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See also: Androcentric Androgynous Android Androgyny Andragogy Androgen Andromeda Andropause Andrew Androsexual Androgyne Androcentrism Androgenic Andrology

1. Androcentrically (comparative more Androcentrically, superlative most Androcentrically) In an androcentric manner.

Androcentrically, An, Androcentric

2. Because we interpret leadership qualities Androcentrically, this gender bias against women and against these particular competencies is not going to be overcome just by how well these qualities are mastered and deployed by a handful of women

Androcentrically, Against, And, Are

3. In other words, just like Sigmund Freud himself, the Court is Androcentrically defining the male body as the standard human body; hence it is seeing nothing unusual or inappropriate about giving that standard human body the full insurance coverage that it would need for …

Androcentrically, As, About

4. The covenant was for both the woman and the man, even though male theologians have Androcentrically named it after the man alone

And, Androcentrically, After, Alone

5. An androcracy is (adjective) androcentric and functions (adverb) Androcentrically.

An, Androcracy, Adjective, Androcentric, And, Adverb, Androcentrically

6. Multiple causes contribute to an enhanced likelihood of misdiagnoses in women, including physicians' Androcentrically orientated medical training and the two-to-one female-to-male ratio of depression treatment

An, Androcentrically, And

7. The androcentrism of the Bible can be taken and interpreted Androcentrically, as the exaltation of mere maleness, versus the exaltation of the incarnate male Christ

Androcentrism, And, Androcentrically, As

8. Androcentrically constructed sexuality is definitely an issue here, especially given the fact that circumcision is interlinked with an "education" that socializes initiates to view womanhood in patriar-chal terms

Androcentrically, An

9. Professor Higgins also Androcentrically questions, “why can’t a woman be more like a man?” He sings that women are irrational and frustrating because they are different from him

Also, Androcentrically, Are, And

10. A comparison of two Androcentrically-based stories (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Lanval) with a gynocentric theme which demonstrates the patristic belief of Medieval times that women were

Androcentrically, And

11. Because we interpret leadership qualities Androcentrically, this gender bias against women and against these particular competencies is not going to be overcome just by how well these qualities are mastered and deployed by a handful of women

Androcentrically, Against, And, Are

12. I want to believe that things would be different if preachers and teachers of the numerous Androcentrically interpreted religions had long deconstructed and rejected sexism interlocked with all of the other forms of socio-political and economic oppression.

And, Androcentrically, All

13. This is probably due to the ‘Androcentrically biased’ voice of Mark and the other canonical authors who may have dismissed female-based interactions as intrinsically less important (Kinukawa

Androcentrically, And, Authors, As

14. The poet depicts Israel’s God anthropomorphically, anthropocentrically, and Androcentrically

Anthropomorphically, Anthropocentrically, And, Androcentrically

15. The Court is Androcentrically defining the male body as the standard human body; hence it sees nothing unusual or inappropriate about giving that standard human body full insurance coverage for each and every condition that might befall it

Androcentrically, As, About, And

16. While 1 Esdras 4 is no feminist manifesto, its emphasis on women's surpassing strength (albeit Androcentrically defined and ultimately subordinated to Truth) hardly seems compatible with Paul's portrayal of men and women in 1 Cor 11.7–12.

Albeit, Androcentrically, And

17. Stood to be inherently physically masculine are ultimately Androcentrically an-drogynous

Are, Androcentrically, An

18. A comparison of two Androcentrically-based stories (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Lanval) with a gynocentric theme which demonstrates the patristic belief of Medieval times that women were

Androcentrically, And

19. Typically, such an arrangement, when viewed Androcentrically, might seem to be beneficial only to males-as males will

An, Arrangement, Androcentrically, As

20. Multiple causes contribute to an enhanced likelihood of misdiagnoses in women, including physicians' Androcentrically orientated medical training and the two-to-one female-to-male ratio of depression treatment

An, Androcentrically, And

21. In other words, just like Sigmund Freud himself, the Court is Androcentrically defining the male body as the standard human body; hence it is seeing nothing unusual or inappropriate about giving that standard human body the full insurance coverage that it would need for …

Androcentrically, As, About

22. That Androcentrically focus on men‟s important contributions and leadership of the playground movement while overlooking or downplaying women‟s leadership roles and important contributions (cf Rainwater 1922 versus Cavallo 1981, pp

Androcentrically, And

23. Seeing the world Androcentrically, Freud insists that the oedipal theory apply to women as well as it does to men

Androcentrically, Apply, As

24. Feminists argue that the Androcentrically biased sciences and social sciences have left out women and their perspectives in research (Harding, 1991, Hesse-Biber et al., 2004)

Argue, Androcentrically, And, Al

25. 30 Jacques Ellul has pithily (if Androcentrically) characterized this key modern transformation as a move from “man and the machine” to “man in the machine.” Ellul , Jacques , The Technological Society ( New York : Vintage , 1964 ), 6 .

Androcentrically, As, And

26. All three prongs of this ideology are problematic: our implicit habits of thinking and living Androcentrically are based on faulty conceptions of girls and boys, women and men; and neither the conception of human beings as isolated individuals nor that which characterizes human beings as capable of being objective and detached observers

All, Are, And, Androcentrically, As

27. Whilst The Sheik begins by introducing the figure of Diana Mayo as a female hero on a quest for freedom from the constrictions of British patriarchy in the Algerian desert, by its conclusion the narrative has been Androcentrically and colonially reconfigured so that Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan and his complex identity has become the centre of the

As, Algerian, Androcentrically, And, Ahmed

28. By problematizing Androcentrically projected notions of ideal femininity, both works reveal how such “desiring assemblages,” in this context, are inextricably linked to larger economic and political structures from which British imperialism emerges

Androcentrically, Assemblages, Are, And

29. Social wholes that are no longer defined Androcentrically.1 This article considers one aspect of women's identity in Mayotte, an island in the Comoro Archipelago of the western Indian Ocean

Are, Androcentrically, Article, Aspect, An, Archipelago



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