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See also: Asma Asmara Azma Amalgamate Amazing Amass As Amalgamation Amalgamated Amaze Amassing Amatory Assman A

1. Asma is a scientific forum providing a setting for many different disciplines to come together and share their expertise for the benefit of all persons involved in air and space travel

Asma, And, All, Air

2. El Asma es causada por hinchazón (inflamación) de las vías respiratorias

Asma, As

3. Cuando se presenta un ataque de Asma, el recubrimiento de las vías respiratorias se inflama y …

Ataque, Asma, As

4. Winter Garden lawyers Asma & Asma, P.A

Asma, Amp

5. The Asma test is a low-risk procedure similar to any routine blood test

Asma, Any

6. A lab technician will analyze the levels of Asma

Analyze, Asma

7. Asma-Endorsed Companies & Partners Back to Top

Asma, Amp

8. Phone: 907-562-0304 ~

Asma, Asmadocs

9. What is Asma? The Atari SAP Music Archive is a free project which has the aim to collect most of the ATARI XL/XE music in one huge collection

Asma, Atari, Archive, Aim

10. The tunes in Asma are stored in SAP format that can be replayed by a SAP player currently available for many platforms (see the PLAYERS section).

Asma, Are, Available

11. El Asma es una enfermedad crónica que se caracteriza por ataques recurrentes de disnea y sibilancias, que varían en severidad y frecuencia de una persona a otra

Asma, Ataques, An

12. Asma is a unique research initiative which provides social media framework, trends, news and best practices for students, teachers, decision makers and other members of academic community.

Asma, And, Academic

13. Asma al-Assad, 45, who was born and educated in London before becoming Syria’s first lady in 2000, is being investigated in response to legal complaints alleging her speeches and public

Asma, Al, Assad, And, Alleging

14. See authoritative translations of Asma in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

Authoritative, Asma, And, Audio

15. El Asma es una afección crónica (a largo plazo) que puede hacer que las vías respiratorias en los pulmones se inflamen y se estrechen

Asma, Afecci, As

16. Asma dapat disebabkan oleh debu, asap rokok, bulu binatang, udara dingin, aktivitas fisik, infeksi virus atau bahkan terpapar zat kimia

Asma, Asap, Aktivitas, Atau

17. Namun, hingga kini penyebab dari Asma belum diketahui secara pasti


18. Pengidap Asma memiliki saluran pernapasan yang lebih sensitif.


19. Asma’s parents arrived in London in the 1970s in search of better opportunities

Asma, Arrived

20. Asma News; UHMS Proposes UHM Research Initiative; March 25, 2021 UHMS Proposes UHM Research Initiative


21. Asma en adultos: Qué preguntarle al médico (Enciclopedia Médica) También en inglés; Asma: Preguntas que debe realizar cuando el Asma no mejora (Academia Americana de Médicos de Familia) También en inglés; Cómo purificar el aire que provoca ataques de Asma en interiores (Agencia de Protección Ambiental, División de Medio Ambiente Interior) - PDF

Asma, Adultos, Al, Academia, Americana, Aire, Ataques, Agencia, Ambiental, Ambiente

22. Prevalensi Asma tertinggi terdapat di Sulawesi Tengah sebanyak 7.8 persen diikuti Nusa Tenggara Timur 7.3 persen, DI Yogyakarta 6.9 persen, dan Sulawesi Selatan 6.7 persen


23. Asma bisa menyerang siapa pun dan tidak bisa disembuhkan


24. Asma is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means exalted, high, great

Asma, An

25. "Asma al-Assad's public roles have been as a propagandist and pseudo-humanitarian, but it is widely understood that she has been more intimately involved with her husband's political decisions

Asma, Al, Assad, As, And

26. El Asma asociada al trabajo es una de las enfermedades pulmonares ocupacionales reportadas con más frecuencia

Asma, Asociada, Al

27. Si tiene Asma, las exposiciones en el lugar de trabajo pueden ser una causa de los síntomas del Asma


28. Asimismo, para algunas personas, la exposición a ciertos productos químicos, irritantes o alérgenos puede provocar que el Asma

Asimismo, Algunas, Al, Asma

29. Asma was unhappy in her married life, for Al-Zubayr was "the most jealous of people" and "hard on her." [13] He took three additional wives in Medina, and "whenever Zubayr was angry with one of us, he used to beat her until the stick broke."

Asma, Al, And, Additional, Angry

30. Asma • Enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las vías respiratorias, que se caracteriza por, estrechamiento variable de las vías respiratorias y los síntomas de disnea intermitente, sibilancias, y tos durante la noche o temprano en la mañana.

