailed Assault Assay Assassin Assailant Assassination Assassinate Assaying Assaulted Assayed Assassinated Assailable
1. This loneliness caused a feeling of profound depression, and she was Assailed by all sorts of gloomy presentiments
And, Assailed, All
2. THE SEVEN CARDINAL SINS: ENVY AND INDOLENCE EUGNE SUE Such was the temptation which Assailed the other boys in dormitory Number 7; and Eric among the number
And, Assailed, Among
3. Assailed is a crossword puzzle clue
4. Assailed is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times
5. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Assailed yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g
Assailed, Already
6. “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.) Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “Assailed…
Also, At, Answers, Assailed
7. The Crossword Solver found 58 answers to the Assailed crossword clue
Answers, Assailed
8. 21 rows · Crossword Clue The crossword clue Assailed with 7 letters was last seen on the May 08, …
9. 32 synonyms of Assailed from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 68 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Assailed, And, Antonyms
10. Assailed: to criticize harshly and usually publicly.
Assailed, And
11. To attack someone violently or criticize someone strongly: The victim had been Assailed with repeated blows to the head and body
Attack, Assailed, And
12. He was Assailed with insults and abuse as he left the court
Assailed, And, Abuse, As
13. Definition of Assailed in the dictionary
14. What does Assailed mean? Information and translations of Assailed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Assailed, And
15. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English as‧sail /əˈseɪl/ verb [ transitive] formal 1 if you are Assailed by unpleasant thoughts or feelings, they worry or upset you Carla was suddenly Assailed …
As, Are, Assailed
16. A person's name or a pronoun can be used between "assail" and "with." The robber Assailed her with a knife
Assail, And, Assailed
17. I was Assailed with a brick by the carjacker
18. A hurricane Assailed Puerto Rico, leaving three thousand dead.Un huracán atacó Puerto Rico, dejando tres mil muertos.
Assailed, Atac
19. Definition of "Assailed" at Simple Psychedelic Plain Text English Dictionary with Hyperlinks to The Free World Bank - A BIG Thinking Scientific Save the World High Level Concept on Amazon S3
Assailed, At, Amazon
20. ‘Critics Assailed the commission, as well as a number of state and local organizations, for commercializing centennial activities.’ ‘The book sold well and rapidly became fashionable, but was Assailed in various critical pamphlets for length, tedium, and doubtful morality.’
Assailed, As, And, Activities
21. Assailed 'Assailed' is a 8 letter word starting with A and ending with D Crossword clues for 'Assailed' Clue Answer; Attacked violently (8) Assailed: Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Assailed We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Assailed will help you to finish your crossword today
Assailed, And, Answer, Attacked, Answers
22. If you are Assailed by something unpleasant such as fears or problems, you are greatly troubled by a large number of them.
Are, Assailed, As
23. President Barack Obama Assailed congressional Republicans on Saturday for holding up legislation he said is important to the country&'s economic recovery, and he called for up-or-down votes on the measure and on scores of his nominees in the Senate President Obama Radio Address
Assailed, Amp, And, Address
24. What does Assailed mean? Simple past tense and past participle of assail
Assailed, And, Assail
25. Definition of Assailed with in the Idioms Dictionary
26. What does Assailed with expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
27. Translation for 'Assailed' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
Assailed, And
28. Muggers Assailed them as they entered an alley
Assailed, As, An, Alley
29. Our ears were Assailed by her joyous efforts on her new saxophone
30. Assailed (3 Occurrences) Acts 17:5 And the unbelieving Jews, having been moved with envy, and having taken to them of the loungers certain evil men, and having made a crowd, were setting the city in an uproar; having Assailed also the house of Jason, they …
Assailed, Acts, And, An, Also
31. Antonyms for Assailed include helped, aided, assisted, supported, abetted, furthered, lent a hand, propped, relieved and served
Antonyms, Assailed, Aided, Assisted, Abetted, And
32. One word Assailed the CPM today from every direction
33. The president of the Authors Guild, describing the Kindle voices as "quite listenable," has weighed in with concern that writers will be " Assailed " by the new feature, because "Kindle 2 is not paying anyone for audio rights."
Authors, As, Assailed, Anyone, Audio
34. Biden’s DOJ Picks Assailed for Corporate Ties in Letter to Klain By
35. 2 days ago · Plan to hike power tariff through ordinance Assailed Iftikhar A
Ago, Assailed
36. Her husband was Assailed by a young man with a knife in a nearby park
37. Transitive verb [usu passive] If you are Assailed by something unpleasant such as fears or problems, you are greatly troubled by a large number of them.
Are, Assailed, As
38. The proposal was Assailed by the opposition party
39. (figurative) A vile smell Assailed my nostrils
40. A feeling of disgust Assailed him
41. A terrible temptation Assailed me
42. Then the dragon Assailed him with his halberd
43. But another trouble now Assailed him
Another, Assailed
44. Awful and grotesque thoughts Assailed him.
Awful, And, Assailed
45. Trump Assailed the bipartisan $900 billion package in a video he tweeted out Tuesday night and suggested he may not sign the legislation
Assailed, And
46. Cape Cod detox center Assailed by staff over allegedly lax COVID precautions Brian MacQuarrie 1/14/2021
Assailed, Allegedly
47. Cops in Private Facebook Group Assailed 'Demoncrats' Author: CJN; Monday, March 22, 2021 - 7:37am
Assailed, Author
48. Last year, GOP Assailed bill condemning violence against Asians
Assailed, Against, Asians
49. We Assailed that instead of looking at the bill to prevent its use by certain road users, its purpose is to ensure their safe passage, fair use, and SHARING of the road within the boundaries and the provisions of the existing laws under RA 4136, DPWH, DOTr, LTO, …
Assailed, At, And
ASSAILED [əˈsāl]
Define assailed. assailed synonyms, assailed pronunciation, assailed translation, English dictionary definition of assailed. tr.v. as·sailed , as·sail·ing , as·sails 1. To attack violently, as with blows or military force; assault.
Kids Definition of assail 1 : to attack violently or angrily with blows or words His plan was assailed by critics. 2 : to be troubled or bothered by assailed by doubts A horrible odor assailed my nose.
When "assail" was first used in the 13th century, it meant "to make a violent physical attack upon." By the 1500s, English speakers were using the term to mean "to attack with words or arguments." Recent Examples on the Web And Bloomberg assailed Sanders’ record on gun control. — oregonlive, "Who won the South Carolina Democratic debate?
"Assilire" combines the prefix ad- ("to, toward") with the Latin verb salire, meaning "to leap.". When "assail" was first used in the 13th century, it meant "to make a violent physical attack upon.". By the 1500s, English speakers were using the term to mean "to attack with words or arguments.".