See also: Antietam Battle Antidote Anticipate Antigen Antithesis Anticipation Antihero Antipathy Antithetical Antiquated Antibody Antics Antiquity Anticipated Antisocial Antibiotic Antidiuretic Anti Hero Antitrust
1. The Battle of Antietam ended the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia's first invasion into the North and led Abraham Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
Antietam, Army, And, Abraham
2. The Battle of Antietam, also called the Battle of Sharpsburg, occurred on September 17, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland
Antietam, Also, At
3. Lee’s forces along Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862.
Along, Antietam
4. Find 4 listings related to Antietam Call Center in Redmond on
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And, Antietam
6. Antietam Tractor & Equipment, Inc
Antietam, Amp
7. At Antietam Oncology and Hermatology in Hagerstown, MD, we offer medical oncology & hermatology, cancer diagnosis & treatment, & infusion services
At, Antietam, And, Amp
8. Horton is building your new home in the Beulah area offering the convenience of a great location for those looking to live the laid-back lifestyle, Antietam has it all including just a short distance to I-10, shopping, restaurants, beaches, medical …
Area, Antietam, All
9. Welcome to Antietam Broadband's My Services Portal
10. My Services is where you can maintain your account information for logging into various services offered by Antietam Cable Television Inc
Account, Antietam
11. Welcome to Antietam Property Management, LLC
12. The Battle of Antietam forced the Confederate Army to retreat back across the Potomac River. President Abraham Lincoln saw the significance of this and issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862
Antietam, Army, Across, Abraham, And
13. Antietam Smart WiFi represents the latest advancements in WiFi technology that creates a coverage blanket to deliver a strong, consistent signal throughout your home
Antietam, Advancements
14. Battle Of Antietam Summary: The Battle of Antietam, a.k.a
15. Antietam National Battlefield is a National Park Service-protected area along Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg, Washington County, northwestern Maryland.It commemorates the American Civil War Battle of Antietam that occurred on September 17, 1862.
Antietam, Area, Along, American
16. Antietam Broadband is one of the fastest home Internet services you can get
17. The Battle of Antietam was a shock to the nation, as the casualties were so enormous
Antietam, As
18. Antietam, MD Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics
19. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Antietam, MD
And, Antietam
20. Explore an array of Antietam, Sharpsburg vacation rentals, including houses, apartment and condo rentals & more bookable online
An, Array, Antietam, Apartment, And, Amp
21. It was at Antietam, the blood-churning battle in Sharpsburg, Md., where more Americans died in a single day than ever had before, that one Union soldier recalled how “the piles of dead were frightful.” The Scottish-born photographer Alexander Gardner arrived there two …
At, Antietam, Americans, Alexander, Arrived
22. The bloody and inconclusive Civil War Battle of Antietam (or Sharpsburg, as it is often called in the South) was fought along its banks on September 17, 1862
And, Antietam, As, Along
23. The Battle of Antietam remains the bloodiest single day in American history
Antietam, American
24. The Antietam National Battlefield Visitor Center opened to the public in the winter of 1963
25. 69 reviews of Antietam Cable Television "I find the 6 mb service to be quite effective with few drops in service
26. CivilWarTalk Antietam Muster 2021 Weekend of October 9th, 10th, and 11th - 2021 If you're interested in going to this event, please RSVP in the module at the top of the thread! Get your RSVP in before September 17th! Charles Town, WV (Hampton) 304-725-2200 There are 25 double queen rooms on
Antietam, And, At, Are
27. Despite ending in a draw, the Battle of Antietam gave Lincoln his opportunity to debut the Emancipation Proclamation - a document that would fundamentally alter the strategic nature of the Civil War
Antietam, Alter
28. TIVO powered by Antietam Broadband
29. What does Antietam mean? A creek of north-central Maryland emptying into the Potomac River
30. The Antietam School District embraces its motto of Mounts Climb Together
31. It provides powerful educational opportunities to its 1,100 students at the Mount Penn Primary Center (K-2), Mount Penn Elementary Center (3-6), and Antietam Middle-Senior High School (7-12).
