See also: Approximations Approximatively Approximation Apprehensive Apprehension Appropriate Appreciate Approach Apprehend Apprised Appraisal Appraise Approximately Appreciation Approbation Approve Appropriation Apprenticeship Appreciated Cultural Holistic Select Is
1. Cela donne en moyenne annuelle des valeurs Approximatives de 89 000 et 13 000 travailleuses qui retournent à lécole [] dans les mêmes groupes dâge
Annuelle, Approximatives
2. The Chinese antonymous compounds shangxia ‘up-down’, qianhou ‘front-back’ and zuoyou ‘left-right’ can convey similar meanings as Approximatives, indicating ‘about’ or ‘around’
Antonymous, And, As, Approximatives, About, Around
3. The Chinese antonymous compounds shangxia ‘up-down’, qianhou ‘front-back’ and zuoyou ‘left-right’ can convey similar meanings as Approximatives, indicating ‘about’ or ‘around’
Antonymous, And, As, Approximatives, About, Around
4. Les finitions / soudures sont en plus, a certains endroits, assez Approximatives
Assez, Approximatives
5. In this paper, the author explicates a number of English ‘Approximatives’ such as around, about, approximately, roughly, at least, at the most, almost and nearly.In each case, she offers a paraphrase substitutable for the particle itself.
Author, Approximatives, As, Around, About, Approximately, At, Almost, And
6. View Academics in Approximatives on
Academics, Approximatives, Academia
7. Journal of Pragmatics 10 (1986) 597-614 597 North-Holland PRECISION IN VAGUENESS The Semantics of English `Approximatives' Anna Wierzbicka* In this paper, the author explicates a number of English 'Approximatives' such as around, about, approximately, roughly, at least, at the most, almost and nearly.
Approximatives, Anna, Author, As, Around, About, Approximately, At, Almost, And
8. Approximative (plural Approximatives) A grammatical construct that expresses approximation
Approximative, Approximatives, Approximation
9. Cutting, Vague Language Explored (page 190) In Example 6, we can see speakers using the vague Approximatives 'two or three' and 'one or two'.
Approximatives, And
10. And Approximatives (subtractives for short) came with the discovery that we can explain their idiosyncratic distribution by recourse to the inferences they give rise to { if these are consistent, the subtractives are grammatical (see esp
And, Approximatives, Are
11. Download Citation Limites Approximatives sur l'espace de Wiener We use a stochastic integral which was first constructed by Nualart, Zakai and Ogawa, to show, for the variables of the second
Approximatives, And
12. Approximatives Schließen (unscharfes Schließen, approximate reasoning, fuzzy-reasoning) meint das Herleiten nicht-präziser Folgerungen aus nichtpräzisen Prämissen
Approximatives, Approximate, Aus
13. - Dimensions Approximatives : Marches : 350 x 200 mm Première marche à 200 mm du sol, deuxième à 370 mm du sol PARAVENTS Fonction Utilisé dans les bo x d’accouchement Spécifications - 3 panneaux - Tubes en acier très stables - Rideau en tissu expansé (matière plastique sur le jersey), lavable
Approximatives, Accouchement, Acier
14. Toutes les dimensions et surfaces totales sont Approximatives et sont assujeties a des &+$1*(0(176 6$16 35e$9,6 /$ 683(5),&,( '(6 81,7e6 (67 &$/&8/e( 3$57,5 '( /$ )$&( (;7(51('(6 0856 (;7e5,(856 (7 $8 &(175( '(6 0856 0,72<(16 (7 28 '(6 &255,'256 all dimensions and overall area are approximate ans subjet to change.
Approximatives, Assujeties, Amp, All, And, Area, Are, Approximate, Ans
15. Techniquement l'image bluray est bonne sans plus, avec des mises au point images parfois Approximatives et des floues de ci-de là
Avec, Au, Approximatives
16. So gibt es nach eher heuristisch agierenden Systemen wie MYCIN [Buchanan84] (medizinische Diagnose) inzwischen unter anderem einige wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretisch abgesicherte professionelle Tools, die Approximatives Schließen anhand unscharfen Wissens erlauben
Agierenden, Anderem, Abgesicherte, Approximatives, Anhand
17. Toutes les dimensions sont Approximatives
18. Consequently, it changes (Approximatives) dates for a lot of historical events
19. Dimensions Approximatives 16 * 19 cms, 1 sac 6 euros, 2 sacs 10 euros
20. July 6, 2020 · Cou cou les amies ! Voici les dernières créations, sacs en velours multicolore, dimensions Approximatives de 19 * 16 cm ; le prix : 6 euros le sac et 2 sacs pour 10 euros
Amies, Ations, Approximatives
21. Notez que toutes les conversions sont Approximatives et varient selon le style et les préférences d’ajustement
Approximatives, Ajustement
22. Veuillez noter que le plan n'indique pas l'emplacement précis du bien et que toutes les mesures sont Approximatives, les informations sont fournies à titre indicatif uniquement
23. Traductions Culturelles Approximatives
24. Why almost and almost are not even approximately the same: The diachronic semantics of Approximatives in Hungarian
Almost, And, Are, Approximately, Approximatives
25. Notez que toutes les conversions sont Approximatives et varient selon le style et les préférences d’ajustement
Approximatives, Ajustement
26. Quantités minimales Approximatives des produits allergisants suivants : 3 Clean-Trace
Approximatives, Allergisants
27. Dimensions Approximatives : 25,5 x 18 x 9,5 cm Comprend un sac de protection BIMBA Y LOLA
28. Dimensions Approximatives : 35 x 26,5 x 17,5 cm Comprend un sac de protection BIMBA Y LOLA
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Acheter, Avant, Avoir, Affiche, Agit, Approximatives, And, Assurance
Definition of 'approximation'. approximation. An approximation is a fact, object, or description which is similar to something else, but which is not exactly the same. That is a fair approximation of the way in which the next boss is being chosen.
Definition of approximation. 1 : the act or process of drawing together. 2 : the quality or state of being close or near an approximation to the truth an approximation of justice. 3 : something that is approximate especially : a mathematical quantity that is close in value to but not the same as a desired quantity.
Use approximate in a sentence. adjective. The definition of approximate is a time or a tangible item which is close to something else but not exactly like it.