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See also: Anticodon Codon The Triplet Antidote Anticipate Antigen Antithesis Anticipation Antihero Antipathy Antithetical Antiquated Antibody Antics Antiquity Anticipated Antisocial Antibiotic Antidiuretic Anti Hero Antitrust

1. Anticodons are sequences of nucleotides that are complementary to codons. They are found in tRNAs, and allow the tRNAs to bring the correct amino acid in line with an mRNA during protein production

Anticodons, Are, And, Allow, Amino, Acid, An

2. An Anticodon is a trinucleotide sequence complementary to that of a corresponding codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence. An Anticodon is found at one end of a …

An, Anticodon, At

3. Definition of Anticodon : a triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA that identifies the amino acid carried and binds to a complementary codon in messenger RNA during protein synthesis at a ribosome First Known Use of Anticodon 1965, in the meaning defined above

Anticodon, Amino, Acid, And, At, Above

4. Anticodon A sequence of three nucleotides in transfer RNA complementary to the three nucleotides in a codon on messenger RNA. The Anticodon specifies a particular amino acid which is selected and assembled for protein synthesis

Anticodon, Amino, Acid, And, Assembled

5. Anticodons are basically the section of a transfer RNA (t RNA) is a categorization of three bases which are corresponding to codons in the mRNA. During the translation process, the Anticodon bases form corresponding base sets among the bases of the codon by establishing the suitable hydrogen bonds.

Anticodons, Are, Anticodon, Among

6. Anticodons are three-sequence nucleotides found in transfer RNA that complement codons in protein production.

Anticodons, Are

7. Anticodon is a three-base pair of nucleotides much like codon, they help proceed with the protein synthesis while binding with the codons on the mRNA strand.


8. What is an Anticodon: Anticodon is defined as the sequence of nucleotides which are complementary to codons

An, Anticodon, As, Are

9. Anticodon A nucleotide triplet at one end of a tRNA molecule that recognizes a particular complementary codon on an mRNA molecule.

Anticodon, At, An

10. …three unpaired nucleotides, called an Anticodon

An, Anticodon

11. The Anticodon of any one tRNA fits perfectly into the mRNA codon that codes for the amino acid attached to that tRNA; for example, the mRNA codon UUU, which codes for the amino acid phenylalanine, will be bound by the Anticodon AAA.

Anticodon, Any, Amino, Acid, Attached, Aaa

12. The Anticodon is composed of three nucleotides, normally positions 34–36 of the tRNA that read the codons of the mRNA, primarily by Watson–Crick base pairing (Figure 1).


13. An Anticodon is a unit of three nucleotides corresponding to the three bases of an mRNA codon

An, Anticodon

14. Each tRNA has a distinct Anticodon triplet sequence that can form 3 complementary base pairs to one or more codons for an amino acid

Anticodon, An, Amino, Acid

15. Some Anticodons pair with more than one codon due to wobble base pairing.


16. Each tRNA contains a triplet of bases, called an Anticodon, and binds at an area away from the triplet to an amino acid that is specific for that particular Anticodon

An, Anticodon, And, At, Area, Away, Amino, Acid

17. An Anticodon is a region of transfer RNA, or tRNA, that is complimentary to a codon on the strand of mRNA that is being translated

An, Anticodon

18. A tRNA Anticodon is a 3-base sequence (at a particular region in a tRNA molecule) that is complementary to the 3 bases of one or more codons of mRNA

Anticodon, At

19. Many Anticodons have I (inosine) in the first position, instead of the usual A, C, G, or U


20. Anticodon A sequence of three nucleotides in transfer RNA complementary to the three nucleotides in a codon on messenger RNA


21. The Anticodon specifies a particular amino acid which is selected and assembled for protein synthesis

Anticodon, Amino, Acid, And, Assembled

22. An Anticodon is a region of transfer RNA, or tRNA, that is complimentary to a codon on the strand of mRNA that is being translated

An, Anticodon

23. Anticodon synonyms, Anticodon pronunciation, Anticodon translation, English dictionary definition of Anticodon


24. Main Difference – Codon vs Anticodon


25. Codon and Anticodon are nucleotide triplets which specify a particular amino acid in a polypeptide

And, Anticodon, Are, Amino, Acid

26. ‘These quantities indicate quite clearly the general effect of codon binding on the Anticodon structure and fluctuations.’ ‘Their position between the second and third base of the Anticodon is conserved, which also implies evolutionary age.’ ‘The Anticodon contained in the tRNA determines which amino acid it …

Anticodon, And, Also, Age, Amino, Acid

27. Anticodon A triplet sequence of nucleotides in transfer-RNA that during protein synthesis (see RIBOSOME) binds by base pairing to a complementary sequence, the so-called codon, in messenger-RNA attached to a ribosome

Anticodon, Attached

28. There are at least 20 different types of Anticodon, each encoding for a specific amino acid carried by the transfer-RNA.

Are, At, Anticodon, Amino, Acid

29. 20 Amino Acids In Human Protein Table of DNA Base Triplets, RNA Codons & Anticodons AMINO ACID DNA BASE TRIPLETS M-RNA CODONS T-RNA AnticodonS

Amino, Acids, Amp, Anticodons, Acid

30. The Anticodon is a perfect complementary match to a codon


31. So, if the codon for serine is AGC, then the Anticodon for serine is UCG

Agc, Anticodon

32. The tRNA that contains the Anticodon


33. ‘These quantities indicate quite clearly the general effect of codon binding on the Anticodon structure and fluctuations.’ ‘Their position between the second and third base of the Anticodon is conserved, which also implies evolutionary age.’ ‘The Anticodon contained in the tRNA determines which amino acid it …

Anticodon, And, Also, Age, Amino, Acid

34. Anticodon definition: a three-base unit of genetic code contained in transfer RNA that corresponds to a codon Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Anticodon, And

35. During translation, tRNA molecules recognize the codons in the mRNA through base pairing between the codon and Anticodon

And, Anticodon

36. Take a look at an example of codon-Anticodon pairing in the image below: Practice Questions

At, An, Anticodon

37. The Anticodon is part of a tRNA molecule


38. If the CCA codon is part of mRNA, then none of these can be the answer - because the Anticodon would be GGU

Answer, Anticodon

39. But if the CCA is meant to be a DNA codon, then the corresponding mRNA codon would be GGU, and the Anticodon on the tRNA would be CCA

And, Anticodon

40. An Anticodon[1] is a unit made up of three nucleotides that correspond to the three bases of the codon on the mRNA

An, Anticodon

41. Each tRNA contains a specific Anticodon triplet sequence that can base-pair to one or more codons for an amino acid.

Anticodon, An, Amino, Acid

42. As shown schematically above, messenger RNA is synthesized complementary and antiparallel to the template strand (Anticodons) of DNA, so the resulting mRNA consists of codons corresponding to those in the coding strand of DNA

As, Above, And, Antiparallel, Anticodons

43. The Anticodons of tRNA adapt each three-base mRNA codon to the corresponding amino acid, following the genetic code:

Anticodons, Adapt, Amino, Acid

44. Codon–Anticodon Pairing and Wobble

Anticodon, And

45. A codon forms base pairs with a complementary Anticodon of a tRNA when an amino acid is incorporated during protein synthesis

Anticodon, An, Amino, Acid

46. Anticodon Definition Anticodons are sequences of nucleotides that are complementary to codons

Anticodon, Anticodons, Are

47. Anticodon - The three nucleotides in transfer RNA that pair with a complementary


48. Definition of Anticodon in the dictionary


49. What does Anticodon mean? Information and translations of Anticodon in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Anticodon, And

50. Part A Which one of the following codons is recognized by this tRNA? 5 CTT 3 0 5 TTC 3 5 UUC 3 0 5 CUU 3' Submit Request Answer Part B The first base at the 5' end of the Anticodon has relaxed base-pairi sequences.

Answer, At, Anticodon

51. Anticodon and codon- This lecture explains about the Anticodon loop and Anticodon wooble and the role of Anticodon sequence in tRNA during protein synthesis

Anticodon, And, About

52. The molecular mimicry model proposes that the tip of domain IV mimics the Anticodon loop of tRNA


53. "Anticodon" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).Descriptors are arranged in a hierarchical structure, which enables searching at various levels of specificity.

Anticodon, Are, Arranged, At

54. Learn Anticodon with free interactive flashcards


55. Choose from 77 different sets of Anticodon flashcards on Quizlet.


56. After the identification of the Anticodon loop, each tRNA gene is marked with the Anticodon sequence and the associated amino acid, giving a score for this assignment

After, Anticodon, And, Associated, Amino, Acid, Assignment

57. The accuracy of this program is high, although with limitations due to the post-transcriptional Anticodon modifications, or difficulty in identifying pseudogenes.

Accuracy, Although, Anticodon

58. The wobble site of the Anticodon is always G for NNY codon families dominated by C-ending codons and U for NNR and NNN codon families dominated by A-ending codons

Anticodon, Always, And

59. The only, but consistent, exception is the Anticodon of tRNA-Met which consistently has a 5'-CAU-3' Anticodon base-pairing with the AUG codon (the translation initiation codon

Anticodon, Aug

60. Effect of Uridine Dethiolation in the Anticodon Triplet of tRNA(Glu) on its Association with tRNA(Phe)

Anticodon, Association


ANTICODON [ˌantīˈkōdn, ˌan(t)ēˈkōdn, ˌan(t)əˈkōdn]

  • › Codons and anticodons define
  • › What is an anticodon biology
  • › Where is anticodon located
  • › Where are anticodons found
  • › How to find anticodon from codon
  • › Anticodons pair with amino acids

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an anticodon and what is its function?

A anticodon is a sequence of three nucleotides that is present in a transfer RNA molecule (tRNA), whose function is to recognize another sequence of three nucleotides that is present in a messenger RNA molecule (mRNA).

What is an anticodon and where is it located?

The anticodon is located in the Anticodon arm of the molecule of tRNA, while the codons are located in the molecule of DNA and mRNA. The anticodon is complementary to the respective codon, and the codon in the mRNA is complementary to a nucleotide triplet from a certain gene in the DNA.

What does anticodon mean?

Anticodon Definition. The anticodon is the three-nucleotide sequence of transfer RNA (tRNA) which corresponds to the codon present on the messenger RNA (mRNA). Each anticodon is a series of three nucleotides, either adenine (A), guanine (G), uracil (U), and cytosine (C). Each anticodon exists in a loop of transfer RNA.

What is anticodon in biology?

HOME >> BIOLOGY >> DEFINITION. Anticodon. An anticodon is a unit made up of three nucleotides which play an important role in various DNA cycles, including RNA translation . It is, specifically, the group of nucleotides on a strand of tRNA that is complementary to specific codons on a strand of mRNA.

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