See also: Anthimeria Anthropology Anthology Anthropogenic Anthropomorphic Anthem Anthropomorphism Anthropocene Anthropologist Anthrax Anthropoid Anthropocentric Anther Anthropomorphize Anthropometrics Anthropological Anthropometry Anthropocentrism
1. Definition of Anthimeria Anthimeria has originated from the Greek word anti-meros, which means “one part for another.” It is a rhetorical device that uses a word in a new grammatical shape, often as a noun or a verb
Anthimeria, Anti, Another, As
2. "Anthimeria" is a rhetorical term for the creation of a new word or expression by using one part of speech or word class in place of another. For example, in the slogan for Turner Classic Movies, "Let's Movie," the noun "movie" is used as a verb
Anthimeria, Another, As
3. In grammatical studies, Anthimeria is known as a functional shift or conversion.
Anthimeria, As
4. Anthimeria is a rhetorical device that originated from the Greek word “anti-meros,” meaning “one part of another.” There are many examples dating back to the Elizabethan period and beyond, especially with the popularization of words coined and transformed by William Shakespeare
Anthimeria, Anti, Another, Are, And
5. Anthimeria (derives from the Greek anti “instead,” and mereia “a part”), is the substitution of one part of speech to accommodate another part of speech i.e., using a noun in place of a verb
Anthimeria, Anti, And, Accommodate, Another
6. Anthimeria refers to the creation of a new word by using a word that is typically one part of speech as another part of speech. While this sounds confusing, it is quite simple
Anthimeria, As, Another
7. Anthimeria meaning (rhetoric) The use of a word from one word class or part of speech as if it were from another. Typically, and for example, the use of a noun as if it were a verb.
Anthimeria, As, Another, And
8. Anthimeria: The substitution of one part of speech for another. Suggestions for Use/Rhetorical Purpose Shakespeare was a master of Anthimeria, and one can scarcely bring up the figure of speech without a nod to the playwright
Anthimeria, Another, And
9. As such, looking to the works of Shakespeare will show a writer when Anthimeria is most appropriate for use.
As, Anthimeria, Appropriate
10. There’s a name for what you’re experiencing— Anthimeria —the rhetorical device in which a word moves from one part of speech to another
Anthimeria, Another
11. Anthimeria—pronounced an-thuh-MER-ee-uh —also appears as antimeria without the "h."
Anthimeria, An, Also, Appears, As, Antimeria
12. Anthimeria (Noun) The use of a word from one word class or part of speech as if it were from another
Anthimeria, As, Another
13. Anthimeria (usually uncountable, plural Anthimerias) (rhetoric) The use of a word from one word class or part of speech as if it were from another, in English typically the use of …
Anthimeria, Anthimerias, As, Another
14. Anthimeria (an-thi-mer’-i-a) is the substitution of one part of speech for another
Anthimeria, An, Another
15. You're viewing Anthimeria 's journal Create a Dreamwidth Account Learn More
Anthimeria, Account
16. Anthimeria is the formal term for when a word is used as another part of speech – what happens when nouns are verbed (and vice versa), when adjectives slide into noun- or verb-hood, when nouns get stacked adjectivally onto other nouns
Anthimeria, As, Another, Are, And, Adjectives, Adjectivally
17. Anthimeria is part of the play of language change that …
18. Anthimeria isn’t entirely a new word for me; I mentioned it in passing in 1999 in colum rrr, about rhetorical devices
Anthimeria, About
19. But I feel like Anthimeria has become a particularly useful concept in recent years, as the internet starts to weird language even further than it’s been weirded in the past.
Anthimeria, As
20. Anthimeria is the use of one part of speech instead of another part.
Anthimeria, Another
21. Anthimeria has originated from the Greek word anti-meros, which means “one part for another.” It is a rhetorical device that uses a word in a new grammatical shape, often as a noun or a verb
Anthimeria, Anti, Another, As
22. Anthimeria can be used whenever a word has not been used before in a certain form
23. Using Anthimeria can be a form of wordplay, invention, or creativity
24. Apparently there is a rhetorical term Anthimeria meaning the use of a word as a different part of speech than its normal one, as in Calvin’s “Verbing weirds language.” (Hobbes’s response: “Maybe we can eventually make language a complete impediment to understanding.”)This came up in a thread (which I already posted about here); a commenter (mis)used the term, other
Apparently, Anthimeria, As, Already, About
25. Pronunciation of Anthimeria with 1 audio pronunciations 0 rating rating ratings Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it.
