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See also: Anorchism Anarchism Anorexia Anorak Anorexic Anorgasmia Anorectal Anorectic

1. Medical definition of Anorchidism: congenital absence of one or both testes.

Anorchidism, Absence

2. "Anorchia, anorchism, Anorchidism" References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries applicable to the clinical term "anorchia, anorchism, Anorchidism" Anorchia, anorchism, Anorchidism - Q55.0 Absence and aplasia of testis Previous Term: Anopia Anopsia

Anorchia, Anorchism, Anorchidism, And, Applicable, Absence, Aplasia, Anopia, Anopsia

3. What Anorchidism means in Tamil, Anorchidism meaning in Tamil, Anorchidism definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Anorchidism in Tamil

Anorchidism, And

4. Translate the medical term Anorchidism as literally as possible

Anorchidism, As

5. Anorchidism synonyms, Anorchidism pronunciation, Anorchidism translation, English dictionary definition of Anorchidism


6. Anorchidism - absence of one of both testes anorchia, anorchism abnormalcy, abnormality - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective

Anorchidism, Absence, Anorchia, Anorchism, Abnormalcy, Abnormality, An, Abnormal

7. Anorchidism translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'anarchism',anachronism',anarchist',anorexic', examples, definition, conjugation

Anorchidism, Also, Anarchism, Anachronism, Anarchist, Anorexic

8. Anorchidism due to failure in embryonal development has only rarely been reported in the literature. The etiologic factor appears to be some interference with the development of the Wolffian bodies (mesonephron) and ducts, as well as of the genital glandular tissue, resulting in testicular aplasia.

Anorchi, Appears, And, As, Aplasia

9. Anorchism, Anorchidism, anorchia (noun) absence of one of both testes How to pronounce Anorchidism?

Anorchism, Anorchidism, Anorchia, Absence

10. Anorchidism: 1 n absence of one of both testes Synonyms: anorchia , anorchism Type of: abnormalcy , abnormality an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies

Anorchidism, Absence, Anorchia, Anorchism, Abnormalcy, Abnormality, An, Abnormal

11. Hypernyms ("Anorchidism" is a kind of): abnormalcy; abnormality (an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies)

Anorchidism, Abnormalcy, Abnormality, An, Abnormal

12. Synonyms: Absence of testes; Anorchia; Congenital absence of testes; Empty scrotum: SNOMED CT: Congenital absence of both testes (371015003); Anorchidism (371015003); Testicular agenesis, bilateral (371015003); Bilateral congenital aplasia of testicles (371015003); Male agonadism (371015003); Congenital absent testes (371015003); Anorchia (371015003); Anorchism (371015003)

Absence, Anorchia, Anorchidism, Agenesis, Aplasia, Agonadism, Absent, Anorchism

13. Anorchism: 1 n absence of one of both testes Synonyms: anorchia , Anorchidism Type of: abnormalcy , abnormality an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies

Anorchism, Absence, Anorchia, Anorchidism, Abnormalcy, Abnormality, An, Abnormal

14. Learn how to say Anorchidism with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:

Anorchidism, And, Ano

15. The Anorchidism Support Group (ASG) is a voluntary organization that promotes research and provides educational materials and support to individuals who are affected by anorchia, a condition characterized by absence of one or both testes at birth

Anorchidism, Asg, And, Are, Affected, Anorchia, Absence, At

16. Unilateral Anorchidism, or monorchidism, refers to the absence of one testis

Anorchidism, Absence

17. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Anorchidism" is defined


18. General (9 matching dictionaries) Anorchidism: [home, info] Anorchidism: Wiktionary [home, info] Anorchidism: [home, info] Anorchidism: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Anorchidism: Rhymezone [home, info]


19. Anorchidism, anorchia, anorchism answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine

Anorchidism, Anorchia, Anorchism, Answers, Are

20. Italian: ·anorchia, Anorchidism Synonym: anorchismo Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Anorchia, Anorchidism, Anorchismo

21. Anorchidism is a rare condition consisting of bilateral absence of the testis

Anorchidism, Absence

22. We've got 0 rhyming words for Anorchidism » What rhymes with Anorchidism? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Anorchidism.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.

Anorchidism, About

23. Unilateral Anorchidism, or monorchidism, refers to the absence of one testis

Anorchidism, Absence

24. 2 synonyms for anorchism: anorchia, Anorchidism

Anorchism, Anorchia, Anorchidism

25. Anorchidism is also first noticed when a hernia operation is carried out

Anorchidism, Also

26. 2 synonyms for anorchia: Anorchidism, anorchism

Anorchia, Anorchidism, Anorchism

27. Anorchidism means that the individual has no testes


28. Classification: Anorchidism UK Support Groups “The Anorchidism Support Group is based in England, and was formed on July 7th 1995 to serve and support any person, or families of boy’s, with congenital (or acquired) absence of the testes

Anorchidism, And, Any, Acquired, Absence



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Frequently Asked Questions

What does anorchism mean?

The congenital absence of one or more testes. Anorchism is the term preferred by some major medical lexicons (Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, International Dictionary of Medicine), which in the spoken form it may be misunderstood as anarchism. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc.

What is the medical term meaning anarchism?

Anorchism is the term preferred by some major medical lexicons (Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, International Dictionary of Medicine), which in the spoken form it may be misunderstood as anarchism. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. Absence of the testes; may be congenital or acquired.

What happens when a male has anorchism?

What Happens When a Male Has Anorchism? Anorchism is the medical condition where there is a unilateral or bilateral absence of the testes. This condition may be present as a congenital anomaly (present at birth) or due to secondary factors such as trauma or castration.

Is there a difference between monorchidism and anorchidism?

Monorchidism is where there is only one testicle in total and anorchidism is where there are no testicles - both are very rare in cats. Full browser ?

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