Asma, As, Ana

31. Asma al-Assad was once hailed by Vogue magazine as Syria’s “Rose in the Desert.” But since the death of her mother-in-law, she’s emerged as a brutal power player in her own right.

Asma, Al, Assad, As

32. El Asma es un problema a largo plazo, pero no tiene que limitarlo


33. Aprender todo lo que pueda sobre el Asma es el primer paso para vivir la vida que desea, y nuestros temas de Asma están aquí para ayudar

Aprender, Asma, Aqu, Ayudar

34. El Asma es una enfermedad cada vez más frecuente entre los niños y los jóvenes


35. Asma (az-ma) (spelled "Asthma") is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways

Asma, Az, Asthma, And, Airways

36. Asma (sic) causes recurring attacks of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing

Asma, Attacks, And

37. Asma attacks can range from very mild that go away spontaneously to …

Asma, Attacks, Away

38. OBAT Asma KELOMPOK 2 Agin Delthia Sautaki Bambang Delvi Rahmayani Dwi Kartika Sari Dwi Muharrani 2

Asma, Agin

39. DEFINISI Asma Penyakit Asma (Asthma) adalah suatu penyakit kronik (menahun) yang menyerang saluran pernafasan (bronchiale) pada paru dimana terdapat peradangan (inflamasi) dinding rongga bronchiale sehingga mengakibatkan penyempitan saluran …

Asma, Asthma, Adalah

40. "Asma is a force of nature: bold, funny, talented, philanthropic and unstoppable." --Evening Standard"Khan, owner of London s acclaimed Darjeeling Express restaurant and a subject of Netflix s Chef s Table documentary series, shares a delightful collection of personal recipes sure to entice lovers of Indian food

Asma, And, Acclaimed

41. 35.1k Followers, 310 Following, 29 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Asma ♛ ‎أسماء ♛ (@Asma_gva)

And, Asma

42. El Asma es un problema de por vida, pero no tiene por qué limitarlo


43. Si se controla el Asma, puede llevar una vida plena y activa

Asma, Activa

44. Usted y su médico crearán un plan de acción para el Asma que detalle las dos estrategias para tomar control del Asma: Controlar el Asma en el largo plazo

Acci, Asma

45. El Asma es una de las principales enfermedades no transmisibles


46. 49.2k Followers, 104 Following, 175 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Asma_aljuaid (@Asma.crochet)

And, Asma

47. Asma added that she somehow managed to escape from the house the next day to the police station, where she was asked for money and not even given a registration slip against her complaint

Asma, Added, Asked, And, Against

48. Penyakit Asma atau lelah merupakan penyakit immunologi yang menyebabkan kesukaran bernafas

Asma, Atau

49. Ini adalah kerana ketika pesakit diserang Asma, keradangan dan spAsma pada selaput dinding laluan udara menyebabkan bronkiol di dalam paru-paru menjadi sempit

Adalah, Asma

50. Pesakit Asma mungkin mengalami pernafasan bersiul (wheezing), sesak nafas, dan sukar untuk bersenam


51. Las personas con Asma de moderada a grave pueden tener un mayor riesgo de enfermarse gravemente con el COVID-19


52. El COVID-19 puede afectarle la nariz, garganta, pulmones (vías respiratorias), causar ataques de Asma, y posiblemente derivar en neumonía y enfermedades respiratorias agudas.

Afectarle, As, Ataques, Asma, Agudas



  • › Que es el asma bronquial
  • › Asma medical abbreviation
  • › Symptoms of asthma in adults
  • › How is asthma diagnosed

Frequently Asked Questions

Why asthma can hit you harder as an adult?

Asthma can be more difficult to control in adults for several reasons: Asthma medications can be less effective later in life, particularly for those who are obese. Oral steroids can worsen glaucoma, cataracts and os teoporosis. Being on beta-blockers for heart problems can increase the severity of asthma.

What are the symptoms of untreated asthma?

Typically, symptoms of this chronic inflammatory disease include: coughing and wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness. However, not every sufferer experiences the same symptoms as others.

What to know about moderate persistent asthma?

What to Know About Moderate Persistent Asthma Symptoms. Moderate persistent asthma is more severe than mild intermittent or persistent asthma. ... Classification. Asthma can be divided into four stages. ... Treatment. Several types of medications are used to treat asthma. ... Living well. ... The bottom line. ...

What are some interesting facts about asthma?

Facts About Asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. Asthma attacks are caused by lung inflammation and a sudden narrowing of the lungs' small airways in response to asthma triggers.

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