Anthimeria, Audio, And
26. Anthimeria can often start as a form of slang before becoming a permanent part of the language
Anthimeria, As
27. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "Anthimeria" - from the website.
Artists, And, Anthimeria
28. Anthimeria pronunciation - How to properly say Anthimeria
29. Anthimeria (an-thi-mer’-i-a): Substitution of one part of speech for another (such as a noun used as a verb).
Anthimeria, An, Another, As
30. Video shows what Anthimeria means
31. Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Anthimeria in English with native pronunciation
32. Anthimeria translation and audio pronunciation
Anthimeria, And, Audio
33. Sionnach commented on the word Anthimeria
34. In rhetoric, Anthimeria (traditionally and more properly called antimeria) is the use of a word as if it were a member of a different word class (part of speech); typically, the use of a noun as if it were a verb.
Anthimeria, And, Antimeria, As
35. Real sentences showing how to use Anthimeria correctly.
36. Anthimeria, 222–224 antithesis, 5, 217–218 Antoinette, Marie, 74 AP English exam, 282 Apollo 13, 68 aporia, 51 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 178–178 argument by the stick, 85, 168–169 argument from strength, 7 argumentum ad baculum, see argument by the stick argumentum a fortiori, see argument from strength Aristophanes, 21, 91
Anthimeria, Antithesis, Antoinette, Ap, Apollo, Aporia, Arctic, Argument, Argumentum, Ad, Aristophanes
37. Anthimeria, also known as antimeria, is a rhetorical term for when a word is used as a part of speech not normally associated with it
Anthimeria, Also, As, Antimeria, Associated
38. Anthimeria and the Role of Words: The term Anthimeria comes from the Greek language and means substituting one part for another
Anthimeria, And, Another
39. Some time ago, I read a blog post by the naming consultant about the trend of Anthimeria in advertising — that is, using …
Ago, About, Anthimeria, Advertising
40. Define Anthimeria (noun) and get synonyms
Anthimeria, And
41. What is Anthimeria (noun)? Anthimeria (noun) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary
Anthimeria, And
42. Translation for 'Anthimeria' in the free English-Russian dictionary and many other Russian translations.
Anthimeria, And
43. • Anthimeria: Transformation of a word of a certain word class to another word class
Anthimeria, Another
44. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Anthimeria" is defined
45. General (4 matching dictionaries) Anthimeria: Wiktionary [home, info] Anthimeria: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Anthimeria: Luciferous Logolepsy [home, info] Anthimeria: Worthless Word For The Day [home, info] Art (3 matching
Anthimeria, Art
46. Technically, the etymologists refer to the practice of verbing as “Anthimeria,” which means a functional shift or conversion of word use, and it’s not a new phenomenon
As, Anthimeria, And
47. They make possible not only Mad Libs but also the rhetorical device Anthimeria — using a word as a noncustomary part of speech — which is the reigning figure of speech of the present moment.
Also, Anthimeria, As
48. Anthimeria Effect on Readers! The effect Anthimeria has on the readers is that it leads a reader one way, but it makes him/her think a total different way
49. Consider some other examples of Anthimeria using slightly different types of words in the noun slot: Crystal's slogans "Full of Wow" and "Full of Yum," and the popular use of …
Anthimeria, And
Anthimeria. In rhetoric, anthimeria, traditionally and more properly called antimeria (from the Greek: ἀντί, antí, "against, opposite" and μέρος, méros, "part"), involves using one part of speech as another part of speech, such as using a noun as if it were a verb: "The little old lady turtled along the road.". Using a noun as...
In grammar studies, anthimeria has another name, “functional shift,” or “conversion.” In fact, language is always fluid, and is in constant transformation. Therefore, use of a verb as a noun or vice versa is not a surprise for linguists.
Types of Anthimeria Just as slang sometimes becomes everyday accepted language, anthimeria sometimes becomes permanent in use as well. Because of this, there are two types of anthimeria: temporary and permanent. Temporary anthimeria is anthimeria which may be popular or trendy but which does not become a permanent part of the language.
Anthimeria is not the only unique way of reworking words. Here are a few devices similar to anthimeria: A neologism is a new word, or a word that has recently been invented. While neologisms are not always anthimerias, sometimes they are. Words like nerd, cyberspace, and swagger were once neologisms which have fully been accepted into our lexicon.