At, And, Antietam
32. Antietam is an indie rock band from Louisville, Kentucky formed in 1984 by members of the The Babylon Dance Band, husband and wife duo Tara Key and Tim Harris.They released six albums between 1985 and 1995, and since the late 1980s have been based in New York.
Antietam, An, And, Albums
33. The regiment started the campaign 700 strong, and within a few weeks after Antietam numbered fewer than 300 men, many with uniforms in rags and without boots or stockings
And, After, Antietam
34. According to the regimental historian, the 3rd Pennsylvania began the march to Antietam as a “skeleton regiment.”
According, Antietam, As
35. Antietam Seattle reports @ThatchGer1 @mcribbHistory @ProfTonyPollard Daddy is better than A.P Hill certainly
36. He was a fine divisional Commander and saved Lee at Antietam but when promoted to Corps Commander was a massive failure suffering multiple defeats.
And, At, Antietam
37. Antietam was the closest thing to a victory that the Union had had for some time
38. To Antietam Creek: The Maryland Campaign of September 1862 is a superb retelling of this pivotal slice of time between the ending John Pope's disastrous summer campaign in Northern Virginia and the eve of the bloodiest day in American history, the battle of Antietam on September 16th, 2013.
Antietam, And, American
39. The Battle of Antietam is considered the bloodiest day in the history of American war, with over 23,000 soldiers wounded, killed, or missing
Antietam, American
40. The battle of Antietam took place on September 17, 1862
41. The bloodiest day in the Civil War was the Battle of Antietam.
42. Antietam is a nice battlefield out in the middle of nowhere
43. Antietam National Battlefield - Antietam National Battlefield is a National Park Service protected area along Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg, Washington County, northwestern Maryland
Antietam, Area, Along
44. Antietam Union order of battle - The following Union Army units and commanders fought in the Battle of Antietam of the American Civil War.
Antietam, Army, And, American
45. Depiction of the Battle of Antietam From Gettysburg, perhaps the most renowned battle of the American Civil War, was the second incursion of Confederate troops onto Union soil
Antietam, American
46. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia resulted in the Battle of Antietam
And, Army, Antietam
47. Antietam is a confusing battle; this is not a battle history as such
Antietam, As
48. My recommendation is to read Priest's book "Antietam" before visiting this field
49. Antietam Cable offers Internet service to approximately 331,105 people in 56 cities over 1 states
Antietam, Approximately
50. Antietam Cable offers Internet service via the following technologies: Fiber Internet and Cable Internet
Antietam, And
51. Cole Fisher (4) of Lancaster Mennonite lays in two against Antietam in District 3 Class 2A boys basketball championship action at Lancaster Mennonite High …
Against, Antietam, Action, At
52. The story of the Battle of Antietam, …
ANTIETAM [anˈtēdəm]
Antietam place name, eastern U.S., from an Algonquian word perhaps meaning "swift water;" the name occurrs in Pennsylvania and Ohio, but the best-known is a creek near Sharpsburg in Washington County, Maryland; site of a bloody American Civil War battle fought Sept. 17, 1862.
The Battle at Antietam in 1862 put an end to the British and French governments from recognizing the Confederacy as a sovereignty, due to Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and it ended the Confederates as being solely victorious,as this was the Union army's first victory.
Interesting Battle of Antietam Facts: The Battle of Antietam took place near Antietam Creek in Sharpsbug, Maryland. The battle was fought on September 17 1862. This was South's first invasion of a state in the North, although Maryland was a border state and many people of Maryland were unhappy about being part of the Union.
The Battle of Antietam was the most pivotal event of the Civil War as it erased the threat of European recognition of the Confederate States of America (CSA) and was the impetus needed for the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation.