See also: Anhedral Anhedonia Anhedonic Anhelo
1. : the angle between a downwardly inclined aircraft wing and a horizontal transverse line The bottom wing had pronounced Anhedral; the upper wing, dihedral
Angle, Aircraft, And, Anhedral
2. Anhedral may refer to: Anhedral angle, the downward angle from horizontal of the wings or tailplane of a fixed-wing aircraft Anhedral (petrology), a rock texture without crystal faces or cross-section shape in thin section ‹ The template below (Disambiguation) is being considered for merging.
Anhedral, Angle, Aircraft
3. … or hypidiomorphic (partly faced), or Anhedral or allotriomorphic (no external crystal faces). Quite apart from the presence or absence of crystal faces, the shape, or habit, of individual mineral grains is described by such terms as equant, tabular, platy, elongate, fibrous, rodlike, …
Anhedral, Allotriomorphic, Apart, Absence, As
4. Anhedral - the tips are lower than the root, as on the Ilyushin Il-76; the opposite of dihedral. Used to reduce stability where some other feature results in too much stability.
Anhedral, Are, As
5. Anhedral wings will induce roll instability and improve roll maneuverability. In a large/heavy airplane with a high-wing configuration there is usually excess …
Anhedral, And, Airplane
6. Anhedral reduces an airplane's Cl/beta, rolling moment due to sideslip where Cl is rolling moment and beta is the airplane's sideslip angle
Anhedral, An, Airplane, And, Angle
7. Your larger aircraft (C-17, B-52, etc) have Anhedral because without it there would be enough roll control available to the pilot
Aircraft, Anhedral, Available
8. ‘Large Anhedral masses of yttrian fluorite, measuring to several feet across, were found at the White Cloud pegmatite.’ ‘The samarskite occurs as black to brown, metamict, Anhedral, radiating aggregates to 30 cm in diameter.’
Anhedral, Across, At, As, Aggregates
9. Anhedral angles are when the wing tips are lower than the wing base and are used on smaller planes like fighter planes
Anhedral, Angles, Are, And
10. The opposite of dihedral is called Anhedral, and, of course, refers to a wing that is angled down
Anhedral, And, Angled
11. Sorry for going off topic, but I would appreciate some more aerodynamics posts: the one on Anhedral and dihedral was especially good
Appreciate, Aerodynamics, Anhedral, And
12. Euhedral crystals (also known as idiomorphic or automorphic crystals) are those that are well-formed, with sharp, easily recognised faces.The opposite is Anhedral (also known as xenomorphic or allotriomorphic): a rock with an Anhedral texture is composed of mineral grains that have no well-formed crystal faces or cross-section shape in thin section
Also, As, Automorphic, Are, Anhedral, Allotriomorphic, An
13. Dihedral is where the wing slopes in a positive (upward) degree in relation to the wing base, whereas Anhedral wings have a negative (downward) slope from the wing base. Let’s explore a little further on why designers chose one over the other.
14. Anhedral plagioclase is interstitial to augite and olivine, and subhedral, reddish-brown phlogopite is interstitial to plagioclase and pyroxene
Anhedral, Augite, And
15. From Cambridge English Corpus Some Anhedral grains …
16. Anhedral definition: the downward inclination of an aircraft wing in relation to the lateral axis Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Anhedral, An, Aircraft, Axis, And
17. NWA 011 is composed of relatively coarse, Anhedral pigeonite and augite, and fine-grained, mostly interstitial plagioclase with a recrystallized texture, interpreted to indicate that it is a recrystallized breccia by Yamaguchi et al
Anhedral, And, Augite, Al
18. Check out a side view of the F-4 Phantom (classic example of a/c with tailplane Anhedral)
19. If there was no Anhedral, all of the tailplane would be severely affected by dirty air from the wing at high alpha (required at low IASs because of this wingplan).
Anhedral, All, Affected, Air, At, Alpha
20. Anhedral is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for How to Train Your Dragon.
Anhedral, Author
21. Anhedral (allotriomorphic) A morphological term referring to grains in igneous rocks which have no regular crystalline shape.Anhedral forms are developed when a crystal's free growth in a melt is inhibited by the presence of surrounding crystals
Anhedral, Allotriomorphic, Are
22. Anhedral: not showing the forms or symmetry of a crystal
23. Anhedral (comparative more Anhedral, superlative most Anhedral) Lacking sharp, recognisable crystal faces
24. Anhedral (plural Anhedrals) (aeronautics) the downward slope of an aircraft’s wing;
Anhedral, Anhedrals, Aeronautics, An, Aircraft
25. The Anhedral geometry helps control the vortex shed from the blade so it does not impact the next blade in line while hovering
26. As mentioned above, the Anhedral costs a bit of cruise performance due to higher drag, but this does not
As, Above, Anhedral
27. Upward angled wings of low wing Aircraft are known as dihedral wings & Downward angled wings of high wing aircraft are known as Anhedral wings
Angled, Aircraft, Are, As, Amp, Anhedral
28. The purpose of Anhedral on very high performance aircraft is to destabalize
Anhedral, Aircraft
29. Anhedral helps make the roll "snappy".
30. The opposite is Anhedral: A rock with an Anhedral texture is composed of mineral grains that have no well formed crystal faces or cross-section shape in thin section
Anhedral, An
31. Anhedral crystal growth occurs in a competitive environment with no free space for the formation of crystal faces.
32. Euhedral is an antonym of Anhedral
An, Antonym, Anhedral
33. As adjectives the difference between euhedral and Anhedral is that euhedral is (mineralogy) having sharp, recognisable crystal faces while Anhedral is (mineralogy) lacking sharp, recognisable crystal faces
As, Adjectives, And, Anhedral
34. In igneous rock: Fabric …faces can be described as euhedral or panidiomorphic (fully crystal-faced), subhedral or hypidiomorphic (partly faced), or Anhedral or allotriomorphic (no external crystal faces).
As, Anhedral, Allotriomorphic
35. Anhedral crystals are those whose growth has been impeded by adjacent crystals growing simultaneously, so that the development of plane faces is inhibited
Anhedral, Are, Adjacent
36. All Anhedral crystals are irregularly shaped and do not have plane faces, cf., euhedral.
All, Anhedral, Are, And
37. Cox concludes: “However, apart from the Harrier, most military jets only have a small degree of Anhedral
Apart, Anhedral
38. “The other class of aircraft that have pronounced Anhedral are large transport planes with a high-mounted wing.These aircraft are very stable in the roll axis anyway, having all the weight suspended below the centre of roll (cargo, fuselage, engines, all hang down).
Aircraft, Anhedral, Are, Axis, Anyway, All
39. If too much, negative dihedral (Anhedral a down-sloping wing angle) may be needed to counter their effects
Anhedral, Angle
40. Anhedral was used to offset the dihedral effect and other stability factors of its highly swept wing and tail.
Anhedral, And
41. En Anhedral brown titanite grains from the Thayer Lindsley shear zone yield a mean 207Pb/206Pb Penokean age of 1815 ± 15 Ma
Anhedral, Age
42. "Anhedral angle" is the name given to negative dihedral angle, that is, when there is a downward angle from horizontal of the wings or tailplane of a fixed-wing aircraft
Anhedral, Angle, Aircraft
43. 84" Anhedral swept-wing trainer
44. Encyclopedia article about Anhedral (petrology) by The Free Dictionary
Article, About, Anhedral
45. Anhedral translation in English-Spanish dictionary
46. Found 5 sentences matching phrase "Anhedral".Found in 3 ms.
47. The Contender Anhedral Pocket Knife has a slimline design and innovative technology that puts it miles above all competitors
Anhedral, And, Above, All
48. They are commonly used in commercial aircrafts such as the Boeing 737’s Anhedral wings increase the manoeuvrability of the aircraft and are commonly used in fighter
Are, Aircrafts, As, Anhedral, Aircraft, And
49. Anhedral is an antonym of dihedral
Anhedral, An, Antonym
50. In contextaeronauticslang=en terms the difference between Anhedral and dihedral is that Anhedral is (aeronautics) the downward slope of an aircraft’s wing while dihedral is (aeronautics) the upward slope of an aircraft's wing
Anhedral, And, Aeronautics, An, Aircraft
51. As adjectives the difference between Anhedral and dihedral
As, Adjectives, Anhedral, And
52. Diehedral or Anhedral matters to stability and shall be considered together with the position in heigh of the wing with respect to the mid-line of the plane
Anhedral, And
53. High wing => adds roll stability (and the opposite) Dihedral => adds roll stability (and the opposite) So: you can have a high wing Anhedral plane still roll stable
Adds, And, Anhedral
ANHEDRAL [anˈhēdrəl]
Sharp to anhedral pyrargyrite crystals--a subhedral sample. Euhedral crystals (also known as idiomorphic or automorphic crystals) are those that are well-formed, with sharp, easily recognised faces.
Definition of anhedral. : the angle between a downwardly inclined aircraft wing and a horizontal transverse line The bottom wing had pronounced anhedral; the upper wing, dihedral.
: the angle between a downwardly inclined aircraft wing and a horizontal transverse line The bottom wing had pronounced anhedral; the upper wing, dihedral. — William Hallstead, Air & Space/Smithsonian, Feb/Mar 2000 Love words?
: the angle between a downwardly inclined aircraft wing and a horizontal transverse line The bottom wing had pronounced anhedral; the upper wing, dihedral. — William Hallstead, Air & Space/Smithsonian, Feb/Mar 2000 — called also negative dihedral