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See also: Antiphonary Antidote Anticipate Antigen Antithesis Antithetical Antibody Antipathy Anticipation Antiquity Antihero Antiquated Antics Antibiotic Anticipated Antisocial Anti Antiseptic Hero

1. (Latin Antiphonarium, antiphonarius, antiphonarius liber, antiphonale; Greek ’antíphonon antiphon, antiphone, anthem)

Antiphonarium, Antiphonarius, Antiphonale, Ant, Antiphon, Antiphone, Anthem

2. Antiphonarium officii Alt ernative

Antiphonarium, Alt

3. Title Antiphonarium officii, Codex Sangallensis 390/391 Hartker-Antiphonar Composer Gregorian Chant: I-Catalogue Number I-Cat

Antiphonarium, Antiphonar

4. Difnar Antiphonarium The Difnar or Antiphonarium of the Coptic Church contains two hymns for each day of the year, one of these is in the mode “Adam” and is to be used when that day falls on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, the other is in the mode “Batos” and is for use when the day falls on any one of the four other days of the week.

Antiphonarium, Adam, And, Any

5. Antiphonarium tonale missarum Alt ernative

Antiphonarium, Alt

6. Antiphonarium Codex Montpellier


7. Antiphonarium Cisterciense This edition was published in 1947 by Typographia Ordinis Cisterciensis Strictioris Observantiae in Westmalle, Belgium


8. Antiphonarium Bratislaviense This illuminated folio with Metz Gothic musical notation comes from the liturgical codex of Canon Jan Han, who was a client of the …


9. 1 Antiphonarium (1862-Jandel), v


10. 2 Antiphonarium (1933-Gillet) Appendix Gradualis S.O.P

Antiphonarium, Appendix

11. The Difnar (Antiphonarium) of the Coptic Church


12. The Antiphonarium (Difnar) Difnar Part 1 and Part 2 Books - English, Arabic, Coptic Leather Hardcover Part 1 Pages: 873 Part 2 Pages: 711

Antiphonarium, And, Arabic

13. Antiphonariumm Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers

Antiphonariumm, Add, And

14. Antiphonarium monasticum, Saint-Denis


15. (Latin Antiphonarium, antiphonarius, antiphonarius liber, antiphonale ; Greek ’antíphonon antiphon, antiphone, anthem) One of the present liturgical books intended for use in choro (i.e

Antiphonarium, Antiphonarius, Antiphonale, Ant, Antiphon, Antiphone, Anthem

16. Benigne (also called Antiphonarium Codex Montpellier or Tonary of Saint-Bénigne of Dijon) was supposed to be written in the last years of the 10th century, when the Abbot William of Volpiano at St

Also, Antiphonarium, Abbot, At

17. The Worcester Antiphonarium, GB-WO F


18. Página oficial do blog "Antiphonarium"


19. A Prologus in Antiphonarium c Bernardus Claraevallensis h [electronic resource] 260: 3 a Turnhout b Brepols Publishers c 2010 500 a This text was published as part of the 'Library of Latin Texts' and was based on: Bernardi opera, ed

Antiphonarium, As, And

20. Anita Breckbill, professor and music librarian at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, looks through “Antiphonarium Romanum,” a 405-year-old book of Gregorian chants that was recently donated to Archives and Special Collections by Karen R

Anita, And, At, Antiphonarium, Archives


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 · Antiphonarium Romanum, Cantum Gregorianum ad vesperas et alia divina officia Breviarii Romani et proprii Coloniensis continens, jussu

Antiphonarium, Ad, Alia

22. Antiphonarium Romanum de tempore et sanctis ad normam Breviarii ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitut, S

Antiphonarium, Ad

23. Sources > Antiphonarium Ambrosianum

Antiphonarium, Ambrosianum

24. Get this from a library! Prologus in Antiphonarium



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 · Antiphonarium Romanum De Tempore Et Sanctis : Ad Normam Breviarii Romani Ex Decreto SS

Antiphonarium, Ad

26. Antiphonarium Romanum 1748.jpg 600 × 590; 46 KB Antiphonary - BAV Capp.Sist.11 f1r (Saint Andrew).jpg 1,953 × 2,628; 928 KB Antiphonary MET cdi25-120-345-129r.jpg 4,620 × 3,151; 8.63 MB

Antiphonarium, Antiphonary, Andrew

27. [Antiphonarium secundum curiam romanam revisum ac ordinatum per fratrem hieronymum cribellium]

Antiphonarium, Ac

28.Antiphonarium Romanum” is a book of Gregorian Chant for the Roman Catholic Church


29. Antiphonarium Romanum juxta ritum sacrosanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ [microform] Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item


30. Description Collection consists of a wide variety of bound manuscripts, predominantly religious in nature, including illuminated manuscripts, Bibles, books of hours (Horae), lectionaries, Antiphonarium, prayer books, some classical Greek works, and other material.

Antiphonarium, And

31. Antiphonarium (English to Chinese (s) translation)


32. Translate Antiphonarium to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.

Antiphonarium, And, At, Any

33. Prologus in Antiphonarium, Regule rithmice (also known as Regulae rhythmicae), Epistola ad michahelem, and the treatise Micrologus

Antiphonarium, Also, As, Ad, And

34. Antiphonarium Romanum: ad ritum Breuiarij ex decreto sacros

Antiphonarium, Ad

35. The approach used for the Antiphonarium Sedlecense was formulated before the explosion of web-based applications, and new efforts will address these concerns using an HTML-based structure

Approach, Antiphonarium, Applications, And, Address, An

36. (Several images from the Antiphonarium Sedlecense, along with their associated database entries, are now available on the web.

Antiphonarium, Along, Associated, Are, Available

37. Antiphonarium Romanum, geschikt om de vesperen te zingen in de Roomsch-Catholyke kerke der Nederlandsche Zendinge


38. Von Antiphonarium ROMANUM: und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf

Antiphonarium, Auswahl, Auf

39. Antiphonarium (English to Hebrew translation)


40. Translate Antiphonarium to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.

Antiphonarium, And, At, Any

41. The miniature that comes to help us today, the work of Jacopo da Balsemo, comes from the Antiphonarium ab Pascha usque in Adventu (No

Antiphonarium, Ab, Adventu



Frequently Asked Questions

What does Antiphonary mean?

In current usage, Antiphonary refers more narrowly to books containing the chants for the Divine Office in distinction to the [ Gradual ( Graduale or more rarely antiphonarium Missarum ), which contains the antiphons used for the Mass.

What is the origin of the word antiphon?

The term comes from the Latin antiphonarium, antiphonarius, antiphonarius liber, antiphonale, which came from the Greek antíphonon "antiphone, anthem".

When did the Roman antiphonary become universal?

In 1570, following the Council of Trent, the Roman Antiphonary was declared universal. The Roman Antiphonary ( Antiphonale Romanum) contains the chants for the Divine Office for the hours of Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline for every day of the year.

What ' s The difference between an antiphonary and a gradual?

In current usage, Antiphonary refers more narrowly to books containing the chants for the Divine Office in distinction to the Gradual ( Graduale or more rarely antiphonarium Missarum ), which contains the antiphons used for the Mass.

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