See also: Anti Antidote Anticipate Antigen Antithesis Anticipation Antihero Antipathy Antithetical Antiquated Antibody Antics Antiquity Anticipated Antisocial Antibiotic Antidiuretic Hero Antitrust
1. The Anticorruption Initiatives broaden the Bank’s focus beyond developing countries to also include financial centers, take on the politics of corruption more openly than before, harness new technologies to understand, address, and prevent corruption, and integrate the insights of behavioral social science.
Anticorruption, Also, Address, And
2. To become a member of the Working Group, organizations were asked to send a formally signed letter to indicating their proposed representative and his/her reason for joining
Asked, Anticorruption, And
3. The latest tweets from @Anticorruption
4. The United States enforces one of the most robust Anticorruption frameworks in the world
5. Since Chinese President Xi Jinping launched his Anticorruption campaign in 2012, much of the foreign commentary has debated the extent to which the campaign is a genuine effort to root out corruption or a means for purging or undermining President Xi’s political opponents.
6. The most important component of Anticorruption efforts, he argues, is leadership that is committed to changing dominant political cultures
Anticorruption, Argues
7. The United States enforces one of the most robust Anticorruption frameworks in the world
8. The purpose of ADB's Anticorruption Policy, approved in July 1998, is to reduce the burden corruption exacts from the governments and economies of the region
Adb, Anticorruption, Approved, And
9. The policy has three objectives: • support competitive markets and effective public administration, • support explicit Anticorruption efforts, and
And, Administration, Anticorruption
ANTICORRUPTION [ˌantēˌkəˈrəpSHn, ˌantīˌkəˈrəpSHn]
An Anti-corruption Policy informs staff and board members of their obligations to prevent corruption in the workplace. An Anti-corruption Policy sets out the basic standard of conduct expected of all staff and board members, and an organisation’s stance on acceptance of advantage and handling of conflict of interest when dealing with the business.
Corruption is a noun form of corrupt , which can be an adjective used to describe people who act in this way (or their actions), or a verb meaning to destroy the integrity of someone or something or cause someone to be dishonest.
American Anti-Corruption Act. The American Anti-Corruption Act (AACA), sometimes shortened to Anti-Corruption Act, is a piece of model legislation designed to limit the influence of money in American politics by overhauling lobbying, transparency, and campaign finance laws.
An anti-bribery compliance program is a system of self-governance established by companies in order to prevent and detect bribery acts and remediate compliance failures.